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Ventricular Helix Angle Trends and Long-Range Connectivity
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Wilson, Alexander J.
Digital Solution for Production Optimization and Production Losses Estimation Using Data Analytics in Real Time in a Brown Field
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Quevedo, Hugo
A Fast Method for Calculating Sensitivities of Acoustic Propagation in Ducts to Small Changes in Geometry and Mean Flow
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Hawkins, Rhiannon
Design and Implementation of an Industrial Multinetwork TCP/IP of a Distributed Control System with Virtual Processes Based on IOT
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Ocaña, Wilson Sánchez
The cell
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Alberts, Bruce
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Zea, Luis
Does Knowledge Distillation Really Work?
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Stanton, Samuel
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Digital participatory planning : citizen engagement, democracy, and design
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Wilson, Alexander
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Finzi, Marc
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Wallwey, Cassie
Analysis of Location-Dependent Cardiomyocyte Branching
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Wilson, Alexander J.
Development of an Instrument to Measure Emotional Responses
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Rozo-Torres, Alexander
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Wu, Long
Interpretability-Guided Content-Based Medical Image Retrieval
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Silva, Wilson
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Park, Young-Hui
Beethoven : Die Bonner Jahre (Edition 1)
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Heckes, Pia
¿Podemos construir la paz? Perspectivas, ritualidades, encuentros
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Arango Calad, Carlos
A Centrifuge Study on the Effects of Soil Gradation on CPT Tip Resistance
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Sturm, Alexander P.
Thermisch gespritzte Gleitlagerbeschichtungen für Hauptlager von Windenergieanlagen (WEA) - WEA Triebstrang und Oberflächentechnik : Abschlussbericht : Projektlaufzeit 01.01.2016 bis 15.03.2019
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Zahalka, Frantisek
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BVB - BibliotheksVerbund Bayern Solr-Zugang
Treffer insgesamt: 369
Benötigte Zeit: 0.572 Sekunden
The Prosimetrum of the Íslendingasögur ; aesthetic and narrative effects / 2025
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Multiple authorship ; aesthetics of co-creativity in the pre-modern era / 2025
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Watty and Meg ; or the wife reformed. A true tale / Wilson, Alexander / 1796
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Watty and Meg; or, The wife reformed, a tale ; s.n / Wilson, Alexander / 1800
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Watty and Meg ; or, the wife reformed. A true tale / Wilson, Alexander / 1796
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Watty and Meg; or, The wife reformed, a tale ; Printed by M. Angus and Son, in the side / Wilson, Alexander / 1800
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Poems ; By Alexander Wilson / Wilson, Alexander / 1790
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Some observations relative to the influence of climate on vegetable and animal bodies. By Alexander Wilson, M.D ; printed for T. Cadell, in the Strand / Wilson, Alexander / 1780
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Thoughts on general gravitation, and views thence arising as to the state of the universe ; printed for T. Cadell in the Strand / Wilson, Alexander / 1777
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Rab and Ringan ; A tale. As delivered in the Pantheon, Edinburgh. (recited in the character of a poor pedlar) by the author of Watty and Meg. To which is added, The twa cats and the cheese. A tale. Demonstrating the great folly of going to law / …
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Rab and Ringan ; a tale. As delivered in the Pantheon Edinburgh. (recited in the character of a poor pedlar) by the author of Watty and Meg. To which is added, The twa cats and the cheese: a tale. Demonstrating the great folly of going to law / …
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The loss o' the pack ; A true tale. By the author of Watty and Meg, Rab and Ringan,&c. II. Come under my Plaidy. An Original Scots Song / Wilson, Alexander / 1796
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An inquiry into the remote cause of urinary gravel. By Alexander Philip Wilson, M.D. Soc. Med. Edin. Soc ; Printed for T. Duncan, No. 15. South-Bridge-Street; and J. Johnson, No. 72. St. Paul's Church-Yard / Philip, Alexander Philip Wilson / …
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An experimental essay ; on the manner in which opium acts on the living animal body. By Alexander Philip Wilson, M. D. fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh, F. R. S. Edin. and S. R. M. E. S / Philip, Alexander Philip Wilson / 1795
