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German National Library of Science and Technology (TIB)
Total Number of Matches: 2
Time needed: 0.285 seconds
Broadband Quantum Enhancement of the LIGO Detectors with Frequency-Dependent Squeezing
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Ganapathy, D..
Parallel Contextual Array Insertion Deletion Grammar and (Context-Free : Context-Free) Matrix Grammar
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Jayasankar, S.
BVB - BibliotheksVerbund Bayern Solr-Zugang
Total Number of Matches: 71
Time needed: 0.544 seconds
Robinson's paradigms and exercises in Syriac grammar ; Oxford University Press / Robinson, Theodore H. / 2013
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Samuel Ibn Tibbon's commentary on Ecclesiastes ; the book of the soul of man / Robinson, James T. / 2007
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The cultures of Maimonideanism ; new approaches to the history of Jewish thought / 2009
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Maimonides' "Guide of the Perplexed" in Translation ; A History from the Thirteenth Century to the Twentieth / 2019
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The towering inferno ; Warner Home Video / 2008
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General international organization ; source book / Watkins, James T. / 1956
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Medieval Jewish philosophy and its literary forms ; Indiana University Press / 2019
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Asceticism, eschatology, opposition to philosophy ; the Arabic translation and commentary of Salmon ben Yeroham on Qohelet (Ecclesiastes) / Robinson, James T. / 2012
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The Arabic translation and commentary of Yefet ben ʿEli the Karaite on the Book of Joshua ; Brill / Robinson, James T. / 2015
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General international Organization ; a source book / Watkins, James T. / 1956
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Kleptocracy and divide-and-rule ; a model of personal rule / Acemoglu, Daron / 2003
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Travels In Asia Minor: Or An Account Of A Tour Made At The Expense Of The Society Of Dilettanti ; Sold by J. Dodsley, J. Robson, T. Cadell, P. Elmsly, and G. Robinson / Chandler, Richard / 1776
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Travels In Greece: Or An Account Of A Tour Made At The Expense Of The Society Of Dilettanti ; Printed At The Clarendon Press / Chandler, Richard / 1776
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Aestimatio: Critical Reviews in the History of Science (Volume 1) ; Gorgias Press / 2009
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Robinson's paradigms and exercises in Syriac grammar ; Oxford University Press / Robinson, Theodore H. / 2002
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The development of the British Empire ; Houghton Mifflin / Robinson, Howard / 1922
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Die lustigen Musikanten ; Singspiel in zwei Akten / Hoffmann, E. T. A. / 2015
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Die lustigen Musikanten ; Singspiel in zwei Akten / Hoffmann, E. T. A. / 2015
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Undine ; Zauberoper in 3 Akten / Hoffmann, E. T. A. / 2015
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Undine ; Zauberoper in 3 Akten / Hoffmann, E. T. A. / 2015
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HBZ, NRW-Verbundkatalog via GVI
Total Number of Matches: 34
Time needed: 0.595 seconds
<<The>> cultures of Maimonideanism ; new approaches to the history of Jewish thought / 2009
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Samuel Ibn Tibbon's commentary on Ecclesiastes ; the book of the soul on man / Robinson, James T. / 2007
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Asceticism, eschatology, opposition to philosophy ; the Arabic translation and commentary of Salmon ben Yeroham on Qohelet (Ecclesiastes) / Robinson, James T. / 2012
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<<The>> nature of science and science teaching ; Wadsworth / Robinson, James T. / 1968
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Linguistic synchrony in parasocial interaction / Goode, Jayne / 2013
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Four decades of families on television ; a demographic profile, 1950-1989 / Skill, Thomas / 1994
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Employer size and dual labor markets ; DE-385 / Rebitzer, James B. / 1991
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Introduction to labor ; Prentice-Hall / Robinson, James W. / 1975
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Maimonides' Guide of the Perplexed in translation ; a history from the thirteenth century to the twentieth / 2019
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Samuel Ibn Tibbon's commentary on ecclesiastes ; the book of the soul of man / Ibn-Tibon, Shemuʾel ben Yehudah / 2007
