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German national library
Total Number of Matches: 9
Time needed: 0.359 seconds
Teaching with Images among the Jews and Manichaeans of Late Antique Mesopotamia / Zsuzsanna Gulácsi
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Gulácsi, Zsuzsanna [Verfasser]
Validity of the EQ-5D-5L and EQ-5D-3L in patients with Crohn’s disease / by Fanni Rencz, Peter L. Lakatos, László Gulácsi, Valentin Brodszky, Zsuzsanna Kürti, Szilvia Lovas, János Banai, László Herszényi, Tamás Cserni, Tamás Molnár, Márta Péntek, …
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Rencz, Fanni [Verfasser]
Visual Catechism in Third-Century Mesopotamia : Reassessing the Pictorial Program of the Dura-Europos Synagogue in Light of Mani’s Book of Pictures
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Gulácsi, Zsuzsanna [Verfasser]
Measurement properties of the EQ-5D-5L compared to the EQ-5D-3L in psoriasis patients / by Adrienn Katalin Poór, Fanni Rencz, Valentin Brodszky, László Gulácsi, Zsuzsanna Beretzky, Bernadett Hidvégi, Péter Holló, Sarolta Kárpáti, Márta Péntek
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Poór, Adrienn Katalin Verfasser]
Searching for Mani's Picture Book in Textual and Pictorial Sources / Zsuzsanna Gulácsi
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Gulácsi, Zsuzsanna [Verfasser]
A comparison of European, Polish, Slovenian and British EQ-5D-3L value sets using a Hungarian sample of 18 chronic diseases / by Zsombor Zrubka, Zsuzsanna Beretzky, Zoltán Hermann, Valentin Brodszky, László Gulácsi, Fanni Rencz, Petra Baji, Dominik …
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Zrubka, Zsombor Verfasser]
Cost-of-illness studies in nine Central and Eastern European countries / by Valentin Brodszky, Zsuzsanna Beretzky, Petra Baji, Fanni Rencz, Márta Péntek, Alexandru Rotar, Konstantin Tachkov, Susanne Mayer, Judit Simon, Maciej Niewada, Rok Hren, …
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Brodszky, Valentin [Verfasser]
Subjective expectations regarding ageing: a cross-sectional online population survey in Hungary / by Márta Péntek, Ottó Hajdu, Fanni Rencz, Zsuzsanna Beretzky, Valentin Brodszky, Petra Baji, Zsombor Zrubka, Klára Major, László Gulácsi
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Péntek, Márta Verfasser]
Subjective well-being in patients with pemphigus: a path analysis / by Ariel Mitev, Fanni Rencz, Béla Tamási, Krisztina Hajdu, Márta Péntek, László Gulácsi, Andrea Szegedi, Zsuzsanna Bata-Csörgő, Ágnes Kinyó, Miklós Sárdy, Valentin Brodszky
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Mitev, Ariel Verfasser]
HBZ, NRW-Verbundkatalog via GVI
Total Number of Matches: 6
Time needed: 0.539 seconds
Mediaeval Manichaean book art ; a codicological study of Iranian and Turkic illuminated book fragments from 8th - 11th century East Central Asia / Gulácsi, Zsuzsanna / 2005
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Manichaean art in Berlin collections ; a comprehensive catalogue of Manichaean artifacts belonging to the Berlin State Museums of the Prussian Cultural Foundation, Museum of Indian Art, and the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences, deposited in …
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Mani's pictures ; the didactic images of the Manichaeans from Sasanian Mesopotamia to Uygur Central Asia and Tang-Ming China / Gulácsi, Zsuzsanna / 2015
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<<A>> Manichaean prayer and confession book (BBB) ; Brepols / [2022]
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Manichaean texts in Syriac ; first editions, new editions, and studies / 2013
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Bamberger Zentralasienstudien ; Klaus Schwarz Verlag / [2021]
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Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin
Total Number of Matches: 9
Time needed: 0.567 seconds
A Manichaean prayer and confession book (BBB) / Sims-Williams, Nicholas *1949-*. - Turnhout : Brepols, [2022]
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Language, society, and religion in the world of the Turks : festschrift for Larry Clark at seventy-five / Gulácsi, Zsuzsanna. - Turnhout, Belgium : Brepols, [2018]
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Mani's pictures : the didactic images of the Manichaeans from Sasanian Mesopotamia to Uygur Central Asia and Tang-Ming China / Gulácsi, Zsuzsanna *1966-*. - Leiden : Brill, [2015]
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Manichaean texts in Syriac : first editions, new editions, and studies / Pedersen, Nils Arne *1959-*. - Turnhout : Brepols, 2013
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Mani's "Picture-Box"? : a study of a Chagatai textual reference and its supposed pictorial analogy from the British Library (OR. 8212-1691) / Gulácsi, Zsuzsanna. - In: Tongerloo, Aloïs *1952-*. Il Manicheismo (2005), S.149-164
