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Treffer insgesamt: 27
Benötigte Zeit: 0.423 Sekunden
imię i tytuł Władysława III(Warneńczyka) w historiografii greckiej : interpretacja pewnego typu monetarnego w Bizancjum
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Salamon, Maciej [VerfasserIn]
Krzyż na Golgocie, czy obalony ołtarz Perski : interpretacja pewnego typu monetarnego w Bizancjum
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Salamon, Maciej [VerfasserIn]
Konstantyn i Metody – typowi czy nietypowi misjonarze bizantyńscy?
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Salamon, Maciej [VerfasserIn]
Nowy Rzym chrześcijański w poglądach Bizantyńczyków
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Salamon, Maciej [VerfasserIn]
Mennictwo bizantyńskie
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Salamon, Maciej [VerfasserIn]
Rozwój idei Rzymu-Konstantynopola od IV do pierwszej połowy VI wieku
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Salamon, Maciej [VerfasserIn]
Pełnowartościowy a kredytowy charakter pieniądza bizantyńskiego (do XI wieku)
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Salamon, Maciej [VerfasserIn]
Der Begriff Europa in der Spätantike und Byzanz
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Salamon, Maciej [VerfasserIn]
Polen und Byzanz – Wege der Begegnung
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Salamon, Maciej [VerfasserIn]
A Gilded Miliaresion from Excavations in the Market Square in Cracow
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Salamon, Maciej [VerfasserIn]
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HBZ, NRW-Verbundkatalog via GVI
Treffer insgesamt: 13
Benötigte Zeit: 0.548 Sekunden
Rome, Constantinople and newly-converted Europe ; archaeological and historical evidence / 2012
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Rome, Constantinople and newly-converted Europe ; archaeological and historical evidence / 2012
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Rozwój idei Rzymu-Konstantinopola od IV do pierwszej połowy VI wieku ; Ill. / Salamon, Maciej / 1975
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Paganism in the later Roman empire and in Byzantium ; Universitas / 1991
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Rome, Constantinople and newly-converted Europe ; archaeological and historical evidence / 2012-
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Wędrówka i etnogeneza w starożytności i średniowieczu ; Towarzystwo Wydawnicze 'Historia Iagellonica' / 2010
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Studia classica et byzantina Alexandro Krawczuk oblata ; Illustrationen, Karten / 1996
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Rome, Constantinople and newly-converted Europe ; archaeological and historical evidence; Cracow, Poland, 21-25 september 2010; book of abstracts and addresses / 2010
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Monochrom's ISS ; In space no one can hear you complain about your job. ; the full package: episodes 1 - 11 ; an improv reality sitcom about living, working and dying in orbit / 2012
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Monochrom's ISS ; In space no one can hear you complain about your job. ; the full package: episodes 1 - 11 ; an improv reality sitcom about living, working and dying in orbit / 2012
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Monochrom's ISS ; In space no one can hear you complain about your job. ; the full package: episodes 1 - 11 ; an improv reality sitcom about living, working and dying in orbit / [2012]
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Monochrom's ISS ; In space no one can hear you complain about your job. ; the full package: episodes 1 - 11 ; an improv reality sitcom about living, working and dying in orbit / 2012
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Philologus ; Zeitschrift für klassische Philologie, Band 123, Heft 1 / [2022]
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Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin
Treffer insgesamt: 5
Benötigte Zeit: 0.530 Sekunden
Byzantina et Slavica : studies in honour of professor Maciej Salamon / Turlej, Stanislaw *1965-*. - Kraków : Towarzystwo Wydawnicze "Historia Iagiellonica", 2019
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Byzanz und Ostmitteleuropa 950 - 1453 : Beiträge zu einer table-ronde des XIX International Congress of Byzantine Studies, Copenhagen 1996 / Prinzing, Günter *1943-*. - Wiesbaden : Harrassowitz, 1999
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Studia classica et byzantina Alexandro Krawczuk oblata / Salamon, Maciej. - Kraków, 1996
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Srodowisko kultury lacinskiej w Konstantynopolu w IV wieku / Salamon, Maciej *1946-*. - Katowice : Uinwersytet Slaski, 1977
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Rozwój Idei Rzymu-Konstantynopola od IV do pierwszej polowy VI wieku : mit Engl. summary: The development of Rome-Constantinople from IV to the first half of the VI century / Salamon, Maciej *1946-*. - Katowice, 1975
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Österreichische Nationalbibliothek
Treffer insgesamt: 13
Benötigte Zeit: 0.443 Sekunden
Philologus : : Zeitschrift für klassische Philologie. : Band 123, Heft 1
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The Belasitsa Battle or Belasitsa Military Operation?
