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Catalogue of printed books and a few manuscripts [&] : [vente du 20 mars 1939] Catalogue of printed books and a few manuscripts compriding English literature, books on cricket, first editions of Arnold Bennett, John Drinkwater, Thomas Hardy, A. P. …
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Catalogue of Japanese and Chinese colour prints and Japanese works of art [...] : [vente du 4 juillet 1939] Catalogue of Japanese and Chinese colour prints and Japanese works of art, comprising a collection of Japanese prints, containing many …
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Catalogue of modern etchings and engravings [...] : [vente du 7 mai 1914] Catalogue of modern etchings & engravings being the final portion of the retired partners stock of the firm of Messrs. Arthur Tooth & sons, of 155, New Bond Street, London, …
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Puttick and Simpson
Catalogue of decorative furniture, porcelain and pottery [&] : [vente du 15 février 1917] Catalogue of decorative furniture, porcelain and pottery from various sources also porcelain and decorative objects the property of Archibald Ramsden, esq. …
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Christie, Manson and Woods
Catalogue of valuable books, chiefly by celebrated English writers of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries [...] : [vente du 4 au 6 avril 1921] Catalogue of valuable books, chiefly by celebrated English writers of the nineteenth and twentieth …
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Catalogue of engravings, drawings in pencil and water colour together with oil paintings [...] : [vente du 5 mai 1919] Catalogue of engravings, drawings in pencil and water colour together with oil paintings ; First day's sale, engravings and …
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Catalogue of valuable printed books, autograph letters and historical documents [...] : [vente du 31 juillet 1939] Catalogue of valuable printed books, autograph letters and historical documents, comprising English literature, first editions, …
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Catalogue of engravings [&] : [vente du 9 juillet 1915] Catalogue of engravings including the property of a nobleman comprising portraits in mezzotint, line and colours including Lieut-col. Erskine, by G. Dawe, after Raeburn, mezzotint, open letter …
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Puttick and Simpson
Catalogue of valuable printed books, autograph letters and historical documents [&] : [vente du 15 mai 1939] Catalogue of valuable printed books, autograph letters and historical documents, etc. comprising topography, bibliography, books with …
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Catalogue of fine engravings mostly in colours and modern etchings [&] : [vente du 11 décembre 1917] Catalogue of fine engravings mostly in colours and modern etchings comprising a further selection from the superb collection of the late T. J. …
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Catalogue of a sale of modern etchings, drawings and lithographs [&] : [vente du 13 juillet 1914] Catalogue of a sale of modern etchings, drawings and lithographs the property of T. Way, esq. which includes a choice collection of the Whistler …
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Catalogue of English and Continental Porcelain and Pottery [...] : [vente du 26 avril 1940] Catalogue of English and Continental Porcelain and Pottery comprising Animals and Miniature Pieces, the Property of Trevor Micklem, Esq. ; Continental and …
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Catalogue of armour and weapons from various sources, Italian bronzes [&] : [vente du 2 juin 1939] Catalogue of armour and weapons from various sources, Italian bronzes including a fine 16th century bronze group, the property of Christine, …
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The Notable Collection of Mr. Sidney G. Reilly, of New York and London [...] : [vente des 4 et 5 mai 1921] Illustrated Catalogue of the Notable Collection of Mr. Sidney G. Reilly, of New York and London. Literary, Artistic and Historical Properties …
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American art association (New York)
Catalogue of modern etchings, drawings and lithographs [...] : [vente du 23 juillet 1919] Catalogue of modern etchings, drawings and lithographs the properties of A. C. Heath, Esq. of 62, Rosedale Road, Forest Gate, of J. E; Mounsey, Esq. of 13, …
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Catalogue of engravings, drawings and etchings from various sources [&] : [vente du 17 juin 1914] Catalogue of engravings, drawings & etchings from various sources & private collections, comprising the property of Thomas Way, esq. and of a private …
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Catalogue of choice modern etchings and lithographs [&] : [vente du 20 décembre 1915] Catalogue of choice modern etchings & lithographs comprising lithographs, by J. M. Whistler, from the collection of the late Thomas Way, etchings and lithographs, …
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Catalogue of valuable coins and medals [&] : [vente du 3 août 1916] Catalogue of valuable coins and medals, including a small but very choice collection of anglo-saxon coins, the property of the late A. S. Napier, M.A. D.Litt. Merton Professor of …
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Catalogue of a collection of English and continental faience and porcelain [...] : [vente du 6 juillet 1939] Catalogue of a collection of English and continental faience and porcelain, formed by the late Mrs. M. S. Hansard, removed from 17a Cadogan …
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Catalogue of the collection of ancient and modern pictures [&] : [vente des 1er et 2 février 1917] Catalogue of the collection of ancient & modern pictures, water colour drawings and engravings of Archibald Ramsden, esq. deceased late of 8 …
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Christie, Manson and Woods
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