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Mediaeval Manichaean book art : a codicological study of Iranian and Turkic illuminated book fragments from 8th - 11th century east Central Asia / Gulácsi, Zsuzsanna. - Leiden [u.a.] : Brill, 2005
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Dating the "Persian" and Chinese style remains of Uygur Manichaean art : a new radiocarbon date and its implications for Central Asian art history ; in memory of Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Klimkeit / Gulácsi, Zsuzsanna. - In: Arts asiatiques, Bd. 58 (2003), S.5-33
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Manichaean art in Berlin collections : a comprehensive catalogue of Manichaean artifacts belonging to the Berlin State Museums of the Prussian Cultural Foundation, Museum of Indian Art, and the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences, deposited in the Berlin State Library of the Prussian Cultural Foundation / Gulácsi, Zsuzsanna. - Turnhout : Brepols, 2001
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Indentifying the corpus of Manichaen art among the Turfan remains / Gulácsi, Zsuzsanna. - In: Emerging from darkness (1997), S.177-215
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Union Catalog Austria
Total Number of Matches: 10
Time needed: 0.546 seconds
Armenian Gospel Books with Sideways-Oriented Illuminations
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Gulácsi, Zsuzsanna [VerfasserIn]
Manichaean art in Berlin collections : a comprehensive catalogue of Manichaean artifacts belonging to the Berlin State Museums of the Prussian Cultural Foundation, Museum of Indian Art, and the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences, deposited in …
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Gulácsi, Zsuzsanna [VerfasserIn]
Mani's pictures : the didactic images of the Manichaeans from Sasanian Mesopotamia to Uygur Central Asia and Tang-Ming China
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Gulácsi, Zsuzsanna [VerfasserIn]
Text and Image in Manichaean Book Art: A Preliminary Study on Contextual Cohesion
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Gulácsi, Zsuzsanna [VerfasserIn]
Mediaeval Manichaean book art : a codicological study of Iranian and Turkic illuminated book fragments from 8th-11th century East Central Asia
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Gulácsi, Zsuzsanna [VerfasserIn]
Rules of Page Arrangement in Manichaean Illuminated Book Fragments
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Gulácsi, Zsuzsanna [VerfasserIn]
Identifying the Corpus of Manichaean Art among the Turfan Remains
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Gulácsi, Zsuzsanna [VerfasserIn]
Reconstructing Manichaean Book Paintings through the Technique of Their Makers: The Case of The Work of Religion Scene on MIK III 4974 recto
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Gulácsi, Zsuzsanna [VerfasserIn]
Language, society, and religion in the world of the Turks : festschrift for Larry Clark at seventy-five
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A Manichaean prayer and confession book (BBB)
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BVB - BibliotheksVerbund Bayern Solr-Zugang
Total Number of Matches: 12
Time needed: 0.719 seconds
A Manichaean prayer and confession book (BBB) ; Brepols / 2022
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Mediaeval Manichaean book art ; a codicological study of Iranian and Turkic illuminated book fragments from 8th-11th century East Central Asia / Gulácsi, Zsuzsanna / 2005
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Manichaean art in Berlin collections ; a comprehensive catalogue of Manichaean artifacts belonging to the Berlin State Museums of the Prussian Cultural Foundation, Museum of Indian Art, and the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences, deposited in …
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Mani's pictures ; the didactic images of the Manichaeans from Sasanian Mesopotamia to Uygur Central Asia and Tang-Ming China / Gulácsi, Zsuzsanna / 2015
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Language, society, and religion in the world of the Turks ; Festschrift for Larry Clark at seventy-five / 2018
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The Life of Jesus According to the Diatessaron in Early Manichaean Art and Text ; txt / Gulácsi, Zsuzsanna / 2008
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The Prophet's Seal: A Contextualized Look at the Crystal Sealstone of Mani (216-276 C.E.) in the Bibliothèque nationale de France ; txt / Gulácsi, Zsuzsanna / 2010
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Picturing Mani's Cosmology: An Analysis of Doctrinal Iconography on a Manichaean Hanging Scroll from 13th/14th-Century Southern China ; txt / Gulácsi, Zsuzsanna / 2011