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Salamon, Maciej , VerfasserIn: Salamon, Maciej
Monochrom's ISS : in space no one can hear you complain about your job ; the full package: episodes 1 - 11 ; an improv reality sitcom about living, working and dying in orbit : [3] : Episodes 9 - 11
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Monochrom , VerfasserIn: Monochrom-3
© 2012
Monochrom's ISS : in space no one can hear you complain about your job ; the full package: episodes 1 - 11 ; an improv reality sitcom about living, working and dying in orbit : [1] : Episodes 1 - 4
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Monochrom , VerfasserIn: Monochrom-3
© 2012
Monochrom's ISS : in space no one can hear you complain about your job ; the full package: episodes 1 - 11 ; an improv reality sitcom about living, working and dying in orbit : [2] : Episodes 5 - 8
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Monochrom , VerfasserIn: Monochrom-3
© 2012
A Gilded Miliaresion from Excavations in the Market Square in Cracow
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Salamon, Maciej , VerfasserIn: Salamon, Maciej
Konstantyn i Metody – typowi czy nietypowi misjonarze bizantyńscy?
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Salamon, Maciej , VerfasserIn: Salamon, Maciej
Polen und Byzanz – Wege der Begegnung
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Salamon, Maciej , VerfasserIn:
Der Begriff Europa in der Spätantike und Byzanz
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Salamon, Maciej , VerfasserIn:
Nowy Rzym chrześcijański w poglądach Bizantyńczyków
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Salamon, Maciej , VerfasserIn:
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SWB, Südwestdeutscher Bibliotheksverbund
Treffer insgesamt: 25
Benötigte Zeit: 0.700 Sekunden
Philologus : Zeitschrift für klassische Philologie : Band 123, Heft 1 / / Bistřický, Jan [MitwirkendeR] ; Dummer, Jürgen [MitwirkendeR] ; Eggert, Wolfgang [MitwirkendeR] et al. . - Reprint 2021. - Berlin : De Gruyter, [2022]
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Byzantina et Slavica : studies in honour of professor Maciej Salamon / Turlej, Stanisław [HerausgeberIn] ; Stachura, Michał [HerausgeberIn] ; Kołoczek, Bartosz Jan [HerausgeberIn] et al. . - Kraków : Towarzystwo Wydawnicze "Historia Iagiellonica", 2019 /
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Hypomnemata Byzantina : prace ofiarowane profesorowi Maciejowi Salamonowi / Bonarek, Jacek [HerausgeberIn] ; Turlej, Stanisław [HerausgeberIn] ; Salamon, Maciej [GefeierteR]. - Piotrków Trybunalski : Instytut Historii i Stosunków Międzynarodowych Uniwersytetu Jana Kochanowskiego, 2017 /
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Emperor Sigismund and the Orthodox World ed. by Ekaterini Mitsiou et al. (review) / / Salamon, Maciej. - In: The catholic historical review. - Washington, DC : The Catholic Univ. of America Pr., ISSN 1534-0708. - Bd. 101 (2015), 2, S. 362-364
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Rome, Constantinople and newly-converted Europe : archaeological and historical evidence / Salamon, Maciej [Hrsg.]. - Kraków [u.a.] : Geisteswiss. Zentrum Geschichte und Kultur Ostmitteleuropas [u.a.], 2012- /
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Monochrom's ISS : In space can no one hear you complain about your job. The full package: episode 1-11; An improv reality sitcom about living, working and dying in orbit. / Grenzfurthner, Johannes ; Gratzer, Roland ; Ricketts, Jeff et al. . - Vienna : Edition Mono, 2012- [Video] /
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Historia Starożytna i źródła Numizmatyczne : Lesława Morawieckiego koncepcja badań nad mennictwem antycznym / / Salamon, Maciej. - In: Notae numismaticae. - Kraków : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar], ISSN 2720-2895. - Bd. 6 (2011), S. 231-246 : Ill.
