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A history of magic and experimental science / by Lynn Thorndike ; Vol. 6: The sixteenth century
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Thorndike, Lynn
A history of magic and experimental science / by Lynn Thorndike ; Vol. 5: The sixteenth century
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Thorndike, Lynn
A history of magic and experimental science / by Lynn Thorndike ; Vol. 4: Fourteenth and fifteenth centuries
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Thorndike, Lynn
A history of magic and experimental science / by Lynn Thorndike ; Vol. 3: Fourteenth and fifteenth centuries
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Thorndike, Lynn
A history of magic and experimental science / by Lynn Thorndike ; Vol. 7: The seventeenth century
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Thorndike, Lynn
A history of magic and experimental science / by Lynn Thorndike ; Vol. 2: During the first thirteen centuries of our era
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Thorndike, Lynn
A history of magic and experimental science / by Lynn Thorndike ; Vol. 1: During the first thirteen centuries of our era
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Thorndike, Lynn
A history of magic and experimental science / by Lynn Thorndike ; Vol. 8: The seventeenth century : volumes VII and VIII
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Thorndike, Lynn
A history of magic and experimental science / by Lynn Thorndike ; Vol. 4: Fourteenth and fifteenth centuries : volumes III and IV
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Thorndike, Lynn
A history of magic and experimental science / by Lynn Thorndike ; Vol. 3: Fourteenth and fifteenth centuries : volumes III and IV
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Thorndike, Lynn
A history of magic and experimental science / by Lynn Thorndike ; Vol. 6: The sixteenth century : volumes V and VI
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Thorndike, Lynn
A history of magic and experimental science / by Lynn Thorndike ; Vol. 5: The sixteenth century : volumes V and VI
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Thorndike, Lynn
A history of magic and experimental science / by Lynn Thorndike ; Vol. 8: The seventeenth century
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Thorndike, Lynn
The 17th century
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Thorndike, Lynn
University Records and life in the Middle Ages
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Thorndike, Lynn
A history of magic and experimental science / by Lynn Thorndike ; Vol. 2: During the first thirteen centuries of our era
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Thorndike, Lynn
A history of magic and experimental science / by Lynn Thorndike ; Vol. 1: During the first thirteen centuries of our era
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Thorndike, Lynn
The history of medieval Europe
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Thorndike, Lynn
Deutsche Nationalbibliothek
Treffer insgesamt: 2
Benötigte Zeit: 0.394 Sekunden
Some medieval ideas of magic and the occult / Lynn Thorndike
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Thorndike, Lynn [Verfasser]
Magic in the Intellectual History of Europe / Lynn Thorndike
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Thorndike, Lynn [Verfasser]
Die Österreichischen Landesbibliotheken
Treffer insgesamt: 4
Benötigte Zeit: 0.370 Sekunden
Thorndike, Lynn: John of Seville / 1959 ( StKrms )
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Thorndike, Lynn: ¬De¬ Complexionibus / 1958 ( StKrms )
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Thorndike, Lynn: Further consideration of the experimenta, speculum astronomiae, and de secretis mulierum ascribed to Albertus Magnus / 1955 - ( Speculum ; 30) ( StKrms )
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Thorndike, Lynn: ¬A¬ History of Magic and Experimental Science ( StKrms )
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BVB - BibliotheksVerbund Bayern Solr-Zugang
Treffer insgesamt: 171
Benötigte Zeit: 0.569 Sekunden
A history of magic and experimental science ; Columbia University Press / Thorndike, Lynn / 1958
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A history of magic and experimental science ; Columbia University Press / Thorndike, Lynn / 1923
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A history of magic and experimental science ; Columbia University Press / Thorndike, Lynn / 1934
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A history of magic and experimental science ; Columbia University Press / Thorndike, Lynn / 1923
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A history of magic and experimental science ; Columbia University Press / Thorndike, Lynn / 1934
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A history of magic and experimental science ; Columbia University Press / Thorndike, Lynn / 1959
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A history of magic and experimental science ; Columbia University Press / Thorndike, Lynn / 1964
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A history of magic and experimental science ; Columbia University Press / Thorndike, Lynn / 1960
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A history of magic and experimental science ; Columbia University Press / Thorndike, Lynn / 1960
