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German national library
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Ruling the Greek world : approaches to the Roman Empire in the East / edited by Juan Manuel Cortés Copete, Elena Muñiz Grijalvo and Fernando Lozano Gómez
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Cortés Copete, Juan Manuel [Herausgeber]
Ruling the Greek World : Approaches to the Roman Empire in the East
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Cortés Copete, Juan Manuel [Herausgeber]
HBZ, NRW-Verbundkatalog via GVI
Total Number of Matches: 5
Time needed: 0.463 seconds
Understanding integration in the Roman world ; Brill / [2023]
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Processions and the construction of communities in antiquity ; history and comparative perspectives / 2023
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Empire and religion ; religious change in Greek cities under Roman rule / [2017]
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Empire and religion ; religious change in Greek cities under Roman rule / [2017]
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Ruling the Greek World ; Approaches to the Roman Empire in the East / Cortés Copete, Juan Manuel / 2015
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BVB - BibliotheksVerbund Bayern Solr-Zugang
Total Number of Matches: 25
Time needed: 0.557 seconds
Ruling the Greek world ; approaches to the Roman Empire in the East / 2015
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Processions and the construction of communities in antiquity ; history and comparative perspectives / 2023
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Understanding integration in the Roman World ; Brill / Muñiz Grijalvo, Elena / 2023
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Empire and religion ; religious change in Greek cities under Roman rule / 2017
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Los relatos cristianos de conversión y sus efectos sobre la experiencia ; txt / Muñiz Grijalvo, Elena / 2003
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Closing a Highway to Heaven ; txt / Lozano, Fernando / 2024
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Clásicos y cristianos en el buen emperador de Pedro Mejía ; txt / Grijalvo, Elena Muñiz / 2010
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Closing a Highway to Heaven ; Discorntinuities in the Divinisation of Human Beings in Roman Times / Lozano, Fernando / 2024
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Estrangement and Rapprochement ; The Alleged Egyptian Origin of Graeco-Roman Processions / Muñiz Grijalvo, Elena / 2023
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Empire and religion ; religious change in Greek cities under Roman rule / 2017
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Foreword ; Understanding Integration in the Roman World / Muñiz Grijalvo, Elena / 2023
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Empire and religion ; religious change in Greek cities under Roman rule / 2017
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Ruling the Greek world ; approaches to the Roman Empire in the East / 2015
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Introduction ; Processions and the construction of communities / Muñiz Grijalvo, Elena / 2023
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Processions and the construction of Roman imperial power ; txt / Muñiz Grijalvo, Elena / 2023
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Imperial Cult Processions and Landscape in the Greek Cities of the Roman Empire ; The Case of the Domosthenia of Oenoanda / Muñiz Grijalvo, Elena / 2022
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Imperial Mysteries and Religious Experience ; txt / Muñiz Grijalvo, Elena / 2021
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Public Sacrifice in Roman Athens ; txt / Muñiz Grijalvo, Elena / 2017
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The Frontiers of Graeco-Roman Religions: Greeks and Non-Greeks from a Religious Point of View ; txt / Muñiz Grijalvo, Elena / 2011
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Efebos e identidad religiosa en la Atenas romana ; txt / Muñiz Grijalvo, Elena / 2006
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Union Catalog Austria
Total Number of Matches: 6
Time needed: 0.481 seconds
Estrangement and Rapprochement: The Alleged Egyptian Origin of Graeco-Roman Processions
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Muñiz-Grijalvo, Elena [VerfasserIn]
Understanding Integration in the Roman World
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Muñiz-Grijalvo, Elena [VerfasserIn]
Ruling the Greek World : approaches to the Roman Empire in the East
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Ruling the Greek World. Approaches to the Roman Empire in the East (Potsdamer Alterumswissenschaftliche Beiträge 52), Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart 2015, 192 pp., ISBN 978-3-515-11135-5