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The Religion of Wirkak and Wiyusi: The Zoroastrian Iconographic Program on a Sogdian Sarcophagus from Sixth-Century Xi'an ; txt / Gulácsi, Zsuzsanna / 2012
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Mani's pictures ; the didactic images of the Manichaeans from Sasanian Mesopotamia to Uygur Central Asia and Tang-Ming China / Gulácsi, Zsuzsanna / 2016
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Mediaeval Manichaean book art ; a codicological study of Iranian and Turkic illuminated book fragments from 8th-11th century east Central Asia / Gulácsi, Zsuzsanna / 2005
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Mediaeval Manichaean book art ; a codicological study of Iranian and Turkic illuminated book fragments from 8th-11th century east Central Asia / Gulácsi, Zsuzsanna / 2005
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SWB, Union Catalog Southwest Germany
Total Number of Matches: 30
Time needed: 0.756 seconds
Choosing the 12 and the 72 : A Diatessaronic Theme in the Dublin Volume of the Coptic Manichaean Kephalaia Codices / / Gulácsi, Zsuzsanna. - In: The Medinet Madi Library of Manichaean Codices at 90. - Leiden : Brill. - 2023, S. 168-186
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The Footprint of Mani's Book of Pictures in Late Antique Sources : An Assessment of Social and Geographical Data about Teaching with Images among the Manichaeans During the 3rd and 4th Centuries / / Gulácsi, Zsuzsanna. - In: Byzantium to China. - Leiden : Brill. - 2022, S. 218-250
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Digital Restoration of an Icon of the Light Maiden Preserved on a Uygur Manichaean Mortuaty Banner from 10th-Century Kocho / / Gulácsi, Zsuzsanna. - In: Women in Western and Eastern Manichaeism. - Leiden : Brill. - 2022, S. 135-159
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A Latin Pictorial Witness to Tatian’s Diatessaron: Preserved in the Gospels of St Augustine of Canterbury (MS. 286) at Parker Library of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge / / Gulácsi, Zsuzsanna. - In: Vigiliae Christianae. - Leiden : Brill, ISSN 1570-0720. - Bd. 76 (2022), 4, S. 365-405
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A Manichaean prayer and confession book (BBB) / Sims-Williams, Nicholas [HerausgeberIn] ; Sheldon, John S. [VerfasserIn einer Einleitung] ; Gulácsi, Zsuzsanna [MitwirkendeR]. - Turnhout : Brepols, [2022] / (Corpus fontium Manichaeorum. Series Iranica;1) /
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The Diatessaronic Sequence of Mani's Sermon on the Life of Christ in the Berlin Kephalia / / Gulácsi, Zsuzsanna. - In: Manichaeism and early Christianity. - Leiden : Brill. - 2021, S. 35-50
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Teaching with Images among the Jews and Manichaeans of Late Antique Mesopotamia / / Gulácsi, Zsuzsanna. - In: Entangled Religions. - Bochum : Ruhr-Universität Bochum, ISSN 2363-6696. - Bd. 11 (2020), 2
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Armenian Gospel Books with Sideways-Oriented Illuminations / / Gulácsi, Zsuzsanna. - In: Armenia. - New Haven : Yale University Press. - 2018, S. 201-205
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The Manichaean Roots of a Pure Land Banner from Kocho (III 4524) in the Asian Art Museum, Berlin / / Gulácsi, Zsuzsanna. - In: Language, society, and religion in the world of the Turks. - Turnhout, Belgium : Brepols. - 2018, S. 337-376
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Larry Clark as Teacher and Mentor / / Gulácsi, Zsuzsanna. - In: Language, society, and religion in the world of the Turks. - Turnhout, Belgium : Brepols. - 2018, S. 17-22
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Austrian National Library
Total Number of Matches: 7
Time needed: 0.565 seconds
Bamberger Zentralasienstudien
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Armenian Gospel Books with Sideways-Oriented Illuminations
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Gulácsi, Zsuzsanna , VerfasserIn: Gulácsi, Zsuzsanna
Mediaeval Manichaean book art : a codicological study of Iranian and Turkic illuminated book fragments from 8th-11th century East Central Asia
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Gulácsi, Zsuzsanna , VerfasserIn: Gulácsi, Zsuzsanna
Text and Image in Manichaean Book Art: A Preliminary Study on Contextual Cohesion
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Gulácsi, Zsuzsanna , VerfasserIn:
Reconstructing Manichaean Book Paintings through the Technique of Their Makers: The Case of The Work of Religion Scene on MIK III 4974 recto
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Gulácsi, Zsuzsanna , VerfasserIn:
Rules of Page Arrangement in Manichaean Illuminated Book Fragments
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Gulácsi, Zsuzsanna , VerfasserIn:
Identifying the Corpus of Manichaean Art among the Turfan Remains