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Þáttasyrpa – Studien zu Literatur, Kultur und Sprache in Nordeuropa ; Festschrift für Stefanie Gropper / 2022
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Molecular biology of the cell ; W.W. Norton&Company / Alberts, Bruce / 2022
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Latin America ; management education's growth and future pathways / Alvarado P erez, Mar ia Gabriela / 2018
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Africa ; the future of management education / Thomas, Howard / 2017
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Queen of the world ; opinion in the public life of France from the Renaissance to the Revolution / Gunn, J. A. W. / 1995
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Oration, on the power and value of national liberty ; delivered to a large assembly of citizens, at Milestown, Pennsylvania, on Wednesday, March 4, 1801 / Wilson, Alexander / 1801
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Die Österreichischen Landesbibliotheken
Treffer insgesamt: 1
Benötigte Zeit: 0.412 Sekunden
Fischer, Alexander, 1957-: Trigon 87 / 1987 ( NÖLB )
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Suchmaschine des Österreichischen Bibliothekenverbundes
Treffer insgesamt: 94
Benötigte Zeit: 0.503 Sekunden
Alexander Philipp Wilson's...Untersuchung der entfernten Ursache des Blasensteins oder Grieses
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Wilson, Alexander Philip [VerfasserIn]
Library policy for preservation and conservation in the European Community : principles, practices and the contribution of new information technologies
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Wilson, Alexander [VerfasserIn]
Some aspects of social process
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Wilson, Alexander T. [VerfasserIn]
The culture of nature : North American landscape from Disney to the Exxon Valdez
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Wilson, Alexander [VerfasserIn]
Yeats's iconography
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Wilson, Francis Alexander [VerfasserIn]
Problems in determining the role and function of the national library as part of library and information service development
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Wilson, Alexander [VerfasserIn]
Beobachtungen über den Einfluß des Klimas auf Pflanzen und Thiere. Aus dem Engl.
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Wilson, Alexander [VerfasserIn]
Post-War Libraries in the West Midlands : A record of new buildings and adaptations
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Wilson, Alexander [VerfasserIn]
Dissonant Voices in the Prosimetrum of Heiðarvíga saga
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Wilson, Alexander [VerfasserIn]
The culture of nature : North America landscape from Disney to the Exxon Valdez
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Wilson, Alexander [VerfasserIn]
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HBZ, NRW-Verbundkatalog via GVI
Treffer insgesamt: 207
Benötigte Zeit: 0.680 Sekunden
/ Wilson, Alexander /
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American ornithology ; or, the natural history of the birds of the United States ; Illustrated with plates engraved and colored from original drawings taken from nature / Wilson, Alexander / 1814
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Watty and Meg; or, The wife reformed, a tale ; s.n / Wilson, Alexander / 1800
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American ornithology ; or, the natural history of the birds of the United States ; Illustrated with plates engraved and colored from original drawings taken from nature / Wilson, Alexander / 1824
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American ornithology ; or, the natural history of the birds of the United States ; Illustrated with plates engraved and colored from original drawings taken from nature / Wilson, Alexander / 1811
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Advertising and the community ; Manchester Univ. Press / [1968]
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Oration, on the power and value of national liberty ; delivered to a large assembly of citizens, at Milestown, Pennsylvania, on Wednesday, March 4, 1801 / Wilson, Alexander / 1801
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<<The>> culture of nature ; North American landscape from Disney to the Exxon Valdez / Wilson, Alexander / 1992
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<<The>> loss o' the pack ; A true tale. By the author of Watty and Meg, Rab and Ringan, &c. II. Come under my Plaidy. An Original Scots Song / Wilson, Alexander / 1796
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Alice Allan ; Whittaker / Wilson, Alexander / 1825
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American ornithology ; or, the natural history of the birds of the United States ; Illustrated with plates engraved and colored from original drawings taken from nature / Wilson, Alexander / 1811