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<<An>> introduction to economic reasoning ; Brookings Inst. / Robinson, Marshall A. / 1964
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<<An>> Introduction to economic reasoning ; ANCHOR PR. / DOUBLEDAY / Robinson, Marshall A. / 1980
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<<An>> introduction to economic reasoning ; Brookings Inst. / Robinson, Marshall A. / 1967
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<<An>> Introduction to economic reasoning ; Brookings Inst. / Robinson, Marshall A. / 1956
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Mastering alliance strategy ; a comprehensive guide to design, management and organization / Bamford, James D. / 2002
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Communication and aging ; Harper & Row / Nussbaum, Jon F. / 1989
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Miami architecture ; an AIA guide featuring downtown, the beaches, and Coconut Grove / Shulman, Allan T. / c2010
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<<The>> representation theory of the symmetric group ; Cambridge University Press / James, G. D. / 1984
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Union Catalog Austria
Total Number of Matches: 62
Time needed: 0.529 seconds
Secondary Forms of Philosophy: On the Teaching and Transmission of Philosophy in Non-Philosophical Literary Genres
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Robinson, James T. [VerfasserIn]
Philosophy and Science in Medieval Jewish Commentaries on the Bible
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Robinson, James T. [VerfasserIn]
Samuel Ibn Tibbon's commentary on Ecclesiastes : the book of the soul of man
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Robinson, James T., 1965- [VerfasserIn]
Introduction to labor
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Robinson, James W. [VerfasserIn]
Clarendon Palace : the history and archaeology of a medieval palace and hunting lodge near Salisbury, Wiltshire
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James, Thomas B. [VerfasserIn]
A history of Great Britain. Under the editorship of James T. Shotwell
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Robinson, Howard [VerfasserIn]
Medieval jewish philosophy and its literary forms
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Hughes, Aaron W., 1968- [HerausgeberIn]. [VerfasserIn]
Sacred songs : for voice and piano
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Ives, Charles, 1874-1954 [KomponistIn]
פירוש קהלת : ('ספר נפש האדם)
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Ibn-Tibon, Shemuʾel ben Yehudah, 1160-1230 [VerfasserIn]
New towns in eighteenth century northwest Argentina
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Robinson, David James [VerfasserIn]
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German national library
Total Number of Matches: 85
Time needed: 0.621 seconds
Seasonal Predictability of Vapor Pressure Deficit in the western United States
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Breeden, Melissa Leah [Verfasser]
Hexagonal Boron Nitride Slab Waveguides for Enhanced Spectroscopy of Encapsulated 2D Materials (Adv. Mater. 7/2024)
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LaGasse, Samuel W. [Verfasser]
Parameterizations of US wildfire and prescribed fire emission ratios and emission factors based on FIREX-AQ aircraft measurements
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Gkatzelis, Georgios [Verfasser]
Best of Grendel 2 : Der Teufel schläft nie / Matt Wagner, James Robinson, Steven T. Seagle
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Wagner, Matt [Verfasser]
Best of Grendel 2 : Der Teufel schläft nie / Matt Wagner, James Robinson, Steven T. Seagle
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Wagner, Matt [Verfasser]
Broadband Quantum Enhancement of the LIGO Detectors with Frequency-Dependent Squeezing / D. Ganapathy; W. Jia; M. Nakano; V. Xu; N. Aritomi; T. Cullen; N. Kijbunchoo; S.E. Dwyer; A. Mullavey; L. McCuller; R. Abbott; I. Abouelfettouh; R.X. Adhikari; …
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Ganapathy, D. [Verfasser]
Atmospheric oxidation of new “green” solvents – Part 2: methyl pivalate and pinacolone
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Mapelli, Caterina [Verfasser]
Hexagonal Boron Nitride Slab Waveguides for Enhanced Spectroscopy of Encapsulated 2D Materials
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LaGasse, Samuel W. Verfasser]
Closing the Shell: Gas‐Phase Solvation of Halides by 1,3‐Butadiene
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Watson, Peter D. [Verfasser]
Management of anterior cruciate ligament revision in adults: the 2022 ESSKA consensus part III—indications for different clinical scenarios using the RAND/UCLA appropriateness method / by Thomas Tischer, Luca Andriolo, Philippe Beaufils, Sufian S. …
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Tischer, Thomas [Verfasser]
Genetic Medicine for Hearing Loss: OTOF as Exemplar
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Hickox, Ann E. [Sonstige]
