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Union Catalog Austria
Total Number of Matches: 4
Time needed: 0.401 seconds
Orthodox Liturgical Textiles and Clerical Self-Referentiality
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Woodfin, Warren T. [VerfasserIn]
Celestial hierarchies and earthly hierarchies in the art of the Byzantine Church
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Woodfin, Warren T. [VerfasserIn]
The embodied icon : liturgical vestments and sacramental power in Byzantium
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Woodfin, Warren Theriot, 1974- [VerfasserIn]
Clothing the sacred : medieval textiles as fabric, form, and metaphor
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German national library
Total Number of Matches: 2
Time needed: 0.459 seconds
Spilled Wine, Spilled Blood: Spilling the Secrets of the Covered Cup from the Chungul Kurgan
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Woodfin, Warren T. [Verfasser]
Clothing the sacred: medieval textiles as fabric, form, and metaphor / ed. by Mateusz Kapustka and Warren T. Woodfin
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Kapustka, Mateusz [Herausgeber]
Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin
Total Number of Matches: 3
Time needed: 0.469 seconds
Clothing the sacred : medieval textiles as fabric, form, and metaphor / Kapustka, Mateusz. - Emsdetten : Edition Imorde, 2015
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The embodied icon : liturgical vestments and sacramental power in Byzantium / Woodfin, Warren Theriot *1974-*. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2011
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The embodied icon : liturgical vestments and sacramental power in Byzantium / Woodfin, Warren Theriot *1974-*. - Oxford [u.a.] : Oxford Univ. Press, 2011
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Austrian National Library
Total Number of Matches: 2
Time needed: 0.324 seconds
Orthodox Liturgical Textiles and Clerical Self-Referentiality
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Woodfin, Warren T. , VerfasserIn: Woodfin, Warren T.
Celestial hierarchies and earthly hierarchies in the art of the Byzantine Church
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Woodfin, Warren T. , VerfasserIn: Woodfin, Warren T.
BVB - BibliotheksVerbund Bayern Solr-Zugang
Total Number of Matches: 17
Time needed: 0.598 seconds
The embodied icon ; liturgical vestments and sacramental power in Byzantium / Woodfin, Warren Theriot / 2012
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Clothing the sacred. Medieval textiles as fabric, form, and metaphor ; Edition Imorde / 2015
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Spilled wine, spilled blood ; spilling the secrets of the covered cup from the Chungul Kurgan / Woodfin, Warren Theriot / 2024
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Orthodox liturgical textiles and clerical self-referentiality ; txt / Woodfin, Warren Theriot / 2014
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The embodied icon ; liturgical vestments and sacramental power in Byzantium / Woodfin, Warren Theriot / 2012
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Textile media ; Illustrationen / Woodfin, Warren Theriot / 2021
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Duvar, Örtü ve Beden ; Geç Bizans Kiliselerinde Tekstiller ve Mimari = Wall, veil, and body : textiles and architecture in the late Byzantine Church / Woodfin, Warren Theriot / 2011
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Furnishing the celestial sanctuary ; painted architectural settings for the Communion of Apostles / Woodfin, Warren Theriot / 2020
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The Mother of God in the earthly paradise ; Illustrationen / Woodfin, Warren Theriot / 2020
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Disjuncture between text and image ; mystagogy and the embroidered iconography of Byzantine Vestments / Woodfin, Warren Theriot / 2015
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Within a Budding Grove ; Dancers, Gardens, and the Enamel Cup from the Chungul Kurgan / Woodfin, Warren Theriot / 2016
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Repetition and replication ; sacred and secular patterned textiles / Woodfin, Warren Theriot / 2013
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Celestial hierarchies and earthly hierarchies in the art of the Byzantine Church ; txt / Woodfin, Warren Theriot / 2010
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Late Byzantine liturgical vestments and the iconography of sacerdotal power ; Ill. / Woodfin, Warren Theriot / 2002
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Presents given and presence subverted ; the Cunegunda Chormantel in Bamberg and the ideology of Byzantine textiles / Woodfin, Warren Theriot / 2008
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Liturgical textiles ; txt / Woodfin, Warren Theriot / 2004
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An officer and a gentleman ; transformations in the iconography of a warrior saint / Woodfin, Warren Theriot / 2007
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KOBV Berlin-Brandenburg
Total Number of Matches: 6
Time needed: 0.591 seconds
Clothing the sacred. Medieval textiles as fabric, form, and metaphor /
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The embodied icon : lliturgical vestments and sacramental power in Byzantium
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Woodfin, Warren Theriot
The embodied icon : liturgical vestments and sacramental power in Byzantium
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Woodfin, Warren T.