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Thoughts on general gravitation, and views thence arising as to the state of the universe ; printed for T. Cadell in the Strand / Wilson, Alexander / 1777
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Rab and Ringan ; A tale. As delivered in the Pantheon, Edinburgh. (recited in the character of a poor pedlar) by the author of Watty and Meg. To which is added, The twa cats and the cheese. A tale. Demonstrating the great folly of going to law / …
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American ornithology ; or, the natural history of the birds of the United States ; Illustrated with plates engraved and colored from original drawings taken from nature / Wilson, Alexander / 1808-1
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American ornithology ; or, the natural history of the birds of the United States ; Illustrated with plates engraved and colored from original drawings taken from nature / Wilson, Alexander / 1808
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Rab and Ringan ; a tale. As delivered in the Pantheon Edinburgh. (recited in the character of a poor pedlar) by the author of Watty and Meg. To which is added, The twa cats and the cheese: a tale. Demonstrating the great folly of going to law / …
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<<The>> Chartist movement in Scotland ; Univ. Pr. / Wilson, Alexander / 1970
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Watty and Meg; or, The wife reformed, a tale ; Printed by M. Angus and Son, in the side / Wilson, Alexander / 1800
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Some observations relative to the influence of climate on vegetable and animal bodies. By Alexander Wilson, M.D ; printed for T. Cadell, in the Strand / Wilson, Alexander / 1780
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Aesthesis and perceptronium ; on the entanglement of sensation, cognition, and matter / Wilson, Alexander / [2019]
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Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin
Treffer insgesamt: 81
Benötigte Zeit: 0.700 Sekunden
The Prosimetrum of the Íslendingasögur : Aesthetic and Narrative Effects / Finlay, Alison. - Berlin : De Gruyter, [2024]
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Creating a new management university : tracking the strategy of Singapore Management University (SMU) in Singapore (1997-2019/20) / Thomas, Howard *1943-*. - London : Routledge, 2023
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Þáttasyrpa Studien zu Literatur, Kultur und Sprache in Nordeuropa : Festschrift für Stefanie Gropper / Heiniger, Anna Katharina. - [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : A. Francke Verlag, 2022
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The peoples' war? : the Second World War in sociopolitical perspective / Wilson, Alexander *1989-*. - Montreal : McGill-Queen's University Press, [2022]
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Þáttasyrpa - Studien zu Literatur, Kultur und Sprache in Nordeuropa : Festschrift für Stefanie Gropper / Heiniger, Anna Katharina. - Tübingen : Narr Francke Attempto, [2022]
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Digital participatory planning : citizen engagement, democracy, and design / Wilson, Alexander. - New York, NY : Routledge,, 2022
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Aesthesis and perceptronium : on the entanglement of sensation, cognition, and matter / Wilson, Alexander. - Minneapolis : University of Minnesota Press, [2019]
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Aesthesis and perceptronium : on the entanglement of sensation, cognition, and matter / Wilson, Alexander. - Minneapolis : University of Minnesota Press, [2019]
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Latin America : Management Education's Growth and Future Pathways / Alvarado, Gabriela. - First edition. - Bingley : Emerald Publishing Limited, 2018
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Africa : The Future of Management Education : Volume 2 / Thomas, Howard *1943-*. - First edition. - Bingley : Emerald, 2017
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Schweizerische Nationalbibliothek Bern Helveticat
Treffer insgesamt: 2
Benötigte Zeit: 0.526 Sekunden
Queen of the world opinion in the public life of France from the Renaissance to the Revolution
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Gunn, J.A.W. John Alexander Wilson
Library policy for preservation and conservation in the European Community principles, practices, and the contribution of new information technologies
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Wilson, Alexander
hebis-Retro / Digitalisierte Zettelkataloge
Treffer insgesamt: 20
Benötigte Zeit: 0.740 Sekunden
[Alexander, Kenneth John Wilson: The Work of the Highlands and Islands Bevelopment Board with particular reference to the role of education and training.] / / Alexander, Kenneth John Wilson. - [ca. 1978]
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[Gunn, John Alexander Wilson: s. Factions no more] / / Gunn, John Alexander Wilson. - 1972
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[Gunn, John Alexander Wilson: Politics and the public interest in the seventeenth century] / / Gunn, John Alexander Wilson. - 1969
