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Deutsche Nationalbibliothek
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Benötigte Zeit: 0.162 Sekunden
Between East and South : spaces of interaction in the globalizing economy of the Cold War / edited by Anna Calori [und weiteren]
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Calori, Anna [Herausgeber]
HBZ, NRW-Verbundkatalog via GVI
Treffer insgesamt: 1
Benötigte Zeit: 0.198 Sekunden
Between East and South ; Spaces of Interaction in the Globalizing Economy of the Cold War / Calori, Anna / 2019
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BVB - BibliotheksVerbund Bayern Solr-Zugang
Treffer insgesamt: 2
Benötigte Zeit: 0.301 Sekunden
Between East and South ; spaces of interaction in the globalizing economy of the Cold War / 2019
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Between East and South ; spaces of interaction in the globalizing economy of the Cold War / 2019
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Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin
Treffer insgesamt: 2
Benötigte Zeit: 0.260 Sekunden
Between East and South : Spaces of Interaction in the Globalizing Economy of the Cold War / Calori, Anna. - Berlin/Boston : De Gruyter, 2019
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Between East and South : spaces of interaction in the globalizing economy of the cold war / Calori, Anna. - Berlin : De Gruyter Oldenbourg, [2019]
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SWB, Südwestdeutscher Bibliotheksverbund
Treffer insgesamt: 3
Benötigte Zeit: 0.422 Sekunden
Between East and South : Spaces of Interaction in the Globalizing Economy of the Cold War / / Calori, Anna [HerausgeberIn] ; Hartmetz, Anne-Kristin [HerausgeberIn] ; Kocsev, Bence [HerausgeberIn] et al. . - Berlin/Boston : De Gruyter, 2019
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Between East and South : spaces of interaction in the globalizing economy of the cold war / / Calori, Anna [HerausgeberIn] ; Hartmetz, Anne-Kristin [HerausgeberIn] ; Kocsev, Bence [HerausgeberIn] et al. . - Berlin : De Gruyter Oldenbourg, [2019] / (Dialectics of the global;volume 3)
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Between East and South : spaces of interaction in the globalizing economy of the Cold War / Spaces of Interaction between the Socialist Camp and the Global South: Knowledge Production, Trade, and Scientific-Technical Cooperation in the Cold War Era (2017 : Leipzig, Veranstaltung ) ; Calori, Anna [HerausgeberIn]. - Berlin : De Gruyter Oldenbourg, [2019] / (Dialectics of the global;volume 3) /
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Verbundkatalog GBV
Treffer insgesamt: 3
Benötigte Zeit: 0.486 Sekunden
Between East and South : Spaces of Interaction in the Globalizing Economy of the Cold War / Calori, Anna; Hartmetz, Anne-Kristin - Berlin/Boston : De Gruyter, 2019
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Between East and South : spaces of interaction in the globalizing economy of the cold war / Calori, Anna; Hartmetz, Anne-Kristin - Berlin : De Gruyter Oldenbourg, [2019]
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Between East and South : spaces of interaction in the globalizing economy of the Cold War / Calori, Anna; Hartmetz, Anne-Kristin - Berlin : De Gruyter Oldenbourg, [2019]
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KOBV Berlin-Brandenburg
Treffer insgesamt: 17
Benötigte Zeit: 0.822 Sekunden
Between East and South : spaces of interaction in the globalizing economy of the Cold War
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Between East and South : spaces of interaction in the globalizing economy of the Cold War
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Between East and South : spaces of interaction in the globalizing economy of the Cold War
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Between East and South : Spaces of Interaction in the Globalizing Economy of the Cold War
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Between east and south : spaces of interaction in the globalizing economy of the Cold War
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Diverging visions in revolutionary spaces: East German advisers and revolution from above in Zanzibar, 1964-1970
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Burton, Eric
The Soviet Union, the CMEA, and the nationalization of the Iraq Petroleum Company, 1967-1979
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Fujisawa, Jun
Bartering within and outside the CMEA: the GDR’s import of Cuban fruits and Ethiopian coffee
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Dietrich, Anne
Czechoslovak economic interests in Angola in the 1970s and 1980s
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Szobi, Pavel
The end of alternative spaces of globalization? Transformations from the 1980s to the 2010s
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Mark, James
The GDR, SWAPO, and Namibia: economic and other interactions in the 1970s and 1980s
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Saunders, Christopher C.
Agents of decolonization? Romanian activities in Mozambique’s oil and healthcare sectors, 1976-1984
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Iacob, Bogdan C.
The "grapes of cooperation"? Bulgarian and East German plans to build a Syrian cement industry from scratch
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Trecker, Max
Alternative globalization? Spaces of economic interaction between the "Socialist Camp" and the "Global South"
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Calori, Anna
Between East and South : spaces of interaction in the globalizing economy of the Cold War
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Spaces of Interaction between the Socialist Camp and the Global South: Knowledge Production, Trade, and Scientific-Technical Cooperation in the Cold War Era 2017 Leipzig
Between East and South : Spaces of Interaction in the Globalizing Economy of the Cold War
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Between East and South : Spaces of Interaction in the Globalizing Economy of the Cold War
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Angezeigte Treffer: 29
Benötigte Gesamtzeit: 0.885 Sekunden
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: 978-3-11-063965-0
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