The embodied icon : liturgical vestments and sacramental power in Byzantium
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Woodfin, Warren Theriot
The embodied icon : liturgical vestments and sacramental power in Byzantium
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Woodfin, Warren Theriot
Presents given and presence subverted : the Cunegunda Chormantel in Bamberg and the ideology of Byzantine textiles
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Woodfin, Warren Theriot
GBV, Union Catalog Northern Germany
Total Number of Matches: 6
Time needed: 0.689 seconds
Clothing the sacred : medieval textiles as fabric, form, and metaphor / Kapustka, Mateusz; Woodfin, Warren Theriot - Emsdetten : Edition Imorde, 2015
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The embodied icon : lliturgical vestments and sacramental power in Byzantium / Woodfin, Warren Theriot *1974-* - Oxford : Oxford Univ. Press, 2012
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The Embodied Icon : Liturgical Vestments and Sacramental Power in Byzantium / Woodfin, Warren T. - Online-Ausg.. - Oxford : OUP Oxford, 2012
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The embodied icon : liturgical vestments and sacramental power in Byzantium / Woodfin, Warren Theriot *1974-* - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2011
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The embodied icon : liturgical vestments and sacramental power in Byzantium / Woodfin, Warren Theriot *1974-* - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2011
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The embodied icon : liturgical vestments and sacramental power in Byzantium / Woodfin, Warren Theriot *1974-* - Oxford [u.a.] : Oxford Univ. Press, 2011
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SWB, Union Catalog Southwest Germany
Total Number of Matches: 8
Time needed: 1.288 seconds
Luxury in liturgical vestments / / Woodfin, Warren Theriot. - In: Autour des métiers du luxe à Byzance. - Genève : Musée d'art et d'histoire. - 2021, S. 222-241 : Illustrationen
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Clothing the sacred : medieval textiles as fabric, form, and metaphor / Kapustka, Mateusz [HerausgeberIn] ; Woodfin, Warren Theriot [HerausgeberIn]. - Emsdetten : Edition Imorde, 2015 / (Textile studies;8) /
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The embodied icon : lliturgical vestments and sacramental power in Byzantium / Woodfin, Warren Theriot. - Oxford : Oxford Univ. Press, 2012 /
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The Embodied Icon : Liturgical Vestments and Sacramental Power in Byzantium / / Woodfin, Warren T.. - Online-Ausg.. - Oxford : OUP Oxford, 2012
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The embodied icon : liturgical vestments and sacramental power in Byzantium / / Woodfin, Warren Theriot. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2011
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The embodied icon : liturgical vestments and sacramental power in Byzantium / / Woodfin, Warren Theriot. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2011
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Presents given and presence subverted : the Cunegunda Chormantel in Bamberg and the ideology of Byzantine textiles / / Woodfin, Warren Theriot. - In: Gesta. - Chicago, Ill. : University of Chicago Press, ISSN 0016-920X. - Bd. 47 (2008), 1, S. 33-50 : Ill.
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Late Byzantine liturgical vestments and the iconography of sacerdotal power / Woodfin, Warren Theriot. - 2002 /
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hebis, Union Catalog Hesse
Total Number of Matches: 2
Time needed: 5.879 seconds
The embodied icon : lliturgical vestments and sacramental power in Byzantium / / Woodfin, Warren Theriot. - Oxford : Oxford Univ. Press, 2012
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The embodied icon : liturgical vestments and sacramental power in Byzantium / / Woodfin, Warren Theriot. - Oxford : Oxford University Press, c2011
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Total Number of Matches displayed (Single Matches excluded): 50
Total Time needed: 5.914 seconds
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: Woodfin, Warren T.
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