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A history of magic and experimental science ; Columbia University Press / Thorndike, Lynn / 1941
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A history of magic and experimental science ; Columbia University Press / Thorndike, Lynn / 1941
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A history of magic and experimental science ; Columbia University Press / Thorndike, Lynn / 1958
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A catalogue of incipits of mediaeval scientific writings in Latin ; txt / Thorndike, Lynn / 1963
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A history of magic and experimental science ; Columbia University Press / Thorndike, Lynn / 1959
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A history of magic and experimental science ; Columbia University Press / Thorndike, Lynn / 1964
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A history of magic and experimental science ; Columbia University Press / Thorndike, Lynn / 1964
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A history of magic and experimental science ; Columbia University Press / Thorndike, Lynn / 1966
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A history of magic and experimental science ; Columbia University Press / Thorndike, Lynn / 1966
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A history of magic and experimental science ; Columbia University Press / Thorndike, Lynn / 1951
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A history of magic and experimental science ; Columbia University Press / Thorndike, Lynn / 1951
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Suchmaschine des Österreichischen Bibliothekenverbundes
Treffer insgesamt: 69
Benötigte Zeit: 0.514 Sekunden
A bibliography composed around 1300 A. D. of works in latin on alchemy
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Thorndike, Lynn [VerfasserIn]
Michael Scot
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Thorndike, Lynn [VerfasserIn]
Some medieval Textes on colours
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Thorndike, Lynn [VerfasserIn]
Science and Thought in the 15th Century. Studies in the History of Medicine and Surgery. Natural and Mathematical Science. Philosophy and Politics
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Thorndike, Lynn [VerfasserIn]
Early Scientists’ Investigations Were Not Scientific
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Thorndike, Lynn [VerfasserIn]
Another Manuscript of Johannes Dacus, De gradibus formarum
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Thorndike, Lynn [VerfasserIn]
Notes upon some medieval astronomical, astrological and mathematical manuscripts at Florence, Milan, Bologna and Venice
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Thorndike, Lynn [VerfasserIn]
The three Latin Translations of the pseudo-Hippocratic tract on astrological medicine
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Thorndike, Lynn [VerfasserIn]
Uncatalogued Texts in Ms All Souls College 81, Oxford
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Thorndike, Lynn [VerfasserIn]
Science and thought in the fifteenth century : studies in the history of medicine and surgery, natural and mathematical science, philosophy and politics
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Thorndike, Lynn [VerfasserIn]
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HBZ, NRW-Verbundkatalog via GVI
Treffer insgesamt: 127
Benötigte Zeit: 0.622 Sekunden
Notes upon some medieval Latin astronomical, astrological and mathematical manuscripts at the Vatican / Thorndike, Lynn / 1958
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<<A>> history of magic and experimental science ; Columbia Univ. Press / Thorndike, Lynn / c1941
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<<A>> history of magic and experimental science ; Columbia Univ. Press / Thorndike, Lynn / 1966
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Saint Hildegard of Bingen ; 1098 - 1179 / Thorndike, Lynn / 1964
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<<A>> history of magic and experimental science ; Columbia Univ. Press / Thorndike, Lynn / 1966
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<<The>> place of magic in the intellectual history of Europe ; DE-82 / Thorndike, Lynn / 1905
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<<A>> history of magic and experimental science ; Columbia Univ. Press / Thorndike, Lynn / 1966
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<<A>> history of magic and experimental science ; Columbia Univ. Press / Thorndike, Lynn / 1966
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<<A>> history of magic and experimental science ; Columbia Univ. Press / Thorndike, Lynn / 1964
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<<A>> history of magic and experimental science ; Columbia Univ. Press / Thorndike, Lynn / 1959
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<<A>> history of magic and experimental science ; Columbia University Press / Thorndike, Lynn / 1953
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<<A>> history of magic and experimental science ; Columbia University Press / Thorndike, Lynn / 1959
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<<A>> history of magic and experimental science ; Columbia Univ. Press / Thorndike, Lynn / 1923-
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<<The>> history of medieval Europe ; Houghton Mifflin Company / Thorndike, Lynn / [1928]
