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KOBV Berlin-Brandenburg
Treffer insgesamt: 1615
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The teacher disempowerment debate : historical reflections on "slender autonomy"
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Smaller, Harry
"Hopelessly insane, some almost maniacs" : New York city's war on "unfit" teachers
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Chmielewski, Kristen
Governed and/or schooled
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Martínez Boom, Alberto
Delineation of a politico-scientific complex to govern the "abnormal" child : mental hygiene, vocational curriculum, and Republican imaginations of re/productive citizenry, Turkey (1930-1950)
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Tunc, Yasin
Militarising school : militarism in the Turkish educational system (1926-1947)
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Gündüz, Mustafa
Controlling the image of the teacher's body under authortarianism : the case of Soviet Latvia (1953-1984)
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Kestere, Iveta
"You have betrayed us for a little dirty money!" : the Prague Spring as seen by primary school teachers
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Zounek, Jiří
Demythologising the educational past : an attempt to assess the "power of education" in the Congo (DRC) with a nod to the history of interwar pedagogy in Catholic Flanders
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Depaepe, Marc
Photography as an great agent of transformation : education, community and documentary photography in post war Britain
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Grosvenor, Ian
Ärztliche Macht und ihr Einfluss auf den Schulalltag in der Schweiz im ausgehenden 19. und beginnenden 20. Jahrundert
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Hofmann, Michèle
Revitalising teachers' bodies : prescriptions for rest and teachers' summer activities in the United States, 1880s-1930s
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Ogren, Christine A.
Modern pedagogy, local concerns : the Junkyard on the kibbutz kindergarten
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Golden, Deborah
From colonialism to developing countries : surveys and educational reforms in British Tropical Africa, 1910 - 1990
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Watras, Joseph
The system of textbook approval in Poland under communist rule (1944 - 1989) as a tool of power of the regime
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Wojdon, Joanna
Education policy in the Republic of Latvia : lessons from experience
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Koķe, Tatjana
Richard Aldrich (1937 - 2014)
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Watts, Ruth
The discovery of feeblemindedness among immigrant children through intelligence tests in California in the 1910s
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Omori, Mariko
Hungarian-Russian bilingual schools in Hungary during the Soviet occupation (1945-1989)
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Vámos, Ágnes
Schooling in the Kovno Ghetto : cultural reproduction as a form of defince
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Slaten Frasier, Amanda Marie
The pedagogical foundations of primary school inspector Leonor Serrano (1914-1939)
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Ortells Roca, Miguel
Regulated and liberated bodies of schoolgirls in a Finnish short film from the 1950s
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Nieminen, Marjo
Emotions, power and the advent of mass schooling
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Landahl, Joakim
Much ado about something? : James Bryant Conant, Harvard University, and Nazi Germany in the 1930s
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Urban, Wayne J.
Performing cleanliness : clean milk competitions in Britain, c. 1920-1940
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Newman, Laura
A brief history of family life education in Romania
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Momanu, Mariana
"No wonder they are sick, and die of study" : European fears for the scholarly body and health in New England schools before Horace Mann
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Noel, Rebecca
Using knowledge of the past to improve education today : US education history and policy-making
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Vinovskis, Maris
Éducation des corps et disciplinarisation : le processus d'intégration des sports dans l'éducation scolaire française : (1918-années 1990)
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Gomet, Doriane
Representations of hands in the Florentine Codex by Bernardino de Sahagún (ca 1499-1590)
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Roith, Christian
"The mind has to catch up on sex" : sexual norms and sex education in the Hull House
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Fair, Alexandra
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: 0030-9230
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