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Treffer insgesamt: 40
Benötigte Zeit: 0.706 Sekunden
The ancient stones of Scotland ; Hale / Simpson, William Douglas / 1965
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The Celtic church in Scotland ; a study of its penetration lines and art relationships / Simpson, William Douglas / 1935
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Ravenscraig castle ; txt / Simpson, William Douglas / 1938
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The architectural history of the (Dornoch) Cathedral ; The Northern Counties Newspaper and Printing and Publishing Company / Simpson, William Douglas / 1926
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The building Accounts of Tattershall Castle ; 1434 - 1472 / 1960
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The Earldom of Mar ; being a sequel to 'the Province of Mar', 1943 / Simpson, William Douglas / 1949
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Exploring castles ; Routledge&Kegan Paul / Simpson, William Douglas / 1957
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The historical Saint Columba ; Milne&Hutchison / Simpson, William Douglas / 1927
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The historical Saint Columba ; Oliver&Boyd / Simpson, William Douglas / 1963
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The Palace of the Bishops of Moray at Spynie ; James D. Yeadon / Simpson, William Douglas / 1927
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The Viking Congress ; Lerwick, July 1950 / 1954
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Bothwell Castle ; (official guide) / Simpson, William Douglas / 1978
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The castle of Bergen und the Bishop's Palace at Kirkwall ; a study of early Norse architecture / Simpson, William Douglas / 1961
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Dundarg Castle ; a history of the site and a record of the excavations in 1950 and 1951 / Simpson, William Douglas / 1954
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Dunstaffnage Castle and the Stone of Destiny ; Oliver and Boyd / Simpson, William Douglas / 1958
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The Fusion of 1860 ; a record of the centenary celebrations and a history of the United University of Aberdeen, 1860 - 1960 / 1963
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Scottish castles ; an introduction to the castles of Scotland / Simpson, William Douglas / 1959
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The Viking Congress ; Lerwick, july 1950 / 1954
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The building accounts of Tattershall Castle ; 1434 - 1472 / 1960
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Scotland ; HMSO / Childe, Vere Gordon / 1952
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Die Österreichischen Landesbibliotheken
Treffer insgesamt: 1
Benötigte Zeit: 0.609 Sekunden
Simpson, William Douglas, 1896-1968: Dunstaffnage Castle / 1986 ( NÖLB )
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HBZ, NRW-Verbundkatalog via GVI
Treffer insgesamt: 38
Benötigte Zeit: 0.764 Sekunden
Exploring castles ; illus. / Simpson, William Douglas / [1957]
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Kildrummy and Glenbuchat Castles ; official guide / Simpson, William Douglas / 1978
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Portrait of the Highlands ; Hale / Simpson, William Douglas / 1975
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<<The>> historical Saint Columba ; Milne & Hutchison / Simpson, William Douglas / 1927
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Portrait of Skye and the Outer Hebrides ; Hale / Simpson, William Douglas / 1967
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Microprocessors, microcomputers, system design ; McGraw-Hill / 1980
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<<The>> Celtic church in Scotland ; a study of its penetration lines and art relationships / Simpson, William Douglas / 1935
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Scottish castles: an introduction to the castles of Scotland ; H.M.S.O. / Simpson, William Douglas / 1959
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<<The>> castle of Bergen and the Bishop's Palace of Kirkwall ; a study in early Norse architecture / Simpson, William Douglas / 1961
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Urquhart Castle ; HMSO / Simpson, William Douglas / 1976
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<<The>> historical Saint Columba ; Oliver & Boyd / Simpson, William Douglas / [1963]
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Scottish Castles ; an Introduction to the Castles of Scotland ; mit Abb. / Simpson, William Douglas / 1969
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<<The>> Fusion of 1860 ; a record of the centenary celebrations and a history of the United University of Aberdeen, 1860 - 1960 / [1963]
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Huntly Castle, Aberdeenshire ; (Ministry of Works. Ancient Monuments and Historic Buildings) ; [Mit 6 Abb.] / Simpson, William Douglas / 1960
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Castles in England and Wales ; Batsford / Simpson, William Douglas / 1969
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<<The>> ancient stones of Scotland ; Hale / Simpson, William Douglas / Jul 1965
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<<The>> historical Saint Columba ; Oliver & Boyd / Simpson, William Douglas / 1963
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Crichton Castle ; Midlothian / Simpson, William Douglas / 1967