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<<A>> history of magic and experimental science ; Columbia University Press / Thorndike, Lynn / 1979
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<<A>> history of magic and experimental science ; Columbia University Press / Thorndike, Lynn / 1979
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<<A>> history of magic and experimental science ; Columbia University Press / Thorndike, Lynn / 1979
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<<A>> history of magic and experimental science ; Columbia University Press / Thorndike, Lynn / 1979
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<<A>> history of magic and experimental science ; Columbia Univ. Press / Thorndike, Lynn / 1958
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<<The>> 'Sphere' of Sacrobosco and Its Commentators ; University of Chacago Press / Thorndike, Lynn / 1949
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Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin
Treffer insgesamt: 42
Benötigte Zeit: 0.626 Sekunden
A history of magic and ... / Vol. 8, The seventeenth century / Thorndike, Lynn *1882-1965*. - [Nachdr. der Ausg.] 1958. - [ca. 1970]
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A history of magic and ... / Vol. 7, The seventeenth century / Thorndike, Lynn *1882-1965*. - [Nachdr.]. - [ca. 1970]
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A catalogue of incipits ... / [Nachtr.], Further addenda and corrigenda / Kibre, Pearl. - 1968
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A history of magic and ... / Vol. 6, The sixteenth century / Thorndike, Lynn *1882-1965*. - 4. print. - 1966
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A history of magic and ... / Vol. 5, The sixteenth century / Thorndike, Lynn *1882-1965*. - 4. print. - 1966
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A history of magic and ... / Vol. 4, Fourteenth and fifteenth centuries / Thorndike, Lynn *1882-1965*. - 4. print. - 1966
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A history of magic and ... / Vol. 3, Fourteenth and fifteenth centuries / Thorndike, Lynn *1882-1965*. - 4. print. - 1966
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, shi jie wen hua shi / Thorndike, Lynn (1882-?). - 1965
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Michael Scot / Thorndike, Lynn *1882-1965*. - [London] : Nelson, [1965]
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A catalogue of incipits ... ; [Hauptbd.] / Thorndike, Lynn. - 1963
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Österreichische Nationalbibliothek
Treffer insgesamt: 41
Benötigte Zeit: 0.512 Sekunden
Early Scientists’ Investigations Were Not Scientific
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Thorndike, Lynn , VerfasserIn:
The True Place of Astrology in the History of Science
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Thorndike, Lynn , VerfasserIn:
Michael Scot
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Thorndike, Lynn , VerfasserIn: Thorndike, Lynn
Science and thought in the fifteenth century : studies in the history of medicine and surgery, natural and mathematical science, philosophy and politics
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Thorndike, Lynn , VerfasserIn: Thorndike, Lynn
A catalogue of incipits of mediaeval scientific writings in Latin
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Thorndike, Lynn, 1882-1965 , VerfasserIn: Thorndike, Lynn
A Case of snake-bite from the Consilia of Gentile da Foligno
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Thorndike, Lynn , VerfasserIn:
Some medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts on physics
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Thorndike, Lynn , VerfasserIn: Thorndike, Lynn
The three Latin Translations of the pseudo-Hippocratic tract on astrological medicine
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Thorndike, Lynn , VerfasserIn: Thorndike, Lynn
Notes on some less familiar British astronomical and astrological manuscripts
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Thorndike, Lynn , VerfasserIn: Thorndike, Lynn
Notes on medical texts in manuscripts at London and Oxford
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Thorndike, Lynn , VerfasserIn: Thorndike, Lynn
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hebis-Retro / Digitalisierte Zettelkataloge
Treffer insgesamt: 6
Benötigte Zeit: 0.710 Sekunden
[Thorndike, Lynn: Science and thought in the fifteenth century.] / / Thorndike, Lynn. - [ca. 1963]
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[Thorndike, Lynn: AHistory of magic and experimental science] / / Thorndike, Lynn. - 1958
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[Thorndike, Lynn: Further Incipits of mediaeval scientific writings in Latin] / / Thorndike, Lynn. - [ca. 1951]
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[Thorndike, Lynn: AHistory of magic and experimental science] / / Thorndike, Lynn. - 1941
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[Thorndike, Lynn: A Catalogue of incipits of mediaeval scientific writings in Latin by Lynn Thorndike and Pearl Kibre] / / Thorndike, Lynn. - 1937
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[Thorndike, Lynn: s. Rufinus: The Herbal (De virtutibus herberum). 1949] / / Thorndike, Lynn
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SWB, Südwestdeutscher Bibliotheksverbund