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Sekcja Numizmatyczna Komisji Archeologicznej Oddziału Polskiej Akademii Nauk w Krakowie (2001-2010) / / Salamon, Maciej. - In: Notae numismaticae. - Kraków : [Verlag nicht ermittelbar], ISSN 2720-2895. - Bd. 6 (2011), S. 209-212
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Matka Boska z Dzieciątkiem w otoczeniu archaniołów (XIII-517) : Enkolpion w zbiorach Fundacji Książąt Czartoryskich / / Kruk, Mirosław Piotr ; Salamon, Maciej. - In: Rozprawy Muzeum Narodowego w Krakowie. - Kraków : Muzeum Narodowe, ISSN 1508-4302. - Bd. 1004 (2011), S. 232-237 : Ill.
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Rome, Constantinople and newly-converted Europe : archaeological and historical evidence; Cracow, Poland, 21-25 september 2010; book of abstracts and addresses / Salamon, Maciej [Hrsg.] ; Hardt, Matthias [Hrsg.] ; Kruk, Mirosław P. [Hrsg.] et al. . - Kraków [u.a.] : Mitel, 2010 /
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Verbundkatalog GBV
Treffer insgesamt: 29
Benötigte Zeit: 0.696 Sekunden
Philologus : Zeitschrift für klassische Philologie : Band 123, Heft 1 / Bistřický, Jan; Dummer, Jürgen - Reprint 2021. - Berlin : De Gruyter, [2022]
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Byzantina et Slavica : studies in honour of professor Maciej Salamon / Turlej, Stanisław; Stachura, Michał - Kraków : Towarzystwo Wydawnicze "Historia Iagiellonica", 2019
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Emperor Sigismund and the Orthodox World ed. by Ekaterini Mitsiou et al. (review) / Salamon, Maciej - In: The catholic historical review, Bd. 101 (2015), 2, S. 362-364
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Der zweite Kongress Ausländischer Polen-Historiker in Krakau 2012 / Salamon, Maciej *1946-* - In: Wirtschaftsgeschichte (2013), S. 27-33
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Rome, Constantinople and ... ; Vol. 2 / Salamon, Maciej *1946-* - Krakow [u.a.] : Geisteswissenschaftliches Zentrum Geschichte und Kultur Ostmitteleuropas, 2012
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Rome, Constantinople and ... ; Vol. 1 / Salamon, Maciej *1946-* - Krakow [u.a.] : Geisteswissenschaftliches Zentrum Geschichte und Kultur Ostmitteleuropas, 2012
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Rome, Constantinople and newly-converted Europe : archaeological and historical evidence/ ed. by Maciej Salamon ... / Salamon, Maciej *1946-* - Krakow [u.a.] : Geisteswissenschaftliches Zentrum Geschichte und Kultur Ostmitteleuropas, 2012
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Monochrom's ISS : in space no one can hear you complain about your job ; the full package: episode 1 - 11 ; an improv reality sitcom about living, working and dying in orbit / Grenzfurthner, Johannes *1975-*; De Roeck, Tom - Vienna : Edition Mono/Monochrom, [2012]
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Monochrom's ISS ; Episodes 9 - 11, Making-Of + Extras / Grenzfurthner, Johannes *1975-*; Gratzer, Roland - Vienna : Ed. Mono/Monochrom, [2012]
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Monochrom's ISS ; Episodes 5 - 8 / Grenzfurthner, Johannes *1975-*; Gratzer, Roland - Vienna : Ed. Mono/Monochrom, [2012]
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KOBV Berlin-Brandenburg
Treffer insgesamt: 23
Benötigte Zeit: 0.863 Sekunden
Byzantina et Slavica : studies in honour of professor Maciej Salamon
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Rozwój Idei Rzymu-Konstantynopola od IV do pierwszej połowy VI wieku : mit Engl. summary: The development of Rome-Constantinople from IV to the first half of the VI century
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Salamon, Maciej
Srodowisko kultury łacińskiej w Konstantynopolu w IV wieku
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Salamon, Maciej
Paganism in the later Roman empire and in Byzantium
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Rozwój idei Rzymu-Konstantynopola od IV do pierwszej połowy VI wieku /
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Salamon, Maciej
Studia classica et byzantina Alexandro Krawczuk oblata
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Calocaerus - "magister pocoris camelorum" e l'indole della sua rivolta in Cipro nel 334
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Salamon, Maciej
Rome, Constantinople and newly-converted Europe : archaeological and historical evidence/ ed. by Maciej Salamon ...