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[Wilson, Francis Alexander Charles Cauvin: Yeats''s Iconography] / / Wilson, Francis Alexander Charles Cauvin. - 1960
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[Wilson, Francis Alexander Charles Cauvin: W. B. Yeats and tradition by F [ rancis ] A [ lexander ] C [ harles Cauvin ] Wilson] / / Wilson, Francis Alexander Charles Cauvin. - 1958
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[Wilson, Hugh Alexander Robert James: A manual of secretarial practice] / / Wilson, Hugh Alexander Robert James. - 1941
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[Wilson, Samuel Alexander Kinnier: Neurology] / / Wilson, Samuel Alexander Kinnier. - 1940
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[Wilson, Hugh Alexander Robert James: s. Ranking, Devay Fearon de L''Hoste: Executorship Law and accounts] / / Wilson, Hugh Alexander Robert James. - 1939
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[Wilson, Hugh Alexander Robert James: s. Spicer Ernest Evan: Book-Keeping and accounts] / / Wilson, Hugh Alexander Robert James. - 1938
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[Wilson, Hugh Alexander Robert James: s. Spicer, Ernest Evan: Practical Book-Keeping and commercial knowledge] / / Wilson, Hugh Alexander Robert James. - 1938
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Deutsche Nationalbibliothek
Treffer insgesamt: 614
Benötigte Zeit: 0.779 Sekunden
Multiple Authorship : Aesthetics of Co-Creativity in the Pre-Modern Era
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Gropper, Stefanie [Herausgeber]
The Prosimetrum of the Íslendingasögur : Aesthetic and Narrative Effects
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Brynja Þorgeirsdóttir [Herausgeber]
Adam Bede / George Eliot
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George Eliot, George Künstler]
Cross-modal plasticity in children with cochlear implant: converging evidence from EEG and functional near-infrared spectroscopy / Mickael L. D. Deroche, Jace Wolfe, Sara Neumann, Jacy Manning, Lindsay Hanna, Will Towler, Caleb Wilson, Alexander G. …
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Deroche, Mickael L. D. Verfasser]
[War shadows] ; Kriegsschatten - Spezialeinheit Tier One / Andrews & Wilson ; aus dem Amerikanischen von Alexander Rösch
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Andrews, Brian [Verfasser]
Lab-scale and full-scale industrial composting of biodegradable plastic blends for packaging / Zhi Kai Chong, Alexander Hofmann, Marie Haye, Sharon Malusha Wilson, Sohoo Ihsanullah, Ayah Alassali, Kerstin Kuchta
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Chong, Zhi Kai [Verfasser]
Meta-analysis uncovers genome-wide significant variants for rapid kidney function decline / Mathias Gorski, Bettina Jung, Yong Li, Pamela R. Matias-Garcia, Matthias Wuttke, Stefan Coassin, Chris H.L. Thio, Marcus E. Kleber, Thomas W. Winkler, …
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Gorski, Mathias [Verfasser]
Protein NirP1 regulates nitrite reductase and nitrite excretion in cyanobacteria
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Kraus, Alexander Verfasser]
Search for exotic decays of the Higgs boson to a pair of pseudoscalars in the $\mu\mu$bb and $\tau\tau$bb final states / Aram Hayrapetyan, Armen Tumasyan, Wolfgang Adam, Janik Walter Andrejkovic, Thomas Bergauer, Suman Chatterjee, Konstantinos …
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Hayrapetyan, Aram Verfasser]
The Prosimetrum of the Íslendingasögur : Aesthetic and Narrative Effects
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Brynja Þorgeirsdóttir [Herausgeber]
Nr. 265. Verbotene Fracht / A. Calhoun
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Calhoun, Alexander [Mitwirkender]
Broad immunogenicity to prior SARS-CoV-2 strains and JN.1 variant elicited by XBB.1.5 vaccination in nursing home residents / by Yasin Abul, Clare Nugent, Igor Vishnepolskiy, Tiffany Wallace, Evan Dickerson, Laurel Holland, Iva Esparza, Mandi …
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Abul, Yasin [Verfasser]
The genetic landscape of neuro-related proteins in human plasma / by Linda Repetto, Jiantao Chen, Zhijian Yang, Ranran Zhai, Paul R. H. J. Timmers, Xiao Feng, Ting Li, Yue Yao, Denis Maslov, Anna Timoshchuk, Fengyu Tu, Emma L. Twait, Sebastian …
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Repetto, Linda Verfasser]
Molecular classification to refine surgical and radiotherapeutic decision-making in meningioma
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Wang, Justin Z. Verfasser]
High-Fidelity Modeling of Turbulent Mixing and Basal Melting in Seawater Intrusion Under Grounded Ice
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Mamer, Madeline S. [Verfasser]
Prevalence of Chronic Pain by Immigration Status and Latino Ethnicity / by Jim P. Stimpson, Sungchul Park, Alexandra C. Rivera-González, Fernando A. Wilson, Alexander N. Ortega
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Stimpson, Jim P. [Verfasser]
Covalent Polymer‐RNA Conjugates for Potent Activation of the RIG‐I Pathway
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Palmer, Christian R. [Verfasser]