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Castles in Britain ; Batsford / Simpson, William Douglas / 1967
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Software design for microprocessors ; Texas Instruments / Wester, John G. / 1976
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Suchmaschine des Österreichischen Bibliothekenverbundes
Treffer insgesamt: 10
Benötigte Zeit: 0.698 Sekunden
Julian the Apostate
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Simpson, William Douglas [VerfasserIn]
The ancient Stones of Scotland
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Simpson, William Douglas [VerfasserIn]
Scottish Castles
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Simpson, William Douglas [VerfasserIn]
Castles in England and Wales
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Simpson, William Douglas, 1896-1968 [VerfasserIn]
Doune Castle
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Simpson, William Douglas, 1896-1968 [VerfasserIn]
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Simpson, William Douglas, 1896-1968 [VerfasserIn]
The Celtic Church in Scotland
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Simpson, William Douglas, 1896-1968 [VerfasserIn]
Portrait of Skye and the outer Hebrides : illustr. and with maps
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Simpson, William Douglas, 1896-1968 [VerfasserIn]
Ravenscraig Castle
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Simpson, William Douglas, 1896-1968 [VerfasserIn]
Managing the modern organization. Study guide / Douglas B. Simpson
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Haimann, Theo [VerfasserIn]
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Österreichische Nationalbibliothek
Treffer insgesamt: 5
Benötigte Zeit: 0.600 Sekunden
Transatlantic Literary Studies : : A Reader
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Manning, Susan, [author.]. , VerfasserIn:
The ancient Stones of Scotland
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Simpson, William Douglas , VerfasserIn: Simpson, William Douglas
Scottish Castles
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Simpson, William Douglas , VerfasserIn: Simpson, William Douglas
Ravenscraig Castle
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Simpson, William Douglas, 1896-1968 , VerfasserIn: Simpson, William Douglas
Julian the Apostate
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Simpson, William Douglas , VerfasserIn:
Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin
Treffer insgesamt: 16
Benötigte Zeit: 0.794 Sekunden
Restenneth Priory, the early Christian monuments at Aberlemno, Angus / Simpson, William Douglas. - Edinburgh : Her Maj.'s Stat. Off., 1969
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The ancient stones of Scotland / Simpson, William Douglas. - (2. ed.). - London : Hale, (1968)
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The Bishop's Palace and the Earl's Palace, Kirkwall, Orkney / Simpson, William Douglas. - Edinburgh [usw.] : Her Maj.'s Stat. Off., 1965
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Kildrummy and Glenbuchat Castles, Aberdeenshire : ([Hrsg.:] Ministry of Public Building and Works, Official Guide-book) / Simpson, William Douglas. - (2. ed.). - Edinburgh [usw.] : Her Maj.'s Stat. Off., 1965
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Urquhart Castle / Simpson, William Douglas. - Edinburgh [usw.] : Her Maj.'s Stat. Off., 1964
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The fusion of 1860 : a record of the centenary celebrations and a history of the united university of Aberdeen 1860 - 1960 / Simpson, William Douglas *1896-1968*. - Edinburgh [u.a.] : Oliver & Boyd, 1963
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The castle of Bergen and the Bishop's Palace of Kirkwall : a study in early norse architecture / Simpson, William Douglas *1896-1968*. - 1. publ. - Deinburgh [u.a.] : Oliver and Boyd, 1961
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Illustrated guide to ancient ... / Vol 6, Scotland : Illustrated guide to ancient monuments in the ownership or guardianship of the Ministry of Works / Childe, Vere Gordon *1892-1957*. - 4. ed. - 1961
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Huntly Castle, Aberdeenshire / Simpson, William Douglas. - (2. ed.). - Edinburgh [usw.] : Her Maj's Stat. Off., 1960
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Scottish Castles / Simpson, William Douglas. - (3. impr.). - Edingurgh : H. M. Stat. Off., 1959
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Deutsche Nationalbibliothek
Treffer insgesamt: 9
Benötigte Zeit: 0.879 Sekunden
Search for exotic decays of the Higgs boson to a pair of pseudoscalars in the $\mu\mu$bb and $\tau\tau$bb final states / Aram Hayrapetyan, Armen Tumasyan, Wolfgang Adam, Janik Walter Andrejkovic, Thomas Bergauer, Suman Chatterjee, Konstantinos …
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Hayrapetyan, Aram Verfasser]
Aggregation tests identify new gene associations with breast cancer in populations with diverse ancestry / Stefanie H. Mueller, Alvina G. Lai, Maria Valkovskaya, Kyriaki Michailidou, Manjeet K. Bolla, Qin Wang, Joe Dennis, Michael Lush, Zomoruda …
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Mueller, Stefanie H. [Verfasser]
Recommendations for mass spectrometry data quality metrics for open access data (corollary to the Amsterdam principles)
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Kinsinger, Christopher R. Verfasser]
Recommendations for mass spectrometry data quality metrics for open access data (corollary to the Amsterdam principles)