Global transpiration data from sap flow measurements: the SAPFLUXNET database
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Poyatos, Rafael Verfasser]
Subcellular localization of D2 receptors in the murine substantia nigra / by Joseph J. Lebowitz, Mason Trinkle, James R. Bunzow, Judith Joyce Balcita-Pedicino, Savas Hetelekides, Brooks Robinson, Santiago De La Torre, Sue A. Aicher, Susan R. Sesack, …
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Lebowitz, Joseph J. [Verfasser]
Soft Tissue Implants: Additive Manufacturing of Multi‐Scale Porous Soft Tissue Implants That Encourage Vascularization and Tissue Ingrowth (Adv. Healthcare Mater. 14/2021)
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Coulter, Fergal B. [Verfasser]
Additive Manufacturing of Multi‐Scale Porous Soft Tissue Implants That Encourage Vascularization and Tissue Ingrowth
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Coulter, Fergal B. [Verfasser]
Light‐ and Manganese‐Initiated Borylation of Aryl Diazonium Salts: Mechanistic Insight on the Ultrafast Time‐Scale Revealed by Time‐Resolved Spectroscopic Analysis
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Firth, James D. [Verfasser]
Characterisation and potential for reducing optical resonances in FTIR spectrometers of the Network for the Detection of Atmospheric Composition Change (NDACC)
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Blumenstock, Thomas Verfasser]
Global transpiration data from sap flow measurements: the SAPFLUXNET database
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Poyatos, Rafael Verfasser]
Expansion of the human phenotype ontology (HPO) knowledge base and resources
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Köhler, Sebastian Verfasser]
Clinical outcomes of breast leptomeningeal disease treated with intrathecal trastuzumab, intrathecal chemotherapy, or whole brain radiation therapy / by Nicholas B. Figura, Victoria T. Rizk, Homan Mohammadi, Brittany Evernden, Sepideh Mokhtari, H. …
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Figura, Nicholas B. [Verfasser]
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Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin
Total Number of Matches: 9
Time needed: 0.635 seconds
Medieval Jewish philosophy and its literary forms / Hughes, Aaron W. *1968-*. - Bloomington, Indiana, USA : Indiana University Press, [2019]
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Ibn Ghiyath (Ibn Ghayath), Isaac ben Judah / Robinson, James T. *1965-*. - Enthalten in: Encyclopedia of the bible and its reception, Bd. 12 (2016)
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Jacobs Ladder / Cameron, Michael. - Enthalten in: Encyclopedia of the bible and its reception, Bd. 13 (2016)
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The Arabic translation and commentary of Yefet ben Eli the Karaite on the Book of Joshua / Robinson, James T. *1965-*. - Leiden [u.a.] : Brill, 2015
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Ecclesiastes, Book of / Allison, Jr. - Enthalten in: Encyclopedia of the bible and its reception, Bd. 7 (2013)
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Asceticism, eschatology, opposition to philosophy : the Arabic translation and commentary of Salmon ben Yeroham on Qohelet (Ecclesiastes) / Salmôn Ben-Yerôham *ca. 10. Jh.*. - Leiden : Brill, 2012
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Abraham / Allison, Jr. - Enthalten in: Encyclopedia of the bible and its reception, Bd. 1 (2010)
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Albalag, Isaac / Robinson, James T. *1965-*. - Enthalten in: Encyclopedia of the bible and its reception, Bd. 1 (2010)
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Samuel Ibn Tibbon's Commentary on Ecclesiastes : the Book of the Soul of Man / Ibn-Tibon, Shemuel ben Yehudah *1160-1230*. - Tübingen : Mohr Siebeck, 2007
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GBV, Union Catalog Northern Germany
Total Number of Matches: 37
Time needed: 0.735 seconds
3D genome mapping identifies subgroup-specific chromosome conformations and tumor-dependency genes in ependymoma / Okonechnikov, Konstantin; Camgöz, Aylin - In: Nature Communications, Bd. 14 (2023), S. 1-16
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Secrets of Qohelet: Toward an Exegetical History of a Biblical Text during the Middle Ages / Robinson, James Theodore - In: The journal of Jewish thought & philosophy, Bd. 30 (2022), 1, S. 90-113
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Maimonides' guide of the perplexed in translation : a history from the thirteenth century to the twentieth / Stern, Josef; Robinson, James T. - Chicago : The University of Chicago Press, 2019
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Maimonides' "Guide of the Perplexed" in Translation : A History from the Thirteenth Century to the Twentieth / Stern, Josef; Robinson, James T. - Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 2019
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Medieval Jewish Philosophy and Its Literary Forms / W. Hughes, Aaron; T. Robinson, James - Bloomington : Indiana University Press, 2019