Treffer insgesamt: 87
Benötigte Zeit: 0.786 Sekunden
Thomas of Cantimpre / Thorndike, Lynn. - [Whitefish] : Kessinger Publ., [2007] /
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A history of magic and experimental science / 8 : The seventeenth century / / Thorndike, Lynn. - 5. [print].. - New York : Columbia Univ.Pr., 1979
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A history of magic and experimental science / 7 : The seventeenth century / / Thorndike, Lynn. - 5. [print].. - New York : Columbia Univ.Pr., 1979
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A history of magic and experimental science / 2 : During the first thirteen centuries of our era / / Thorndike, Lynn. - 8. [print].. - New York : Columbia Univ.Pr., 1979
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A history of magic and experimental science / 1 : During the first thirteen centuries of our era / / Thorndike, Lynn. - 8. [print].. - New York : Columbia Univ.Pr., 1979
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University records and life in the middle ages / Thorndike, Lynn. - 1. publ.. - New York, NY [u.a.] : Norton, 1975 [Original: 1971$r1944] /
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University records and life in the middle ages / Thorndike, Lynn. - Repr. v. 1944. - New York : Octagon Books, 1971 / (Records of civilization;38) /
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Further addenda et corrigenda to the revised edition of Lynn Thorndike and Pearl Kibre A catalogue of incipits of mediaeval scientific writings in Latin, 1963 / Kibre, Pearl. - [S.l.], [1968] /
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A history of magic and experimental science / 6 : The sixteenth century / / Thorndike, Lynn. - 4. print.. - New York : Columbia Univ.Pr., 1966 / (History of Science Society publications;N.S., 4)
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A history of magic and experimental science / 5 : The sixteenth century / / Thorndike, Lynn. - 4. print.. - New York : Columbia Univ.Pr., 1966 / (History of Science Society publications;N.S., 4)
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Verbundkatalog GBV
Treffer insgesamt: 159
Benötigte Zeit: 0.800 Sekunden
Notes upon some medieval astronomical, astrological and mathematical manuscripts at Florence, Milan, / Thorndike, Lynn *1882-1965* - In: The Reception and Assimilation of Islamic Mathematics and Astronomy in the Occident ; 4: (2006), S. 371-388
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Notes on some astronomical, astrological and mathematical manuscripts of the Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris / Thorndike, Lynn *1882-1965* - In: The Reception and Assimilation of Islamic Mathematics and Astronomy in the Occident ; 4: (2006), S. 310- 370
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Notes upon some medieval latin astronomical, astrological and mathematical manuscripts at the Vatikan / Thorndike, Lynn *1882-1965* - In: The Reception and Assimilation of Islamic Mathematics and Astronomy in the Occident ; 4: (2006), S. 279-309
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University records and life in the Middle Ages / Thorndike, Lynn *1882-1965* - New York : W.W. Norton, 1975
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A history of magic and ... ; Vol. 8 ; The seventeenth century / Thorndike, Lynn *1882-1965* - Repr. 1958 Columbia Univ. Press. - New York : Columbia Univ. Press, 1975
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A history of magic and ... ; Vol. 7 ; The seventeenth century / Thorndike, Lynn *1882-1965* - Repr. 1958 Columbia Univ. Press. - New York : Columbia Univ. Press, 1975
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A history of magic and ... ; Vol. 6 ; The sixteenth century / Thorndike, Lynn *1882-1965* - Repr. 1941 Columbia Univ. Press. - New York : Columbia Univ. Press, 1975
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A history of magic and ... ; Vol. 5 ; The sixteenth century / Thorndike, Lynn *1882-1965* - Repr. 1941 Columbia Univ. Press. - New York : Columbia Univ. Press, 1975
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A history of magic and ... ; Vol. 4 ; Fourteenth and fifteenth century / Thorndike, Lynn *1882-1965* - Repr. 1934 Columbia Univ. Press. - New York : Columbia Univ. Press, 1975
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A history of magic and ... ; Vol. 3 ; Fourteenth and fifteenth centuries / Thorndike, Lynn *1882-1965* - Repr. 1934 Columbia Univ. Press. - New York : Columbia Univ. Press, 1975
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KOBV Berlin-Brandenburg
Treffer insgesamt: 98
Benötigte Zeit: 0.914 Sekunden
Michael Scot /
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Thorndike, Lynn
Medieval Europe : its development & civilization
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Thorndike, Lynn
Science and thought in the fifteenth century : studies in the history of medicine and surgery, natural and mathematical science, philosophy and politics
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Thorndike, Lynn
The three Latin translations of the Pseudo-Hippocratic tract on astrological medicine /
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A catalogue of incipits of mediaeval scientific writings in Latin /
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Thorndike, Lynn
shi jie wen hua shi
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Thorndike, Lynn (1882-?)