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Kinsinger, Christopher R. Verfasser]
Scottish Memorials in Marienwerder cathedral in Pomesania / W. Douglas Simpson
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Simpson, William Douglas [Verfasser]
Erratum to: Methods for evaluating medical tests and biomarkers
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Gopalakrishna, Gowri Sonstige]
Methods for Evaluating Medical Tests and Biomarkers : Birmingham, UK. 19–20 July 2016
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Gopalakrishna, Gowri Sonstige]
Proceedings of the 8th Annual Conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation : Washington, DC, USA. 14-15 December 2015
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Chambers, David Mitwirkender]
The haematological consequences of Plasmodium vivax malaria after chloroquine treatment with and without primaquine: a WorldWide Antimalarial Resistance Network systematic review and individual patient data meta-analysis / by Robert J. Commons, …
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Commons, Robert J. Verfasser]
hebis-Retro / Digitalisierte Zettelkataloge
Treffer insgesamt: 3
Benötigte Zeit: 0.972 Sekunden
[Simpson, William Douglas: s. Fusion, The, of 1860] / / Simpson, William Douglas. - [ca. 1963]
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[Simpson, William Douglas: Dundarg Castle] / / Simpson, William Douglas. - [ca. 1950]
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[Simpson, William Douglas: Ravenscraig Castle] / / Simpson, William Douglas
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Verbundkatalog GBV
Treffer insgesamt: 57
Benötigte Zeit: 0.982 Sekunden
Portrait of the Highlands / Simpson, William Douglas - Repr. - London : Hale, 1975
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Portrait of Skye and the Outer Hebrides / Simpson, William Douglas *1896-1968* - 1. ed., reprinted. - London : Hale, 1975
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Portrait of Skye and the outer Hebrides / Simpson, William Douglas *1896-1968* - London : Hale, 1973
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Castles in England and Wales / Simpson, William Douglas - London : Batsford, [1969]
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Restenneth Priory, the early Christian monuments at Aberlemno, Angus : ([Hrsg.:] Secretary of State, Ministry of Public Building and Works) / Simpson, William Douglas; Simpson, W. Douglas - Edinburgh : Her Maj.'s Stat. Off., 1969
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Portrait of the Highlands / Simpson, William Douglas *1896-1968* - London : Hale, 1969
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The ancient stones of Scotland : Illustr. / Simpson, William Douglas; Simpson, W. Douglas - (2. ed.). - London : Hale, (1968)
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Portrait of Skye and the Outer Hebrides / Simpson, William Douglas - 1967
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Scotland / Childe, Vere Gordon *1892-1957*; Simpson, William Douglas *1896-1968* - 5. ed. - Edinburgh : H. M. S. O., 1967
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The ancient stones of Scotland / Simpson, William Douglas *1896-1968* - London : Hale, 1965
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KOBV Berlin-Brandenburg
Treffer insgesamt: 24
Benötigte Zeit: 1.282 Sekunden
Scotland /
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Childe, Vere Gordon
The ancient stones of Scotland : Illustr.
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Simpson, William Douglas
The castle of Bergen and the Bishop's Palace of Kirkwall : a study in early norse architecture
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Simpson, William Douglas
The Celtic church in Scotland : a study of its penetration lines and art relationships
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Simpson, William Douglas, 1896-1968.
Castles in England and Wales
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Simpson, William Douglas
The Fusion of 1860 : a record of the centenary celebrations and a history of the United University of Aberdeen 1860 - 1960
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Ravenscraig castle /
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Simpson, William Douglas, 1896-1968.
Huntly Castle, Aberdeenshire : (Ministry of Works. Ancient Monuments and Historic Buildings) ; [Mit 6 Abb.]
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Simpson, William Douglas
Scottish Castles : An introd. to the castles of Scotland. By W[illiam] Douglas Simpson
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Simpson, William Douglas
The historical Saint Columba : Simpson, W. Douglas
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Simpson, William Douglas
Julian the Apostate : Simpson, W. Douglas
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Simpson, William Douglas
Urquhart Castle : (Ministry of Public Building and Works. Ancient Monuments and Historic Buildings) ; [Mit 6 Abb.]
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Simpson, William Douglas
Restenneth Priory, the early Christian monuments at Aberlemno, Angus : ([Hrsg.:] Secretary of State, Ministry of Public Building and Works)
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Simpson, William Douglas
The Bishop's Palace and the Earl's Palace, Kirkwall, Orkney : (Ministry of Public Building and Works. Ancient Monuments and Historic Buildings) ; [Mit 6 Abb.]
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Simpson, William Douglas
The historical Saint Columba /
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Simpson, William Douglas, 1896-1968.