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Copete, Juan Manuel Cortés [VerfasserIn]
Empire and religion : religious change in Greek cities und Roman rule
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Empire and religion : religious change in Greek cities under Roman rule
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Austrian National Library
Total Number of Matches: 4
Time needed: 0.407 seconds
Estrangement and Rapprochement: The Alleged Egyptian Origin of Graeco-Roman Processions
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Muñiz-Grijalvo, Elena , VerfasserIn: Muñiz-Grijalvo, Elena
Understanding Integration in the Roman World
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Muñiz-Grijalvo, Elena , VerfasserIn: Muñiz-Grijalvo, Elena
Understanding integration in the Roman world
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Ruling the Greek World. Approaches to the Roman Empire in the East (Potsdamer Alterumswissenschaftliche Beiträge 52), Franz Steiner Verlag, Stuttgart 2015, 192 pp., ISBN 978-3-515-11135-5
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Copete, Juan Manuel Cortés , VerfasserIn: Copete, Juan Manuel Cortés
Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin
Total Number of Matches: 6
Time needed: 0.563 seconds
Understanding integration in the Roman world / Muñiz Grijalvo, Elena. - Leiden : Brill, [2023]
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Processions and the construction of communities in antiquity : history and comparative perspectives / Muñiz Grijalvo, Elena. - Abingdon, Oxon : Routledge, [2023]
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Empire and religion : religious change in Greek cities under Roman rule / Muñiz Grijalvo, Elena. - Leiden : Brill, 2017
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Ruling the Greek world : approaches to the Roman Empire in the East / Cortés Copete, Juan Manuel *1966-*. - Stuttgart : Franz Steiner Verlag, [2015]
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Grecia ante los imperios : V Reunión de Historiadores del Mundo Griego / Cortés Copete, Juan Manuel *1966-*. - Sevilla : Universidad de Sevilla, 2011
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Himnos a Isis / Muñiz Grijalvo, Elena. - Madrid : Ed. Trotta [u.a.], 2006
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KOBV Berlin-Brandenburg
Total Number of Matches: 14
Time needed: 0.675 seconds
Ruling the Greek world : approaches to the Roman Empire in the East
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Empire and religion : religious change in Greek cities under Roman rule
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Himnos a Isis
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Understanding integration in the Roman world
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Empire and religion : religious change in Greek cities under Roman rule
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Ruling the Greek World : Approaches to the Roman Empire in the East
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Processions and the construction of communities in antiquity : history and comparative perspectives
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Grecia ante los imperios : V Reunión de Historiadores del Mundo Griego
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Empire and Religion : Religious Change in Greek Cities under Roman Rule
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Muñiz Grijalvo, Elena
Empire and religion : religious change in Greek cities under Roman rule
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Empire and religion : religious change in Greek cities under Roman rule
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Processions and the construction of communities in antiquity : history and comparative perspectives
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Los relatos cristianos de conversión y sus efectos sobre la experiencia
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Muñiz Grijalvo, Elena
"Greek Religion" in Strabo
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Muñiz Grijalvo, Elena
GBV, Union Catalog Northern Germany
Total Number of Matches: 18
Time needed: 0.691 seconds
Understanding Integration in the Roman World / Muñiz Grijalvo, Elena; Moreno Soldevila, Rosario - 1st ed. - Boston : BRILL, 2023
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Understanding integration in the Roman world / Muñiz Grijalvo, Elena; Moreno Soldevila, Rosario - Leiden : Brill, [2023]
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Processions and the construction of communities in antiquity : history and comparative perspectives / Muñiz Grijalvo, Elena; Campo Tejedor, Alberto, del - Abingdon, Oxon : Routledge, [2023]
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Understanding integration in the Roman world / Muñiz Grijalvo, Elena; Moreno Soldevila, Rosario - Leiden : Brill, [2023]
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Processions and the Construction of Communities in Antiquity : History and Comparative Perspectives / Campo Tejedor, Alberto, del; Muñiz Grijalvo, Elena - Milton : Taylor & Francis Group, 2023
