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HBZ, NRW-Verbundkatalog via GVI
Total Number of Matches: 32
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Coral Reefs at the Crossroads ; Springer Netherlands / 2016
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Plays, poems, and miscellaneous writings associated with George Villiers, Second Duke of Buckingham ; Oxford Univ. Press / Buckingham, George Villiers <<of>> / 2007-
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<<The>> new Cambridge modern history ; txt / [2008]
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Deregulation and Privatisation ; Hume Papers on Public Policy 3.3 / MacQueen, Hector / [2022]
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The Seljuqs and their Successors ; Art, Culture and History / Canby, Sheila / [2022]
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Maya Archaeology and Ethnohistory ; University of Texas Press / [2021]
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Cherokee ; NN08 / 2007
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Chemistry and Biology of Pteridines ; Pteridines and Folic Acid Derivatives. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Pteridines and Folic Acid Derivatives, Chemical, Biological and Clinical Aspects / [2019]
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Flavins and Flavoproteins 1990 ; Proceedings of the Tenth International Symposium, Como, Italy, July 15–20, 1990 / [2019]
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World Congress of Nonlinear Analysts '92 ; Proceedings of the First World Congress of Nonlinear Analysts, Tampa, Florida, August 19-26, 1992 / [2011]
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Frontiers in Optics and Photonics ; De Gruyter / [2021]
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