Dundarg Castle : a history of the site and a record of the excavations in 1950 and 1951
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Simpson, William Douglas
Kildrummy and Glenbuchat Castles, Aberdeenshire : ([Hrsg.:] Ministry of Public Building and Works, Official Guide-book)
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Simpson, William Douglas
The ancient stones of Scotland /
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Simpson, William Douglas
The building accounts of Tattershall Castle 1434 - 1472
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Ill., Kt. / by W. Douglas Simpson
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Simpson, William Douglas
Illustrated guide to ancient monuments; Vol 6: Scotland : Illustrated guide to ancient monuments in the ownership or guardianship of the Ministry of Works / by V. Gordon Childe and W[illiam] Douglas Simpson
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Childe, Vere Gordon
Scotland /
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Childe, Vere Gordon
The building accounts of Tattershall Castle : 1434 - 1472
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Portrait of the Highlands /
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Simpson, William Douglas, 1896-1968.
SWB, Südwestdeutscher Bibliotheksverbund
Treffer insgesamt: 31
Benötigte Zeit: 1.456 Sekunden
Transatlantic Literary Studies : A Reader / / Manning, Susan. - Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press, [2022]
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Dewey, Russell, Whitehead: Philosophers as Educators / / Simpson, Douglas. - In: Process studies. - Champaign, IL : University of Illinois Press, ISSN 2154-3682. - Bd. 41 (2012), 2, S. 342-349
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Douglas Gordon, Huang Yong Ping, William Kentridge, Lee Bul, Pipilotti Rist, Lorna Simpson : The Hugo Boss Prize 1998; [Guggenheim Museum SoHo, June 24 - September 20, 1998] / Fitzgerald, Carol [HerausgeberIn] ; Krens, Thomas [MitwirkendeR] ; Gordon, Douglas [KünstlerIn] et al. . - New York : Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation, 1998 /
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The Hugo Boss Prize, 1998 / Fitzgerals, Carol [HerausgeberIn] ; Gordon, Douglas [KünstlerIn] ; Huang, Yong Ping [KünstlerIn] et al. . - New York : Guggenheim Museum Publications, 1998 /
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Bishop's Palace and Earl's Palace, Kirkwall, Orkney / Simpson, William Douglas. - Fifth edition. - Edinburgh : HMSO, 1991 /
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Dunollie Castle and the Brooch of Lorne / Simpson, William Douglas. - 1. publ.. - Aberdeen : Centre for Scottish Studies, University of Aberdeen, 1991 /
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Book Reviews / / Eaton, John H.. - In: The expository times. - London : Sage, ISSN 1745-5308. - Bd. 90 (1979), 8, S. 245-254
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All our future : a longitudinal study of secondary education / Douglas, James William Bruce ; Ross, Jean M. ; Simpson, Howard R.. - Repr.. - London : Panther Books, 1971 /
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Ancient monuments / 6: Scotland / / Piggott, Stuart ; Simpson, William Douglas. - 6. ed.. - Edinburgh : Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1970
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All our future : A longitudinal study of secondary education / Douglas, James William Bruce ; Ross, Jean M. ; Simpson, Howard R.. - London : Davies, 1968 /
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Verbundkatalog hebis, Hessen
Treffer insgesamt: 16
Benötigte Zeit: 4.472 Sekunden
5th Seminar on Speech Production : models and data. 1st-4th May 2000, Kloster Seeon, Germany / / Hoole, Philip. - Enthalten in: Journal of phonetics ; Band 30, Heft 3 (2002), Seite 261-590
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Software design for microprocessors / / Wester, John G.. - Dallas, Tex. : Texas Instruments, 1976
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Scotland / / Piggott, Stuart. - 6th ed. - Edinburgh : H.M.S.O., 1970
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All our future : a longitudinal study of secondary education / / Douglas, James W. B.. - London : Davies, 1968
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The Castle of Bergen and the Bishop's Palace at Kirkwall : a study in early norse architecture / / Simpson, William Douglas. - Edinburgh [u.a.] : Oliver & Boyd, 1961
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Scotland / / Childe, Vere Gordon. - 4. ed. - Edinburgh : Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1961
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Scotland / / Childe, Vere Gordon. - 2. ed. - Edinburgh : H.M.S.O., 1954
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The province of Mar : being the Rhind lectures in archaeology, 1941 / / Simpson, William Douglas. - Aberdeen : The University Press, 1943
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Die Burg Craigmillar / / Simpson, William Douglas. - Enthalten in: Der @Burgwart
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The Celtic church in Scotland : a study of its penetration lines and art relationships / / Simpson, William Douglas. - Aberdeen : Univ. Pr., 1935
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Angezeigte Treffer: 132
Benötigte Gesamtzeit: 4.508 Sekunden
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