Neuropsychiatric complications of coronavirus disease 2019: Mount Sinai Health System cohort study
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Gururangan, Kapil [Verfasser]
Continuing Low Awareness and Use of Pre-exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) for HIV among People Who Inject Drugs (PWID), San Francisco, 2022 / by Bow Suprasert, Moranda Tate, Danyion Reagan, Raul Ruiz, Katherine Gao, Katherine McNaughton, Kassandra Miller, …
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Suprasert, Bow [Verfasser]
Hemorrhage at high altitude: impact of sustained hypobaric hypoxia on cerebral blood flow, tissue oxygenation, and tolerance to simulated hemorrhage in humans / by Alexander J. Rosenberg, Garen K. Anderson, Haley J. McKeefer, Jordan Bird, Brandon …
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Rosenberg, Alexander J. [Verfasser]
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Verbundkatalog GBV
Treffer insgesamt: 225
Benötigte Zeit: 0.872 Sekunden
The prosimetrum of the Íslendingasögur : aesthetic and narrative effects / Brynja Þorgeirsdóttir; Gropper, Stefanie - 1. Auflage. - Berlin : De Gruyter, [2025]
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The Prosimetrum of the Íslendingasögur : Aesthetic and Narrative Effects / Finlay, Alison; Gropper, Stefanie - Berlin : De Gruyter, [2024]
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"People are now working together for a common good" : the effect on social capital of participatory design for community-level sanitation infrastructure in urban informal settlements / Salinger, Allison; Charles, Isabel - In: World development, Bd. 174 (2024), S. 1-13
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Ventricular Helix Angle Trends and Long-Range Connectivity / Wilson, Alexander J.; Han, Q. Joyce - In: Functional imaging and modeling of the heart (2023), S. 64-73
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Key Mechanisms of An Intersectional Gender and Socially Inclusive Community Engagement and Participatory Design Approach in the RISE Program in Makassar, Indonesia and Suva, Fiji / Francis, Naomi; Batagol, Becky - [S.l.] : SSRN, 2023
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Creating a new management university : tracking the strategy of Singapore Management University (SMU) in Singapore (1997-2019/20) / Thomas, Howard; Wilson, Alexander - London : Routledge, 2023
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Þáttasyrpa – Studien zu Literatur, Kultur und Sprache in Nordeuropa : Festschrift für Stefanie Gropper / Heiniger, Anna Katharina; Merkelbach, Rebecca - [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : A. Francke Verlag, 2022
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Þáttasyrpa – Studien zu Literatur, Kultur und Sprache in Nordeuropa : Festschrift für Stefanie Gropper / Heiniger, Anna Katharina; Merkelbach, Rebecca - [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : A. Francke Verlag, 2022
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A Fast Method for Calculating Sensitivities of Acoustic Propagation in Ducts to Small Changes in Geometry and Mean Flow / Hawkins, Rhiannon; Wilson, Alexander G. - In: 28th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference 2022 ; Volume 5 of 7: (2022), S. 3644-3675
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The peoples' war? : the Second World War in socio-political perspective / Wilson, Alexander; Hammond, Richard - Montreal : McGill-Queen's University Press, 2022
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Österreichische Nationalbibliothek
Treffer insgesamt: 57
Benötigte Zeit: 0.748 Sekunden
Trans-Pacific Scholarly Publishing: A Symposium
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Dissonant Voices in the Prosimetrum of Heiðarvíga saga
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Wilson, Alexander , VerfasserIn:
In Search of a New History of the Second World War
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Wilson, Alexander , VerfasserIn: Wilson, Alexander
The peoples' war? : the Second World War in sociopolitical perspective
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Beyond Racism : : Race and Inequality in Brazil, South Africa, and the United States
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Þáttasyrpa - Studien zu Literatur, Kultur und Sprache in Nordeuropa : Festschrift für Stefanie Gropper
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The Edinburgh Companion to Shakespeare and the Arts
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Thornton Burnett, Mark, [author.]. , VerfasserIn:
Deconstruction : : A Reader
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McQuillan, Martin, [author.]. , VerfasserIn: McQuillan, Martin,
Laurence Sterne’s A Sentimental Journey : : A Legacy to the World
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Making Scenes : : Global Perspectives on Scenes in Rock Art
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KOBV Berlin-Brandenburg
Treffer insgesamt: 187
Benötigte Zeit: 0.965 Sekunden
Library policy for preservation and conservation in the European Community : principles, practices and the contribution of new information technologies.