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Maimonides' Guide of the perplexed in translation : a history from the thirteenth century to the twentieth / Stern, Josef; Robinson, James T. - Chicago : The University of Chicago Press, 2019
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Medieval Jewish philosophy and its literary forms / Hughes, Aaron W.; Robinson, James T. - Bloomington, Indiana, USA : Indiana University Press, [2019]
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Translations / Robinson, James T. - In: The Cambridge history of Judaism ; Volume 6:The Middle Ages (2018), S. 506-534
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Ibn Ghiyāth (Ibn Ghayāth), Isaac ben Judah / Robinson, James T. - In: Encyclopedia of the bible and its reception, Bd. 12 (2016)
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Jacob’s Ladder / Cameron, Michael; Wöhrle, Jakob - In: Encyclopedia of the bible and its reception, Bd. 13 (2016)
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KOBV Berlin-Brandenburg
Total Number of Matches: 26
Time needed: 0.809 seconds
The cultures of Maimonideanism : new approaches to the history of Jewish thought
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The cultures of Maimonideanism : new approaches to the history of Jewish thought
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Samuel Ibn Tibbon's commentary on Ecclesiastes : the book of the soul of man
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Robinson, James T.,
Medieval Jewish philosophy and its literary forms
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The cultures of Maimonideanism : new approaches to the history of Jewish thought
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Samuel Ibn Tibbon's Commentary on Ecclesiastes : the Book of the Soul of Man
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Ibn-Tibon, Shemuʾel ben Yehudah
Asceticism, eschatology, opposition to philosophy : the Arabic translation and commentary of Salmon ben Yeroham on Qohelet (Ecclesiastes)
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Robinson, James T.
The Arabic translation and commentary of Yefet ben ʿEli the Karaite on the Book of Joshua
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Robinson, James T.
The nature of science and science teaching
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Robinson, James T
The cultures of Maimonideanism : new approaches to the history of Jewish thought
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Asceticism, eschatology, opposition to philosophy : the Arabic translation and commentary of Salmon ben Yeroham on Qohelet (Ecclesiastes)
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Robinson, James T.
Jacob’s Ladder
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Cameron, Michael
Albalag, Isaac
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Robinson, James T.
The Arabic translation and commentary of Yefet ben 'Eli the Karaite on the Book of Joshua
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Robinson, James T.
Ibn Ghiyāth (Ibn Ghayāth), Isaac ben Judah
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Robinson, James T.
Maimonides' guide of the perplexed in translation : a history from the thirteenth century to the twentieth
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Aestimatio: Critical Reviews in the History of Science (Volume 1) /
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The Arabic translation and commentary of Yefet ben 'Eli the Karaite on the Book of Joshua /
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Robinson, James T.,
Perush Ḳohelet : ('Sefer Nefesh ha-adam') = Commentary on Ecclesiastes : (the book of the soul of man)
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Ibn-Tibon, Shemuʾel ben Yehudah
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Allison, Jr
Ecclesiastes, Book of
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Allison, Jr
Asceticism, eschatology, opposition to philosophy : the Arabic translation and commentary of Salmon ben Yeroham on Qohelet (Ecclesiastes)
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Salmôn Ben-Yerôḥām
The Arabic translation and commentary of Yefet ben 'Eli the Karaite on the Book of Joshua /
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Robinson, James T.,
Maimonides' "Guide of the Perplexed" in Translation : A History from the Thirteenth Century to the Twentieth
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Maimonides' Guide of the perplexed in translation : a history from the thirteenth century to the twentieth
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The Arabic translation and commentary of Yefet ben 'Eli the Karaite on the Book of Joshua /
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Robinson, James T.
Austrian National Library
Total Number of Matches: 26
Time needed: 0.694 seconds
Oberon, König der Elfen : Romantische Feenoper in drei Aufzügen
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Weber, Carl Maria von, 1786-1826 , VerfasserIn: Weber, Carl Maria von
[s.a. 19. Jh.]
