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BVB - BibliotheksVerbund Bayern Solr-Zugang
Treffer insgesamt: 4
Benötigte Zeit: 0.707 Sekunden
From the Indian Ocean to the Mediterranean ; the global trade networks of Armenian merchants from New Julfa / Aslanian, Sebouh David / 2011
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From the Indian Ocean to the Mediterranean ; the global trade networks of Armenian merchants from New Julfa / Aslanian, Sebouh David / 2010
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From the Indian Ocean to the Mediterranean ; the global trade networks of Armenian merchants from New Julfa / Aslanian, Sebouh David / 2011
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From the Indian Ocean to the Mediterranean ; the global trade networks of Armenian merchants from New Julfa / Aslanian, Sebouh David / 2011
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HBZ, NRW-Verbundkatalog via GVI
Treffer insgesamt: 1
Benötigte Zeit: 0.703 Sekunden
From the Indian Ocean to the Mediterranean ; the global trade networks of Armenian merchants from New Julfa / Aslanian, Sebouh David / 2011
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Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin
Treffer insgesamt: 2
Benötigte Zeit: 0.787 Sekunden
From the Indian Ocean to the Mediterranean : the global trade networks of Armenian merchants from New Julfa / Aslanian, Sebouh David. - Online-Ausg.. - Berkeley, Calif : University of California Press, 2011
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From the Indian Ocean to the Mediterranean : the global trade networks of Armenian merchants from New Julfa / Aslanian, Sebouh David. - Berkeley, Calif. [u.a.] : Univ. of California Press, c 2011
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SWB, Südwestdeutscher Bibliotheksverbund
Treffer insgesamt: 3
Benötigte Zeit: 0.913 Sekunden
From the Indian Ocean to the Mediterranean : The Global Trade Networks of Armenian Merchants from New Julfa / / Aslanian, Sebouh David. - 1st ed.. - Berkerley : University of California Press, 2011
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From the Indian Ocean to the Mediterranean : the global trade networks of Armenian merchants from New Julfa / / Aslanian, Sebouh David. - Online-Ausg.. - Berkeley, Calif : University of California Press, 2011
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From the Indian Ocean to the Mediterranean : the global trade networks of Armenian merchants from New Julfa / Aslanian, Sebouh David. - Berkeley, Calif. [u.a.] : Univ. of California Press, c 2011 / (The California world history library;17) /
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Verbundkatalog hebis, Hessen
Treffer insgesamt: 2
Benötigte Zeit: 0.894 Sekunden
From the Indian Ocean to the Mediterranean : The Global Trade Networks of Armenian Merchants from New Julfa / / Aslanian, Sebouh David. - Berkeley : University of California Press, 2011
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From the Indian Ocean to the Mediterranean : the global trade networks of Armenian merchants from New Julfa / / Aslanian, Sebouh David. - Berkeley, CA [u.a.] : Univ. of California Press, 2011
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KOBV Berlin-Brandenburg
Treffer insgesamt: 3
Benötigte Zeit: 1.049 Sekunden
From the Indian Ocean to the Mediterranean : the global trade networks of Armenian merchants from New Julfa
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Aslanian, Sebouh David.
From the Indian Ocean to the Mediterranean : the global trade networks of Armenian merchants from New Julfa
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Aslanian, Sebouh David.
From the Indian Ocean to the Mediterranean : the global trade networks of Armenian merchants from New Julfa
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Aslanian, Sebouh David.
Google Books
Treffer insgesamt: 1
Benötigte Zeit: 0.475 Sekunden
From the Indian Ocean to the Mediterranean, The Global Trade Networks of Armenian Merchants from New Julfa
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Sebouh David Aslanian
Verbundkatalog GBV
Treffer insgesamt: 6
Benötigte Zeit: 1.099 Sekunden
From the Indian Ocean to the Mediterranean : The Global Trade Networks of Armenian Merchants from New Julfa / Aslanian, Sebouh - Berkeley, CA : University of California Press, [2011]
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From the Indian Ocean to the Mediterranean : The Global Trade Networks of Armenian Merchants from New Julfa / Aslanian, Sebouh David; Aslanian, Sebouh - 1st ed. - Berkerley : University of California Press, 2011
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From the Indian Ocean to the Mediterranean : the global trade networks of Armenian merchants from New Julfa / Aslanian, Sebouh David - Online-Ausg.. - Berkeley, Calif : University of California Press, 2011
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From the Indian Ocean to the Mediterranean : the global trade networks of Armenian merchants from New Julfa / Aslanian, Sebouh David - Berkeley : University of California Press, 2011
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From the Indian Ocean to the Mediterranean : the global trade networks of Armenian merchants from New Julfa / Aslanian, Sebouh David - Online-Ausg.. - Berkeley, Calif : University of California Press, 2011
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From the Indian Ocean to the Mediterranean : the global trade networks of Armenian merchants from New Julfa / Aslanian, Sebouh David - Berkeley, Calif. [u.a.] : Univ. of California Press, c 2011
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Bielefeld Academic Search Engine
Treffer insgesamt: 10
Benötigte Zeit: 2.602 Sekunden
Trust, Social Capital, and Networks: Informal and Semiformal Institutions at Work
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Aslanian, Sebouh David
The Julfan Trade Network II: The Mediterranean, Northwestern European, and Russian Networks
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Aslanian, Sebouh David
Old Julfa, the Great Deportations, and the Founding of New Julfa
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Aslanian, Sebouh David
Conclusion: Comparative Thoughts on Julfan Armenians, Multani Indians, and Sephardic Jews
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Aslanian, Sebouh David
From the Indian Ocean to the Mediterranean ; The Global Trade Networks of Armenian Merchants from New Julfa
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DavidAslanian, Sebouh
The Center Cannot Hold: The Decline and Collapse of the Julfan Trade Network
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Aslanian, Sebouh David
From Trade Diasporas to Circulation Societies
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Aslanian, Sebouh David
The Circulation of Men and Credit: The Commenda and the Family Firm
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Aslanian, Sebouh David
“The salt in a merchant’s letter”: Business Correspondence and the Courier System
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Aslanian, Sebouh David
The Julfan Trade Network I: The World of the Indian Ocean
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Aslanian, Sebouh David
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Angezeigte Treffer: 32
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