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Singing about soldiers in German schools, from 1890 to 1945
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Kennedy, Katharine
Children's education and mental health in Spain during and after the Civil War : psychiatry, psychology and "biological pedagogy" at the service of Franco's regime
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Gómez Rodríguez, Amparo
No "fear of flying"? : Worrals of the WAAF, fiction, and girls' informal wartime education
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Spencer, Stephanie
War, education and state formation : problems of territorial and political integration in the United States, 1848-1912
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Beadie, Nancy
War and education in the United States : racial ideology and inequality in three historical episodes
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Rury, John L.
Fighting for social democracy : R.H. Tawney and educational reconstruction in the Second World War
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Ku, Hsiao-Yuh
The back office of school reform : educational planning units in German-speaking Switzerland (1960s and 1970s)
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Bosche, Anne
The educationalising of early childhood in Aotearoa New Zealand : tracking "free play" 1940s-2010
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Stover, Sue
Profession, "perfomance", and policy : teachers, examinations, and the state in England and Wales, 1846-1862
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Knudsen, Andrew T.
Bridging the English channel : Huguenots in the educational milieu of the English upper class
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Green, Michael
Seeing, hearing, reading, writing, speaking and things : on silences, senses and emotions during the "zero hour" in Germany
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Priem, Karin
The radical transformations and deep continuities of a decade : Turkish educational policy, 1938-1950
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Gündüz, Mustafa
From elite traditions to middle-class cultures : images of secondary education in the anniversary books of Finnish girls' school, 1882-2007
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Nieminen, Marjo
Educational research within the administration : a booming business in the French-speaking part of Switzerland : (1950-1980)
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Rothen, Christina
Homo pontem: teachers as bridges to a multicultural Italy
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Kowalczyk, Jamie A.
The Catholic school and social justice in Africa : a Zambian case study
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Carmody, Brendan
Professional encounters with the post-WWII immigrant : a privileged prism for studying the shaping of European welfare nation states
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Padovan-Özdemir, Marta
The imperial welfare state? : decolonisation, education and professional interventions on immigrant children in Birmingham, 1948-1971
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Ydesen, Christian
"My job was to teach" : educators' memories of teaching in British Columbia during World War II
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Raptis, Helen
Social and educational modernisation in Spain: the work of Segell Pro Infància in Catalonia (1933-1938)
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Miquel Lara, Avelina
The quotidianisation of the war in everyday life at German schools during the First World War
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Scholz, Joachim
The backbone of schooling : entangled histories of funding and educational administration - introduction
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Aubry, Carla
Making mass schooling affordable : in-kind taxation and the establishment of an elementary school system in Sweden, 1840-1870
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Westberg, Johannes
Schooling for all via financing by some : perspectives from early modern and Victorian England
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Mitch, David F.
Racialised entanglements of teacher professionalisation and problematised immigrant schoolchildren : crafting a Danish welfare nation-state, 1970-2013
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Padovan-Özdemir, Marta
History teaching as a nation-building tool in the early republican period in Turkey (1923-1938)
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Yazıcı, Fatih
Charting the past to understand the cultural inheritance of concert hall listening and audience development practices
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Nicholls, Claire D.
Metaphor, materiality and method : the central role of embodiment in the history of education
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Gleason, Mona
Feet, footwork, footwear, and "being alive" in the modern school
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Burke, Catherine
The teacher disempowerment debate : historical reflections on "slender autonomy"
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Smaller, Harry
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