English Grammar for Literature Students : : How to Analyse Literary Texts
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Wright, Laura, [author.]. , VerfasserIn: Wright, Laura,
Reading Dylan Thomas
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Allen, Edward, [author.]. , VerfasserIn: Allen, Edward,
Institutions and Economic Performance
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The Edinburgh History of Scottish Literature : : From Columba to the Union (until 1707)
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Brown, Ian, [author.]. , VerfasserIn: Brown, Ian,
Transatlantic Literary Studies : : A Reader
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Manning, Susan, [author.]. , VerfasserIn:
Delivering Energy Law and Policy in the EU and the US : : A Reader
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Heffron, Raphael J., [author.]. , VerfasserIn: Heffron, Raphael J.,
The Negro and His Folklore in Nineteenth-Century Periodicals
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The New Negro : : Readings on Race, Representation, and African American Culture, 1892-1938
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Gleichgewicht der Macht : der ewige Kampf zwischen Staat und Gesellschaft
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Acemoglu, Daron, 1967- , VerfasserIn: Acemoglu, Daron
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SWB, Union Catalog Southwest Germany
Total Number of Matches: 121
Time needed: 1.608 seconds
New View of the Moon 2 / / Anand, Mahesh [MitwirkendeR] ; Andrews-Hanna, Jeff [MitwirkendeR] ; Andrews-Hanna, Jeffrey C. [MitwirkendeR] et al. . - Berlin : De Gruyter, [2024]
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The human affectome / / Schiller, Daniela. - In: Neuroscience & biobehavioral reviews. - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier Science, ISSN 1873-7528. - Bd. 158 (2024) (März) = 32 S. : Illustrationen
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Cortical profiles of numerous psychiatric disorders and normal development share a common pattern / / Cao, Zhipeng. - In: Molecular psychiatry. - [London] : Springer Nature, ISSN 1476-5578. - Bd. 28 (2023), 2, S. 698-709 = 12 S. : Illustrationen
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Broadband Quantum Enhancement of the LIGO Detectors with Frequency-Dependent Squeezing / / Ganapathy, D... - Hannover : Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover, 2023
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3D genome mapping identifies subgroup-specific chromosome conformations and tumor-dependency genes in ependymoma / / Okonechnikov, Konstantin. - In: Nature Communications. - [London] : Springer Nature, ISSN 2041-1723. - Bd. 14 (2023), S. 1-16 = 16 S. : Illustrationen
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Best of Grendel 2 : Der Teufel schläft nie / / Wagner, Matt ; Robinson, James ; Seagle, Steven T. et al. . - Ludwigsburg : Cross Cult, 2023
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A Wilkie Collins Songbook / Collins, Wilkie ; Atlas, Allan W. [HerausgeberIn] ; Berger, Francesco [KomponistIn] et al. . - Middleton, Wisconsin : A-R Editions, Inc., [2023] [Musiknoten] / (Recent researches in the music of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries;88) /
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Thema: Rhythm & Blues / Presley, Elvis [SängerIn] ; Stoller, Mike [KomponistIn] ; Leiber, Jerry [TextdichterIn] et al. . - 2022 / (Musik & Bildung. CD;2022,3) /
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Reference Case Guidelines for Benefit-Cost Analysis in Global Health and Development / / Robinson, Lisa A.. - [S.l.] : SSRN, [2022]
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Delivering Energy Law and Policy in the EU and the US : A Reader / / Heffron, Raphael J.. - [Online-Ausgabe]. - Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press, [2022]
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hebis, Union Catalog Hesse
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Vierzehn Tage : ein Gemeinschaftsroman / / Atwood, Margaret. - Deutsche Erstausgabe - München : dtv, [2024]
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New View of the Moon 2 / / Anand, Mahesh. - Berlin : De Gruyter, [2023]
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A Wilkie Collins Songbook / / Collins, Wilkie. - Middleton, Wisconsin : A-R Editions, Inc, [2023]
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Fish community objectives for the Lake Erie Basin / / Francis, James. - Ann Arbor, MI : Great Lakes Fishery Commission, October 2020
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Maimonides' Guide of the perplexed in translation : a history from the thirteenth century to the twentieth / / Stern, Josef. - Chicago : The University of Chicago Press, 2019
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Expansion of the human phenotype ontology (HPO) knowledge base and resources / / Köhler, Sebastian. - Freiburg : Universität, 2019
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Medieval Jewish Philosophy and Its Literary Forms / / W. Hughes, Aaron. - Bloomington : Indiana University Press, 2019
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Oberon : a romantic and fairy opera / / Schreiter, Solveig. - München : Allitera Verlag, Juli 2018
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Delivering Energy Law and Policy in the EU and the US : A Reader / / Heffron, Raphael J.. - Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press, [2016]
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Perush Ḳohelet : ('Sefer nefesh ha-adam') / / Ibn-Tibon, Shemuʾel ben Yehudah. - Yerushalayim : ha-Igud ha-ʿolami le-madaʿe ha-Yahadut, Ḳeren ha-Rav Daṿid Mosheh ṿa-ʿAmalyah Rozen, 5776 = 2016
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