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Treffer insgesamt: 441
Benötigte Zeit: 1.648 Sekunden
Der Tempio della Tosse in Tivoli
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Fontolan, Enrico James Merigot
Das Innere der Maecenas-Villa in Tivoli
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Fontolan, Enrico James Merigot
Der Venus-Tempel in Rom
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Fontolan, Enrico James Merigot
Der Tempel des Romulus und des Remus auf dem Forum Romanum in Rom
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Fontolan, Enrico James Merigot
Das Grabmal der Horatier und Curiatier in Albano
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Fontolan, Enrico James Merigot
James Bond en Almería: Dos submarinos con brazos para buscar artefactos nucleares
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Illustrierter Filmkurier: Goldfinger ; IFK 0033 Nr. 33
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Hamilton, Guy Connery, Sean Fröbe, Gert Eaton, Shirley
The woodland maid
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Bond, William Lawrence, Sir Thomas
Catalogue of engravings and drawings [...] : [vente du 10 février 1919] Catalogue of engravings & drawings comprising the property of the late E. W. Hennel, Esq. and other properties including fine early engravings of portraits after van Dyck, …
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Catalogue of fine drawings [...] : [vente du 24 février 1914] Catalogue of fine drawings (framed and in the portfolio), many being in water-colours by old masters of the English, French, Dutch and Italian schools, comprising the property of the …
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Catalogue of Manuscripts, Printed Books, Autograph Letters, etc. [...] : [vente des 24 et 25 juin 1940] Catalogue of Manuscripts, Printed Books, Autograph Letters, etc., comprising Books on Art and Archaeology collected by the late George …
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Catalogue of the remaining stock of pictures by old masters [...] : [vente du 18 juin 1920] Catalogue of the remaining stock of pictures by old masters and works of the early English school of Mr. Asher Wertheimer, deceased, late of 158 New Bond …
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Christie, Manson and Woods
Catalogue of valuable old English silver, etc. [&] : [vente du 29 juin 1939] Catalogue of valuable old English silver, etc. comprising seventy-two William IV plates, the property of the late Mrs. G. A. Wolfe, silver-gilt cups and tankards by Paul …
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Catalogue of engravings, drawings in crayon and water-colours, together with oil paintings [...] : [vente du 26 février 1919] Catalogue of engravings, drawings in crayon & water-colours, together with oil paintings comprising the properties of Mrs. …
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Catalogue of engravings comprising fancy subjects of the early English and French schools [&] : [vente du 12 février 1915] Catalogue of engravings comprising fancy subjects of the early English and French schools, portraits in mezzotint, line and …
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Puttick and Simpson
Catalogue of porcelain, decorative objects, old English and other furniture [&] : [vente du 8 mars 1917] Catalogue of porcelain, decorative objects, old English and other furniture from various sources which will be sold by auction by Messrs. …
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Christie, Manson and Woods
Catalogue of valuable old English and Irish glass [&] : [vente du 22 octobre 1919] Catalogue of valuable old English & Irish glass comprising the property of G. F. Berney, Esq. Hill House, 84, Wimbledon Hill, S.W., the property of Mrs. Gerald …
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Catalogue of engravings in mezzotint, stipple and line, also of etchings and drawings [&] : [vente du 1er décembre 1915] Catalogue of engravings in mezzotint, stipple and line, also of etchings and drawings comprising a collection of fine mezzotint …
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Catalogue of old English and French furniture, with embroideries, fans, lace, carpets and rugs [...] : [vente du 20 novembre 1919] Catalogue of old English and French furniture, with embroideries, fans, lace, carpets & rugs. First day's sale : old …
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Catalogue of a small collection of English gold and silver coins [&] : [vente du 6 juin 1916] Catalogue of a small collection of English gold & silver coins the property of Vaughan G. Chapman, esq., a collection of English coins and medals, …
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