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Rome, Constantinople and newly-converted Europe : archaeological and historical evidence
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Monochrom's ISS : in space no one can hear you complain about your job ; the full package: episodes 1 - 11 ; an improv reality sitcom about living, working and dying in orbit
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The episodes were recorded in front of a live audience at Garage-X, Vienna and Ballhaus Ost, Berlin in 2011
Monochrom's ISS : in space no one can hear you complain about your job; the full package: episodes 1 - 11; an improv reality sitcom about living, working and dying in orbit; Episodes 9 - 11, Making-Of + Extras
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Monochrom's ISS : in space no one can hear you complain about your job; the full package: episodes 1 - 11; an improv reality sitcom about living, working and dying in orbit; Episodes 5 - 8
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Monochrom's ISS : in space no one can hear you complain about your job; the full package: episodes 1 - 11; an improv reality sitcom about living, working and dying in orbit; Episodes 1 - 4
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Rome, Constantinople and newly-converted Europe : archaeological and historical evidence/ ed. by Maciej Salamon ...; Vol. 2
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Der zweite Kongress Ausländischer Polen-Historiker in Krakau 2012
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Salamon, Maciej
Rome, Constantinople and newly-converted Europe : archaeological and historical evidence/ ed. by Maciej Salamon ...; Vol. 1
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Rozwój idei Rzymu-Konstantinopola od IV do pierwszej połowy VI wieku
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Salamon, Maciej
Philologus : Zeitschrift für klassische Philologie.; Band 123, Heft 1 /
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Paganism in the later Roman Empire and in Byzantium /
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Środowisko kultury łacińskiej w Konstantynopolu w IV wieku : = Environment of the Latin culture in Constaninopole in IV century
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Salamon, Maciej
Priscianus und sein Schülerkreis in Konstantinopel
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Salamon, Maciej
Rome, Constantinople and newly-converted Europe : archaeological and historical evidence
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Monochrom's ISS : in space no one can hear you complain about your job ; the full package: episodes 1 - 11 ; an improv reality sitcom about living, working and dying in orbit
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BVB - BibliotheksVerbund Bayern Solr-Zugang
Treffer insgesamt: 34
Benötigte Zeit: 1.205 Sekunden
Paganism in the later Roman Empire and in Byzantium ; Universitas / 1991
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Rome, Constantinople and newly-converted Europe ; archaeological and historical evidence / 2012
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Rome, Constantinople and newly-converted Europe ; archaeological and historical evidence / 2012
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Monochrom's ISS ; in space no one can hear you complain about your job ; the full package: episodes 1 - 11 ; an improv reality sitcom about living, working and dying in orbit / 2012
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Monochrom's ISS ; in space no one can hear you complain about your job ; the full package: episodes 1 - 11 ; an improv reality sitcom about living, working and dying in orbit / 2012
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Monochrom's ISS ; in space no one can hear you complain about your job ; the full package: episodes 1 - 11 ; an improv reality sitcom about living, working and dying in orbit / 2012
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Rozwój idei Rzymu-Konstantynopola od IV do pierwszej połowy VI wieku ; Uniw. / Salamon, Maciej / 1975
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Philologus, Band 123, Heft 1 ; Zeitschrift für klassische Philologie / 2022
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Studia classica et byzantina Alexandro Krawczuk oblata ; Illustrationen, Karten / 1996
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Wędrówka i etnogeneza w starożytności i średniowieczu ; Towarzystwo Wydawnicze "Historia Iagellonica" / 2010
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Mennictwo bizantyjńskie ; Polskie Tow. Archeolog. i Numizmatyczne, Oddz. w Krakowie / Salamon, Maciej / 1987
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Środowisko kultury lacińskiej w Konstantynopolu w IV wieku ; txt / Salamon, Maciej / 1977
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Rozwój idei Rzymu-Konstantynopola od IV do pierwszej polowy VI wieku ; txt / Salamon, Maciej / 1975
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Mennictwo cesarstwa bizantyńskiego ; txt / Salamon, Maciej / 1980
