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Treffer insgesamt: 46
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German crimes tried in Poland : a political and legal analysis on the example of Supreme National Tribunal trials in Southern Poland
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Lubecka, Joanna
In search of political justice, 1939-2000 : from the main commission for the investigation of German crimes in Poland to the Institute of National Remembrance
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Bułhak, Władysław
Post-war reckonings : political justice and transitional justice in the theory and practice of the main commission of inquiry into German crimes in Poland in 1945
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Gulińska-Jurgiel, Paulina
"The Lists" of extrajudicial convictions in the period 1937-1938
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Rachinsky, Yan
Lex Retro Agit : Polish legislation on Nazi German war criminals in the concepts of the Polish government-in-exile in London (1942-1943)
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Kornat, Marek
Score settling : the "French chapter" of Polish politics in exile during World War II
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Rabiński, Jarosław
Polish and Czechoslovak retribution against Germany, 1945-1949 : a comparison
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Jasiński, Łukasz
Judicial and extra-Judicial punishment and acts of retribution against German prisoners of war, 1941-1945
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Petrov, Nikita Vasilʹevič
Judicial and extrajudicial political persecution under the National Socialist dictatorship : structures, logic, and developments
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Müller, Ingo
Crime, treason and greed : the German wartime occupation of Poland and Polish post-war retributive justice
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Paczkowski, Andrzej
German crimes tried in poland : a political and legal analysis on the example of supreme national tribunal trials in southern poland
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Lubecka, Joanna
Judicial and extra-judicial punishment and acts of retribution against german prisoners of war : 1941-1945
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Petrov, Nikita Vasilʹevič
In search of political justice, 1939-2000 : From the main commission for the investigation of german crimes in poland to the Institute of National Remembrance
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Bułhak, Władysław
The "Union for the Liberation of Ukraine" ("SVU") trial : fabrication, mechanisms, consequences
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Šapoval, Jurij Ivanovyč
Propaganda and justice : the "Obornik murder trial", August 25-September 4, 1941
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Becker, Maximilian
Angezeigte Treffer: 16
Benötigte Gesamtzeit: 0.379 Sekunden
Ihre Suchanfrage war:
: 9783835335615
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