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Proceedings of the 29th International congress of papyrology ; Centro di Studi Papirologici dell'Università del Salento / 2022
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Proceedings of the 29th International congress of papyrology ; Centro di Studi Papirologici dell'Università del Salento / 2022
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Proceedings of the 29th International congress of papyrology ; Centro di Studi Papirologici dell'Università del Salento / 2022
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El-Rubayyat e i "ritratti del Fayyum" ; txt / Davoli, Paola / 1997
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Una scuola di greco del IV secolo d. C. a Trimithis (Oasi di Dakhla, Egitto) ; txt / Davoli, Paola / 2010
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Premessa ; txt / Capasso, Mario / 2007
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Archaeological Work on Hellenistic and Roman Egypt ; txt / Bagnall, Roger S. / 2011
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Reflections on Urbanism in Graeco-Roman Egypt ; a Historical and Regional Perspective / Davoli, Paola / 2011
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New excavations at Soknopaiu Nesos: the 2003 season ; txt / Davoli, Paola / 2005
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Mobili in legno dal tempio di Soknobkonneus a Bakchias (Fayyum) ; txt / Davoli, Paola / 2000
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Classical Influences on the Domestic Architecture of the Graeco-Roman Fayyum Sites ; txt / Davoli, Paola / 2015
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[Rezension von: Le Fayoum: archéologie, histoire, religion: actes du sixième colloque international, Montpellier, 26-28 octobre 2016 / Marie-Pierre Chaufray (edt.), Ivan Guermeur (edt.), Sandra Luisa Lippert (edt.), Vincent Rondot (edt.). - …
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Fayyum ; txt / Davoli, Paola / 2013
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Medinet Madi ; txt / Davoli, Paola / 2013
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Problemi dell'archeologia dell'Herakleides ; txt / Davoli, Paola / 1997
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Aspetti della topografia del Fayyum in epoca ellenistica e romana ; txt / Davoli, Paola / 2001
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Studio preliminare dei sigilli in argilla dall'area templare di Bakchias (Fayyum) ; txt / Davoli, Paola / 2001
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The Temple Area of Soknopaiou Nesos ; txt / Davoli, Paola / 2007
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Nuovi risultati dalle Campagne di Scavo 2004 - 2006 a Soknopaiou Nesos (Egitto) ; txt / Davoli, Paola / 2008
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Archaeological Research in Roman Soknopaiou Nesos: Results and Perspectives ; txt / Davoli, Paola / 2010
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