Routledge handbook of African peacebuilding
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"Africa lies at the centre of the international community's peacebuilding interventions, and the continent's rich multitude of actors, ideas, relationships, practices, experiences, locations, and contexts in turn shape the possibilities and practices of contemporary peacebuilding. This timely new handbook surveys and analyses peacebuilding as it operates in this specifically African context. The book begins by outlining the evolution and the various ideologies, conceptualizations, institutions, and practices of African peacebuilding. It identifies critical differences in how African peacebuilders have conceptualized and operationalized peacebuilding. The book then considers how different actors sustain, construct and use African infrastructure to identify and analyse converging, differing or competing mandates, approaches, and interests. Finally, it analyses specific thematic issues such as gender, justice, development, democracy, and the politics of knowledge, before ending with in-depth analyses of case studies drawn from across the continent. Bringing together an international line up of expert contributors, this book will be an essential read for students and scholars of African politics, post-conflict reconstruction, security and peace and conflict studies."--