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KOBV Berlin-Brandenburg
Treffer insgesamt: 531
Benötigte Zeit: 0.358 Sekunden
A 'synchronized attack' : on Raphael Lemkin's holistic conception of genocide
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Butcher, Thomas M.
In memoriam : Judith E. Doneson
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Littell, Marcia Sachs
Blood dances
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Moskowitz Brody, Cynthia
Will it happen again? : On the possibility of forecasting the risk of genocide
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Rost, Nicolas
Surmounting the myopic focus on genocide : the case of the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina
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Nielsen, Christian Axboe
Genocide and the rigor of philosophy : a comment on Paul Boghossian : Debate
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Weitz, Eric D.
State intervention and extreme violence in the revolutionary Ohio Valley
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Harper, Rob
Frankl, Bettelheim and the camps
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Adamczyk, Amy L.
Humanitarian intervention and the prevention of genocide
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Janssen, Dieter
Into the grey zone : Wehrmacht bystanders, German labor market policy and the Holocaust
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Priemel, Kim Christian
A solution from hell : the United States and the rise of humanitarian interventionism, 1991 - 2003
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Wertheim, Stephen
Nation, narration, unification? : the politics of history teaching after the Rwandan genocide
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Buckley-Zistel, Susanne
"In our hearts we felt the sentence of death": ethnic German recollections of mass violence in the USSR, 1928-48
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Pohl, J. Otto
Beyond Holocaust studies : rethinking the Holocaust in Hungary
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Segal, Raz
"A thousand miles of cannibal lands" : imagining away genocide in the re-colonization of West Papua
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Banivanua-Mar, Tracey
Can philosophy explain Nazi violence? : Giorgio Agamben and the problem of the 'historico-philosophical' method
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Takayoshi, Ichiro
What you see before your eyes : documenting Raphael Lemkin's life by exploring his archival Papers, 1900-1959
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Elder, Tanya
Reconsidering the slaughter bench of history : genocide, theodicy, and the philosophy of history
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Woessner, Martin
Guilty of innocence or 'nobody' remembers the Armenians
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Hamblet, Wendy C.
In the national interest? : Canada and the East Pakistan crisis of 1971
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Pilkington, Richard
Is genocide preventable? : some theoretical considerations
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Cushman, Thomas
Public or private? : Antisemitism and politics in the Federation of German Women's Associations
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Bereswill, Mechthild
British perceptions of the East Pakistan Crisis 1971 : 'hideous atrocities on both sides'?
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Debnath, Angela
Raphael Lemkin and the international debate on the punishment of war crimes (1919-1948)
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Segesser, Daniel Marc
Settler colonialism and the elimination of the native
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Wolfe, Patrick
The papers of Raphael Lemkin : a first look
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Jacobs, Steven Leonard
Writing Guatemala's genocide : truth and reconciliation commission reports and Christianity
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O'Neill, Kevin Lewis
Raphael Lemkin on the Holocaust
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Stone, Dan
Ernst Cassirer, Hannah Arendt, and the twentieth century revival of philosophical anthropology
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Curthoys, Ned
The UK and 'genocide' in Biafra
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Smith, Karen E.
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Angezeigte Treffer: 30
Benötigte Gesamtzeit: 0.371 Sekunden
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: 1462-3528
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