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Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin
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L'orMa - un cammino nell'arte per lasciare il segno / Redaelli, Serena. - [Cesena] : Manfredi edizioni, [2024]
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Ramayana in Cambodian Sanskrit inscriptions, sculptures, ramleela & paintings : (an exploration of a forgotten glory of Ramayana in Cambodia) / Upendraravu, Cauduri *1964-*. - 1st edition. - Delhi : Eastern Book Linkers, 2024
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Raymond Delamarre : sculpteur et médailleur / Maingon, Claire *1980-*. - Paris : Norma éditions, [2024]
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Ronald Moody - sculpting life / Ahaiwe Sowinski, Ego. - London : Thames & Hudson, [2024]
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Stranieri ovunque / Vol. 2, Partecipazioni nazionali ed eventi collaterali / Pietragnoli, Maddalena. - Prima edizione. - aprile 2024
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Stranieri ovunque / Vol. 1, Mostra / Pedrosa, Adriano *1965-*. - Prima edizione. - aprile 2024
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La scultura del Seicento a Milano / Zanuso, Susanna *1958-*. - Bologna : Amici di Federico Zeri, [2024]
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Das Mithras-Kultbild von Mauls / Bozen : Athesia, [2024]
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Plastic pollution of the worlds oceans as a legal problem : does the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea entail obligations to clean-up existing plastic pollution? / Christiansen, Liv. - 1st edition. - Baden-Baden : Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 2024
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La pierre, la couleur et la restauration : le portail polychromé de la cathédrale d'Angers (XIIe-XXIe siècle) : contribution à l'étude des portails médiévaux en France et en Europe / Fillion-Braguet, Bénédicte. - Rennes : Presses universitaires de Rennes, [2024]
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