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Treffer insgesamt: 57
Benötigte Zeit: 0.185 Sekunden
A method for Boolean analysis of protein interactions at a molecular level
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Doroteya Ray
Kulturelle Intelligenz in der Literatur: Giovanni Boccaccios ‚Falkennovelle‘
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Christof Weian
TGF-β induces cholesterol accumulation to regulate the secretion of tumor-derived extracellular vesicles
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Dorival Mendes Rod
Plasma hyaluronan, hyaluronidase activity and endogenous hyaluronidase inhibition in sepsis: an experimental and clinical cohort study
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Jaap van der
Smad7 Enhances TGF-β-Induced Transcription of c-Jun and HDAC6 Promoting Invasion of Prostate Cancer Cells
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Noopur Thakur,
NR4A1 promotes PDGF-BB-induced cell colony formation in soft agar.
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Glenda Eger, Nata
Hyaluronan nanoscale clustering and Hyaluronan synthase 2 expression are linked to the invasion of child fibroblasts and infantile fibrosarcoma in vitro and in vivo
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Joseph J. Tonge
Improved efficiency of in situ protein analysis by proximity ligation using UnFold probes
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Axel Klaesso
Emergence, development and diversification of the TGF-<it>β </it>signalling pathway within the animal kingdom
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Moustakas Aristid
Platelet-derived growth factor receptor-β, carrying the activating mutation D849N, accelerates the establishment of B16 melanoma
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Suzuki Shioto
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Benötigte Gesamtzeit: 0.195 Sekunden
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