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Gulácsi, Zsuzsanna , VerfasserIn: Gulácsi, Zsuzsanna
GBV, Union Catalog Northern Germany
Total Number of Matches: 25
Time needed: 0.779 seconds
The Footprint of Mani's Book of Pictures in Late Antique Sources : An Assessment of Social and Geographical Data about Teaching with Images among the Manichaeans During the 3rd and 4th Centuries / Gulácsi, Zsuzsanna - In: Byzantium to China (2022), S. 218-250
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A Latin Pictorial Witness to Tatian’s Diatessaron: Preserved in the Gospels of St Augustine of Canterbury (MS. 286) at Parker Library of Corpus Christi College, Cambridge / Gulácsi, Zsuzsanna - In: Vigiliae Christianae, Bd. 76 (2022), 4, S. 365-405
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A Manichaean prayer and confession book (BBB) / Sims-Williams, Nicholas; Sheldon, John S. - Turnhout : Brepols, [2022]
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Teaching with Images among the Jews and Manichaeans of Late Antique Mesopotamia / Gulácsi, Zsuzsanna - In: Entangled Religions, Bd. 11 (2020), 2
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Visual Catechism in Third-Century Mesopotamia / Gulácsi, Zsuzsanna - In: Journal of ancient Judaism, Bd. 9 (2018), 2, S. 201-229
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Language, society, and religion in the world of the Turks : festschrift for Larry Clark at seventy-five / Gulácsi, Zsuzsanna; Clark, Larry V. - Turnhout, Belgium : Brepols, [2018]
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Exploring the relic function of Mani's seal stone in the Bibliothèque Nationale de France / Gulácsi, Zsuzsanna - In: Manichaeism east and west (2017), S. 111-117
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A Parthian exposition on Mani's Book of pictures : a contextualized study of a fragmentary Ārdhang Wifrās Bifolio (M8255) in the Turfanforschung of the BBAW, Berlin / Gulácsi, Zsuzsanna - In: Zur lichten Heimat (2017), S. 195-210
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Mani's pictures : the didactic images of the Manichaeans from Sasanian Mesopotamia to Uygur Central Asia and Tang-Ming China / Gulácsi, Zsuzsanna - Boston : Brill, 2015
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Mani's pictures : the didactic images of the Manichaeans from Sasanian Mesopotamia to Uygur Central Asia and Tang-Ming China / Gulácsi, Zsuzsanna - Leiden : Brill, [2015]
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KOBV Berlin-Brandenburg
Total Number of Matches: 19
Time needed: 0.838 seconds
Manichaean art in Berlin collections : a comprehensive catalogue of Manichaean artifacts belonging to the Berlin State Museums of the Prussian Cultural Foundation, Museum of Indian Art, and the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences, deposited in …
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Gulácsi, Zsuzsanna
Mediaeval Manichaean book art : a codicological study of Iranian and Turkic illuminated book fragments from 8th-11th century East Central Asia
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Gulácsi, Zsuzsanna,
A Manichaean prayer and confession book (BBB) /
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Mani's pictures : the didactic images of the Manichaeans from Sasanian Mesopotamia to Uygur Central Asia and Tang-Ming China
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Gulácsi, Zsuzsanna
Language, society, and religion in the world of the Turks : Festschrift for Larry Clark at seventy-five
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Mani's pictures : the didactic images of the Manichaeans from Sasanian Mesopotamia to Uygur Central Asia and Tang-Ming China
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Gulácsi, Zsuzsanna
Bamberger Zentralasienstudien /
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Dating the "Persian" and Chinese style remains of Uygur Manichaean art : a new radiocarbon date and its implications for Central Asian art history ; in memory of Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Klimkeit
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Gulácsi, Zsuzsanna
Mani's "Picture-Box"? : a study of a Chagatai textual reference and its supposed pictorial analogy from the British Library (OR. 8212-1691)
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Gulácsi, Zsuzsanna
Indentifying the corpus of Manichaen art among the Turfan remains
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Gulácsi, Zsuzsanna
Mediaeval Manichaean book art : a study of design, function, and origin of Manichaean book illumination
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Gulácsi, Zsuzsanna
Mediaeval Manichaean book art : a codicological study of Iranian and Turkic illuminated book fragments from 8th-11th century east Central Asia
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Gulácsi, Zsuzsanna.
