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Deutsche Nationalbibliothek
Treffer insgesamt: 5
Benötigte Zeit: 0.419 Sekunden
Making places, making lives - landscape and settlement in coastal wetlands : proceedings of the 72nd Sachsensymposium, 9-12 October 2021 Castricum-Alkmaar / edited by Annet Nieuwhof, Egge Knol and Henk van der Velde
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Nieuwhof, Annet [Herausgeber]
Making Places, Making Lives. Landscape and Settlement in Coastal Wetlands : Proceedings of the 72nd Sachsensymposion, 9-12 October 2021 Castricum-Alkmaar / Braunschweigisches Landesmuseum ; Herausgeber: Annet Nieuwhof, Egge Knol, Henk van der Velde
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Landesmuseum, Braunschweigisches Verfasser]
Land der Entdeckungen : die Archäologie des friesischen Küstenraums ; Begleitband zu den Ausstellungen: Land der Entdeckungen. Die Archäologie des Friesischen Küstenraums, Ostfriesisches Landesmuseum, Emden: 27.01.2013 - 16.06.2013 ... Land van …
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Kegler, Jan F. [Mitwirkender]
Changing landscape and grazing: macroremains from the terp Peins-east, province of Friesland, the Netherlands / by Annet Nieuwhof
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Nieuwhof, Annet [Verfasser]
Hunting colours: origin and reuse of glass tesserae from the Wierum terp / by Rosa Crocco, Hans Huisman, Yvette Sablerolles, Julian Henderson, Bertil van Os, Annet Nieuwhof
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Crocco, Rosa [Verfasser]
Suchmaschine des Österreichischen Bibliothekenverbundes
Treffer insgesamt: 2
Benötigte Zeit: 0.323 Sekunden
Ezinge revisited : the ancient roots of a terp settlement. Volume 1 Excavation, environment and economy, catalogue of plans and finds
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Nieuwhof, Annet, 1956- [VerfasserIn]
Ezinge revisited : the ancient roots of a terp settlement
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Nieuwhof, Annet, 1956- [VerfasserIn]
BVB - BibliotheksVerbund Bayern Solr-Zugang
Treffer insgesamt: 9
Benötigte Zeit: 0.613 Sekunden
Making places, making lives - landscape and settlement in coastal wetlands ; proceedings of the 72nd Sachsensymposium, 9-12 October 2021 Castricum-Alkmaar / 2024
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Eight human skulls in a dung heap and more ; ritual practice in the terp region of the northern Netherlands 600 BC-AD 300 / Nieuwhof, Annet / 2015
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Embracing the salt marsh ; foraging, farming and food preparation in the Dutch-German coastal area up to AD 1600 ; studies in honour of Annet Nieuwhof / 2022
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Ezinge revisited ; the ancient roots of a terp settlement / Nieuwhof, Annet / 2020
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The excavations at Wijnaldum ; reports on Frisia in Roman and Medieval times / 2020
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Luxury tableware? ; Terra sigillata in the costal region of the northern Netherlands / Nieuwhof, Annet / 2020
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Ezinge revisited ; the ancient roots of a terp settlement / Nieuwhof, Annet / 2020
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Bijenwoningen bij de Romeinen ; txt / Nieuwhof, Annet / 1999
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Eight human skulls in a dung heap and more ; ritual practice in the terp region of the northern Netherlands 600 BC - AD 300 / Nieuwhof, Annet / 2015
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HBZ, NRW-Verbundkatalog via GVI
Treffer insgesamt: 9
Benötigte Zeit: 0.645 Sekunden
Eight human skulls in a dung heap and more ; ritual practice in the terp region of the northern Netherlands 600 BC - AD 300 / Nieuwhof, Annett / 2015
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Ezinge revisited ; the ancient roots of a terp settlement / Nieuwhof, Annet / 2020-
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Ezinge revisited ; the ancient roots of a terp settlement / Nieuwhof, Annet / 2020
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<<The>> excavations at Wijnaldum ; reports on Frisia in Roman and Medieval times / 1999-
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<<The>> excavations at Wijnaldum ; reports on Frisia in Roman and Medieval times / 1999
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<<The>> excavations at Wijnaldum ; reports on Frisia in Roman and Medieval times / 2020
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Embracing the salt marsh ; foraging, farming and food preparation in the Dutch-German coastal area up to AD 1600 ; studies in honour of Annet Nieuwhof / 2022
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<<En>> dan in hun geheel ; de vondsten uit de opgravingen in de wierde Ezinge / 2014
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Making Places, Making Lives. Landscape and Settlement in Coastal Wetlands ; Proceedings of the 72nd Sachsensymposium, 9-12 October 2021 Castricum-Alkmaar / [2024]
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Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin
Treffer insgesamt: 5
Benötigte Zeit: 0.642 Sekunden
Frisians of the early Middle Ages / Hines, John *1956-*. - Woodbridge : The Boydell Press, 2021
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Ezinge Revisited, the Ancient Roots of a Terp Settlement : Volume 1, Excavation - Environment and Economy - Catalogue of Plans and Finds / Nieuwhof, Annet. - Groningen : University of Groningen/Groningen Institute of Archaeology, 2020
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Eight human skulls in a dung heap and more : ritual practice in the Terp Region of the northern Netherlands 600 BC - AD 300 / Nieuwhof, Annet *1956-*. - Havertown : Barkhuis Publishing, 2015
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Eight human skulls in a dung heap and more : ritual practice in the terp region of the Northern Netherlands : 600 BC - AD 300 / Nieuwhof, Annet *1956-*. - Eelde : Barkhuis, 2015