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Wilson, Alexander
The Prosimetrum of the Íslendingasögur : aesthetic and narrative effects
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American ornithology, or, The natural history of the birds of the United States : illustrated with plates engraved and colored from original drawings taken from nature
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Wilson, Alexander
Multiple authorship : aesthetics of co-creativity in the pre-modern era
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Oration, on the power and value of national liberty : delivered to a large assembly of citizens, at Milestown, Pennsylvania, on Wednesday, March 4, 1801
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Wilson, Alexander
Watty and Meg, or, The wife reformed : a Scottish tale
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Wilson, Alexander
The foresters : a poem descriptive of a pedestrian journey to the Falls of Niagara in the autumn of 1804
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Wilson, Alexander
Watty and Meg; or, The wife reformed, a tale.
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Wilson, Alexander
The chartist movement in Scotland /
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Wilson, Alexander
Poems : By Alexander Wilson
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Wilson, Alexander
Aesthesis and perceptronium : on the entanglement of sensation, cognition, and matter
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Wilson, Alexander.
The loss o' the pack : A true tale. By the author of Watty and Meg, Rab and Ringan, &c. II. Come under my Plaidy. An Original Scots Song
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Wilson, Alexander
Some observations relative to the influence of climate on vegetable and animal bodies. By Alexander Wilson, M.D
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Wilson, Alexander
Rab and Ringan : a tale. As delivered in the Pantheon Edinburgh. (recited in the character of a poor pedlar) by the author of Watty and Meg. To which is added, The twa cats and the cheese: a tale. Demonstrating the great folly of going to law
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Wilson, Alexander
Watty and Meg : or, the wife reformed. A true tale
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Wilson, Alexander
The laurel disputed : or, the merits of Allan Ramsay and Robert Ferguson contrasted; in two poetical essays, delivered in the Pantheon at Edinburgh, on Thursday April 14th 1791, On the Question, "whether have the Exertions of Allan Ramsay or …
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Picken, Ebenezer
Rab and Ringan : A tale. As delivered in the Pantheon, Edinburgh. (recited in the character of a poor pedlar) by the author of Watty and Meg. To which is added, The twa cats and the cheese. A tale. Demonstrating the great folly of going to law
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Wilson, Alexander
Watty and Meg : or the wife reformed. A true tale
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Wilson, Alexander
Thoughts on general gravitation, and views thence arising as to the state of the universe
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Wilson, Alexander
Watty and Meg; or, The wife reformed, a tale
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Wilson, Alexander
The Prosimetrum of the Íslendingasögur : Aesthetic and Narrative Effects
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The Prosimetrum of the Íslendingasögur : Aesthetic and Narrative Effects
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Practicing and presenting social research /
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Robinson, Oral,
The boy friend
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John Henning, 1771-1851 : ... a very ingenious modeller ...
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The planning approach to library management /
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Wilson, Alexander
Þáttasyrpa – Studien zu Literatur, Kultur und Sprache in Nordeuropa : Festschrift für Stefanie Gropper.