Mani's pictures : the didactic images of the Manichaeans from Sasanian Mesopotamia to Uygur Central Asia and Tang-Ming China
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Gulácsi, Zsuzsanna,
Mediaeval Manichaean book art : a codicological study of Iranian and Turkic illuminated book fragments from 8th-11th century east Central Asia
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Gulacsi, Zsuzsanna.
Local material culture in Uyghur Manichaean miniatures
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Gulácsi, Zsuzsanna
Mediaeval Manichaean Book Art : A Codicological Study of Iranian and Turkic Illuminated Book Fragments from 8th-11th Century East Central Asia
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Gulácsi, Zsuzsanna
Mediaeval Manichaean Book Art : A Codicological Study of Iranian and Turkic Illuminated Book Fragments from 8th-11th Century East Central Asia
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Gulácsi, Zsuzsanna,
Mani's pictures : the didactic images of the Manichaeans from Sasanian Mesopotamia to Uygur Central Asia and Tang-Ming China
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Gulácsi, Zsuzsanna.
Bamberger Zentralasienstudien /
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hebis, Union Catalog Hesse
Total Number of Matches: 7
Time needed: 1.201 seconds
A Manichaean prayer and confession book (BBB) / / Sims-Williams, Nicholas. - Turnhout : Brepols, [2022]
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Language, society, and religion in the world of the Turks : Festschrift for Larry Clark at seventy-five / / Gulácsi, Zsuzsanna. - Turnhout : Brepols, 2018
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Mani's pictures : the didactic images of the Manichaeans from Sasanian Mesopotamia to Uygur Central Asia and Tang-Ming China / / Gulácsi, Zsuzsanna. - Leiden [u.a.] : Brill, 2016
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Mediaeval Manichaean book art : a codicological study of Iranian and Turkic illuminated book fragments from 8th-11th century east Central Asia / / Gulácsi, Zsuzsanna. - Leiden [u.a.] : Brill, 2005
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Mediaeval Manichaean book art : a codicological study of Iranian and Turkic illuminated book fragments from 8th-11th century east Central Asia / / Gulácsi, Zsuzsanna. - Leiden [u.a.] : Brill, 2005
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Mediaeval Manichaean book art : a codicological study of Iranian and Turkic illuminated book fragments from 8th - 11th century East Central Asia / / Gulácsi, Zsuzsanna. - Leiden [u.a.] : Brill, 2005
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Manichaean art in Berlin collections : a comprehensive catalogue of Manichaean artifacts belonging to the Berlin State Museums of the Prussian Cultural Foundation, Museum of Indian Art, and the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences, deposited in the Berlin State Library of the Prussian Cultural Foundation / / Gulácsi, Zsuzsanna. - Turnhout : Brepols, 2001
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Total Number of Matches displayed (Single Matches excluded): 99
Total Time needed: 1.256 seconds
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: Gulácsi, Zsuzsanna
19 Catalogs have been selected.
9 of them could not be successfully processed (or not completely) or no records could be found:
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Library Network of Western Switzerland
Problem during the connection.
German National Library of Science and Technology (TIB)
No records found.
Die Österreichischen Landesbibliotheken
No records found.
The analysis of the Catalog response did not generate a result.
Swiss National Library
No records found.
IDS Bale/Berne
The analysis of the Catalog response did not generate a result.
hebis-Retro / Digitalisierte Zettelkataloge
No records found.
Verbundkatalog Öffentlicher Bibliotheken
No records found.
Besides other reasons, a Catalog cannot be successfully processed if it does not respond within the Timeout (30 seconds).
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