shi jie wen hua shi
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Thorndike, Lynn
The Sphere of Sacrobosco and its commentators
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Thorndike, Lynn
The History of medieval Europe /
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Thorndike, Lynn
A History of magic and experimental science /
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Thorndike, Lynn
A history of magic and experimental science; Vol. 7: The seventeenth century
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Thorndike, Lynn
A history of magic and experimental science; Vol. 8: The seventeenth century / Lynn Thorndike
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Thorndike, Lynn
A history of magic and experimental science; Vol. 1: During the first thirteen centuries of our era
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Thorndike, Lynn
A history of magic and experimental science; Vol. 2: During the first thirteen centuries of our era
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Thorndike, Lynn
A history of magic and experimental science; Vol. 5: The sixteenth century
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Thorndike, Lynn
Milan manuscripts of Giovanni de' Dondi's astronomical clock and of Jacopo de' Dondi's discussion of tides
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Thorndike, Lynn
A short History of civilisation
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Thorndike, Lynn
Medieval Europe : its development & civilisation
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Thorndike, Lynn
Further addenda and corrigenda to the revised edition of Lynn Thorndike and Pearl Kibre: A catalogue of incipits of mediaeval scientific writings in Latin, 1963
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Kibre, Pearl
A history of magic and experimental science; Vol. 4: Fourteenth and fifteenth centuries
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Thorndike, Lynn
A history of magic and experimental science; Vol. 1
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Thorndike, Lynn
A catalogue of incipits of mediaeval scientific writings in Latin; [Nachtr.]: Further addenda and corrigenda
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Kibre, Pearl
A catalogue of incipits of mediaeval scientific writings in Latin; [Hauptbd.]
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Thorndike, Lynn
More dates for late medieval astronomy from some Vatican manuscripts
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Thorndike, Lynn
Notes and documents, newness and craving for novelty in seventeenth-century science and medicine
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Thorndike, Lynn
Further incipits of mediaeval scientific writings in Latin
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Thorndike, Lynn
A catalogue of incipits of mediaeval scientific writings in Latin
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Thorndike, Lynn
A history of magic and experimental science; Vol. 2
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Thorndike, Lynn
A history of magic and experimental science; Vol. 3: Fourteenth and Fifteenth centuries
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Thorndike, Lynn
A history of magic and experimental science; Vol. 6: The sixteenth century
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Thorndike, Lynn
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A history of magic and experimental science ; 8, The seventeenth century / / Thorndike, Lynn. - 5. [Dr.] - New York [u.a] : MacMillan, [ca. 1980}
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A history of magic and experimental science ; 7, The seventeenth century / / Thorndike, Lynn. - 5. [Dr.] - New York [u.a] : MacMillan, [ca. 1980]
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A history of magic and experimental science ; 6, The sixteenth century / / Thorndike, Lynn. - 6. [Dr.] - New York [u.a] : MacMillan, [ca. 1980]
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A history of magic and experimental science ; 5, The sixteenth century / / Thorndike, Lynn. - 6. [Dr.] - New York [u.a] : MacMillan, [ca. 1980]
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A history of magic and experimental science ; 4, Fourteenth and fifteenth centuries / / Thorndike, Lynn. - 6. [Dr.] - New York [u.a] : MacMillan, [ca. 1980]
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A history of magic and experimental science ; 3, Fourteenth and fifteenth centuries / / Thorndike, Lynn. - 6. [Dr.] - New York [u.a] : MacMillan, [ca. 1980]
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A history of magic and experimental science ; 2, During the first thirteen centuries of our era / / Thorndike, Lynn. - 7. [Dr.] - New York [u.a] : MacMillan, [ca. 1980]
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A history of magic and experimental science ; 6, The sixteenth century / / Thorndike, Lynn. - 7. print. - New York [u.a] : MacMillan, [ca. 1980]
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A history of magic and experimental science ; 5, The sixteenth century / / Thorndike, Lynn. - New York [u.a] : MacMillan, [ca. 1980]
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A history of magic and experimental science ; 4, Fourteenth and fifteenth centuries / / Thorndike, Lynn. - 7. print. - New York [u.a] : MacMillan, [ca. 1980]
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