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Processions and the construction of communities in antiquity : history and comparative perspectives / Campo Tejedor, Alberto, del; Muñiz Grijalvo, Elena - London : Routledge, 2023
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El lugar del culto de Isis en las ciudades de la península ibérica / Muñiz Grijalvo, Elena - In: Hispania sacra, Bd. 73 (2021), 147, S. 11-17
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Empire and Religion : Religious Change in Greek Cities under Roman Rule / Muñiz Grijalvo, Elena; Cortés Copete, Juan Manuel *1966-* - Leiden : BRILL, 2017
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Empire and Religion : Religious Change in Greek Cities under Roman Rule / Muñiz Grijalvo, Elena; Cortés Copete, Juan Manuel - Boston : BRILL, 2017
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Empire and religion : religious change in Greek cities under Roman rule / Muñiz Grijalvo, Elena; Cortés Copete, Juan Manuel - Leiden : Brill, [2017]
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SWB, Union Catalog Southwest Germany
Total Number of Matches: 25
Time needed: 0.750 seconds
Processions and the Construction of Communities in Antiquity : History and Comparative Perspectives / / Muñiz Grijalvo, Elena [HerausgeberIn] ; Campo Tejedor, Alberto del [HerausgeberIn]. - London : Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2023
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Understanding Integration in the Roman World / / Muñiz Grijalvo, Elena. - 1st ed.. - Boston : BRILL, 2023
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Processions and the construction of communities in antiquity : history and comparative perspectives / / Muñiz Grijalvo, Elena [HerausgeberIn] ; Campo Tejedor, Alberto del [HerausgeberIn]. - Abingdon, Oxon : Routledge, [2023]
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Understanding integration in the Roman world / Muñiz Grijalvo, Elena [HerausgeberIn] ; Moreno Soldevila, Rosario [HerausgeberIn]. - Leiden : Brill, [2023] / (Impact of Empire;volume 47) /
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Processions and the Construction of Communities in Antiquity : History and Comparative Perspectives / / Campo Tejedor, Alberto del. - Milton : Taylor & Francis Group, 2023
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Processions and the construction of communities in antiquity : history and comparative perspectives / Campo Tejedor, Alberto del [HerausgeberIn] ; Muñiz Grijalvo, Elena [HerausgeberIn]. - London : Routledge, 2023 /
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Imperial Mysteries and Religious Experience / / Muñiz Grijalvo, Elena. - In: Sensorivm. - Leiden : Brill. - 2021, S. 192-206
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El lugar del culto de Isis en las ciudades de la península ibérica / / Muñiz Grijalvo, Elena. - In: Hispania sacra. - Madrid [u.a.] : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar], ISSN 1988-4265. - Bd. 73 (2021), 147, S. 11-17
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Procesiones y culto imperial / / Muñiz Grijalvo, Elena. - In: Bandue. - Madrid : Ed. Trotta, ISSN 1888-346X. - Bd. 11 (2018/2019), S. 215-224
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Public Sacrifice in Roman Athens / / Muñiz Grijalvo, Elena. - In: Empire and religion. - Leiden : Brill. - 2017, S. 21-44
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hebis, Union Catalog Hesse
Total Number of Matches: 7
Time needed: 1.682 seconds
Understanding Integration in the Roman World / / Muñiz Grijalvo, Elena. - 1st ed. - Boston : BRILL, 2023
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Understanding integration in the Roman world / / Muñiz Grijalvo, Elena. - Leiden : Brill, [2023]
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Processions and the construction of communities in antiquity : history and comparative perspectives / / Muñiz Grijalvo, Elena. - London : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, [2023]
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Empire and religion : religious change in Greek cities und Roman rule / / Muñiz Grijalvo, Elena. - Leiden : Brill, 2017
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Empire and religion : religious change in Greek cities und Roman rule / / Muñiz Grijalvo, Elena. - Leiden : Brill, 2017
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Ruling the Greek World : Approaches to the Roman Empire in the East / / Cortés Copete, Juan Manuel. - 1. Auflage - Stuttgart : Franz Steiner Verlag, 2015
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Ruling the Greek world : approaches to the Roman Empire in the east / / Cortés Copete, Juan Manuel. - Stuttgart : Franz Steiner Verlag, [2015]
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Total Number of Matches displayed (Single Matches excluded): 84
Total Time needed: 1.721 seconds
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