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Środowisko kultury łacińskiej w Konstantynopolu w IV wieku ; = Environment of the Latin culture in Constaninopole in IV century / Salamon, Maciej / 1977
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Wielka historia świata ; Oficyna Wydawn. Fogra [u.a.] / 2005
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The Belasitza military operation (1014) ; txt / Salamon, Maciej / 2020
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Cyprian (Kyprianos, Kiprian) the metropolitan of Kiev and Byzantine policy in East-Central Europe ; txt / Salamon, Maciej / 2001
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Priscianus und sein Schülerkreis in Konstantinopel ; txt / Salamon, Maciej / 1979
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Amicus or hostis? Boleslav the Valiant and Byzantium ; txt / Salamon, Maciej / 1993
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Verbundkatalog hebis, Hessen
Treffer insgesamt: 33
Benötigte Zeit: 1.218 Sekunden
[Ekaterini Mitsiou (et al.): Emperor Sigismund and the Orthodox World] / / Salamon, Maciej. - Enthalten in: The catholic historical review ; Band 101, Heft 2 (2015), Seite 362-364
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Der zweite Kongress Ausländischer Polen-Historiker in Krakau 2012 / / Salamon, Maciej. - Enthalten in: Historie. Jahrbuch des Zentrums für Historische Forschung Berlin (Leverkusen-Opladen) ; Band 6 (2012), Seite 27-33
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Rome, Constantinople and newly-converted Europe ; 2 / / Salamon, Maciej. - Leipzig : Leipziger Univ.-Verlag, 2012
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Rome, Constantinople and newly-converted Europe ; 1 / / Salamon, Maciej. - Leipzig : Leipziger Univ.-Verlag, 2012
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Matka Boska z Dzieciątkiem w otoczeniu archaniołów (XIII-517) : Enkolpion w zbiorach Fundacji Książąt Czartoryskich / / Kruk, Mirosław Piotr
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Rome, Constantinople and newly-converted Europe : archaeological and historical evidence ; Cracow, Poland, 21-25 September 2010 ; Book of abstracts and addresses / / Salamon, Maciej. - Kraków : Mitel, 2010
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Józef Wolski (19 III 1910 - 2 X 2008) / / Salamon, Maciej. - Enthalten in: Studia historyczne ; Band 52, Heft 1 (2009), Seite 92-96
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Greckie "hapax legomenon" (?) w liście bizantyńskiego władcy do Władysława III (Warneńczyka) / / Salamon, Maciej. - Enthalten in: Historia vero testis temporum (2008), Seite 201-213
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Władysław Opolczyk a kraje kultury prawosławnej / / Salamon, Maciej. - Enthalten in: Piastowie śląscy w kulturze i europejskich dziejach (2007), Seite 221-231
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Erster Kongress Ausländischer Forscher der Geschichte Polens in Krakau / / Salamon, Maciej. - Enthalten in: Inter finitimos. [Deutsche Ausgabe] ; Band 5 (2007), Seite 194-197
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Deutsche Nationalbibliothek
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monochrom’s ISS. In space no one can hear you complain about your job. : Episodes 1-11, Making-Of and Extras
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Friesinger, Günther [Mitwirkender]
Teil 1
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Byzanz und Ostmitteleuropa 950 - 1453 : Beiträge zu einer table-ronde des XIX. International Congress of Byzantine Studies, Copenhagen 1996 / hrsg. von Günter Prinzing und Maciej Salamon
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Prinzing, Günter [Herausgeber]
Duodenal microbiota and weight-loss following sleeve gastrectomy and Roux-en-Y gastric bypass – a pilot study / by Tomasz Stefura, Jakub Rusinek, Maciej Zając, Barbara Zapała, Tomasz Gosiewski, Agnieszka Sroka-Oleksiak, Dominika Salamon, Michał …
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Stefura, Tomasz [Verfasser]
Quantitative evaluation of fungi of the genus Candida in the feces of adult patients with type 1 and 2 diabetes - a pilot study / by Tomasz Gosiewski, Dominika Salamon, Magdalena Szopa, Agnieszka Sroka, Maciej T Malecki, Malgorzata Bulanda
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Gosiewski, Tomasz [Verfasser]
Rome, Constantinople and newly-converted Europe : archaeological and historical evidence / ed. by Maciej Salamon ... In cooperation with Matthias Hardt ...
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Salamon, Maciej [Herausgeber]
Synthetic dimensions for topological and quantum phases / by Javier Argüello-Luengo, Utso Bhattacharya, Alessio Celi, Ravindra W. Chhajlany, Tobias Grass, Marcin Płodzień, Debraj Rakshit, Tymoteusz Salamon, Paolo Stornati, Leticia Tarruell, Maciej …
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Argüello-Luengo, Javier Verfasser]
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