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Africa : the future of management education
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Thomas, Howard
Africa : The Future of Management Education : Volume 2
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Latin America : Management Education's Growth and Future Pathways
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SWB, Südwestdeutscher Bibliotheksverbund
Treffer insgesamt: 378
Benötigte Zeit: 1.162 Sekunden
Godless - Der Exorzismus der Lara Levonde / Kozakis, Nick [FilmregisseurIn] ; Golovko, Dmitri [KomponistIn] ; Eyers, Georgia [SchauspielerIn] et al. . - [Hamburg] : Lighthouse Home Entertainment, [2024] [Video] /
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The Prosimetrum of the Íslendingasögur : Aesthetic and Narrative Effects / / Finlay, Alison [MitwirkendeR] ; Gropper, Stefanie [MitwirkendeR] ; Gropper, Stefanie [HerausgeberIn] et al. . - Berlin : De Gruyter, [2024]
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Molecular classification to refine surgical and radiotherapeutic decision-making in meningioma / / Wang, Justin Z.. - In: Nature medicine. - [New York, NY] : Springer Nature, ISSN 1546-170X. - Bd. 30 (2024), 11, S. 3173-3183
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Unveiling cogent insights : exploring the frontiers of entrepreneurship and innovation through relevant and rigorous research / / Liguori, Eric. - In: Cogent business & management. - London : Taylor & Francis, ISSN 2331-1975. - Bd. 11 (2024), 1, S. 1-6
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Charting the future of entrepreneurship : a roadmap for interdisciplinary research and societal impact / / Liguori, Eric. - In: Cogent business & management. - London : Taylor & Francis, ISSN 2331-1975. - Bd. 11 (2024), 1, S. 1-16
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New View of the Moon 2 / / Anand, Mahesh [MitwirkendeR] ; Andrews-Hanna, Jeff [MitwirkendeR] ; Andrews-Hanna, Jeffrey C. [MitwirkendeR] et al. . - Berlin : De Gruyter, [2024]
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"People are now working together for a common good" : the effect on social capital of participatory design for community-level sanitation infrastructure in urban informal settlements / / Salinger, Allison. - In: World development. - Amsterdam [u.a.] : Elsevier Science, ISSN 1873-5991. - Bd. 174 (2024) (Februar), S. 1-13
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Kriegsschatten - Spezialeinheit Tier One / Andrews, Brian. - Deutsche Erstausgabe, 1. Auflage. - Leipzig : Festa, Januar 2024 / (Action;Band 119) /
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The eighteenth data release of the sloan digital sky surveys : targeting and first spectra from SDSS-V / / Almeida, Andrés. - In: The astrophysical journal. Supplement series. - London : Institute of Physics Publ., ISSN 1538-4365. - Bd. 267 (2023), 2 (August) = 1-38$p38 S.
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An assessment on the benefits of bond tokenisation / / Leung, Victor. - [Hong Kong] : Hong Kong Institute for Monetary and Financial Research, [2023] / (HKIMR working paper;2023, no. 17 (November 2023))
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Verbundkatalog hebis, Hessen
Treffer insgesamt: 226
Benötigte Zeit: 3.805 Sekunden
The Prosimetrum of the Íslendingasögur : Aesthetic and Narrative Effects / / Finlay, Alison. - Berlin : De Gruyter, [2025]
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Protein NirP1 regulates nitrite reductase and nitrite excretion in cyanobacteria / / Kraus, Alexander. - Freiburg : Universität, 2024
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Three‐dimensional phenotyping of peach tree‐crown architecture utilizing terrestrial laser scanning / / Knapp-Wilson, Jordan. - Freiburg : Universität, 2024
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Assessing hydrological controls on the lithium isotope weathering tracer / / Pogge von Strandmann, Philip. - Enthalten in: Chemical geology ; Band 642 (2023), Artikel-ID: 121801
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New View of the Moon 2 / / Anand, Mahesh. - Berlin : De Gruyter, [2023]
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Sirani – Thirteen contemporary painters and an arresting Baroque masterpiece / / Judin, Juerg. - Berlin : Judin GmbH, 2023
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Þáttasyrpa – Studien zu Literatur, Kultur und Sprache in Nordeuropa / / Heiniger, Anna Katharina. - [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : A. Francke Verlag, 2022
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Þáttasyrpa - Studien zu Literatur, Kultur und Sprache in Nordeuropa : Festschrift für Stefanie Gropper / / Heiniger, Anna Katharina. - Tübingen : Narr Francke Attempto, 25.07.2022
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Digital participatory planning : citizen engagement, democracy, and design / / Wilson, Alexander. - New York, NY : Routledge, [2022]
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The Peaceful Transfer of Power : An Oral History of America’s Presidential Transitions / / Marchick, David. - Charlottesville : University of Virginia Press, 2022
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