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The excavations at Wijnaldum : reports on Frisia in Roman and Medieval times / Besteman, Jan C.. - Rotterdam : Balkema, 19XX
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KOBV Berlin-Brandenburg
Treffer insgesamt: 8
Benötigte Zeit: 0.750 Sekunden
Eight human skulls in a dung heap and more : ritual practice in the terp region of the northern Netherlands 600 BC - AD 300
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Nieuwhof, Annet,
Kruisigingsvoorstellingen in het wark van Marc Chagall
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Nieuwhof, Annet
The excavations at Wijnaldum : reports on Frisia in Roman and Medieval times
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Eight human skulls in a dung heap and more : ritual practice in the terp region of the Northern Netherlands : 600 BC - AD 300
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Nieuwhof, Annet
Land der Entdeckungen : die Archäologie des friesischen Küstenraums : Begleitband zu den Ausstellungen: Land der Entdeckungen. Die Archäologie des friesischen Küstenraums (Ostfriesisches Landesmuseum, Emden: 27.01.2013 - 16.06.2013), Land der …
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Eight human skulls in a dung heap and more : ritual practice in the Terp Region of the northern Netherlands 600 BC - AD 300
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Nieuwhof, Annet
Ezinge Revisited, the Ancient Roots of a Terp Settlement : Volume 1, Excavation - Environment and Economy - Catalogue of Plans and Finds
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Nieuwhof, Annet
Leben mit dem Meer: Terpen, Wierden und Wurten : = Leven met de zee: terpen, wierden en wurten
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SWB, Südwestdeutscher Bibliotheksverbund
Treffer insgesamt: 15
Benötigte Zeit: 0.820 Sekunden
Pottery Development and Habitation History during the Roman Period in the province of North-Holland / / Nieuwhof, Annet. - In: Making Places, Making Lives. Landscape and Settlement in Coastal Wetlands. - Wendeburg : Verlag Uwe Krebs. - 2024, S. 47-61
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Introduction: Making places, making lives / / Nieuwhof, Annet. - In: Making Places, Making Lives. Landscape and Settlement in Coastal Wetlands. - Wendeburg : Verlag Uwe Krebs. - 2024, S. 9-10
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Making Places, Making Lives. Landscape and Settlement in Coastal Wetlands : Proceedings of the 72nd Sachsensymposium, 9-12 October 2021 Castricum-Alkmaar / / Internationales Sachsensymposium (72. : 2021 : Castricum; Alkmaar) ; Nieuwhof, Annet [HerausgeberIn]. - Wendeburg : Verlag Uwe Krebs, 2024 / (Neue Studien zur Sachsenforschung;Band 14)
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Making Places, Making Lives. Landscape and Settlement in Coastal Wetlands : Proceedings of the 72nd Sachsensymposium, 9-12 October 2021 Castricum-Alkmaar / Internationales Sachsensymposium (72. : 2021 : Castricum; Alkmaar) ; Nieuwhof, Annet [HerausgeberIn]. - Wendeburg : Verlag Uwe Krebs, [2024] / (Neue Studien zur Sachsenforschung;Band 14) /
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Frisians of the early Middle Ages / / Hines, John [HerausgeberIn] ; IJssennagger, Nelleke [HerausgeberIn] ; Wood, Ian Nicholas [MitwirkendeR] et al. . - Woodbridge : The Boydell Press, 2021
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Ezinge Revisited - the Ancient Roots of a Terp Settlement : Volume 1: Excavation; Environment and Economy; Catalogue of Plans and Finds / / Nieuwhof, Annet. - Havertown : Barkhuis Publishing, 2021
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The Excavations at Wijnaldum : Volume 2: Handmade and Wheel-Thrown Pottery of the First Millennium AD / / Nieuwhof, Annet. - Havertown : Barkhuis Publishing, 2021
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The excavations at Wijnaldum / Volume 2: Handmade and wheel-thrown pottery of the first millennium AD / / Nieuwhof, Annet [HerausgeberIn] ; Gerrets, Daniël Augustinus ; Kaspers, Angelique et al. . - Groningen : University of Groningen, Groningen Institute of Archaeology, 2020 / (Groningen archaeological studies;volume 38)
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Potters and Pottery from Afar : Some Observations on Long-Distance Contacts / / Nieuwhof, Annet. - In: Life on the edge: social, political and religious frontiers in early medieval europe. - Wendeburg : Verlag Uwe Krebs. - 2017, S. 295-303
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Eight Human Skulls in a Dung Heap and More : Ritual Practice in the Terp Region of the Northern Netherlands 600 BC - AD 300 / / Nieuwhof, Annet. - Havertown : Barkhuis Publishing, 2015
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Verbundkatalog GBV
Treffer insgesamt: 71
Benötigte Zeit: 0.803 Sekunden
Pottery Development and Habitation History during the Roman Period in the Province of North-Holland / Nieuwhof, Annet - In: Making Places, Making Lives. Landscape and Settlement in Coastal Wetlands (2024), S. 47-61
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Pottery Development and Habitation History during the Roman Period in the province of North-Holland / Nieuwhof, Annet - In: Making Places, Making Lives. Landscape and Settlement in Coastal Wetlands (2024), S. 47-61
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Introduction: Making places, making lives / Nieuwhof, Annet - In: Making Places, Making Lives. Landscape and Settlement in Coastal Wetlands (2024), S. 9-10
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Making Places, Making Lives. Landscape and Settlement in Coastal Wetlands : Proceedings of the 72nd Sachsensymposium, 9-12 October 2021 Castricum-Alkmaar / Nieuwhof, Annet; Knol, Egge - Wendeburg : Verlag Uwe Krebs, 2024
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Making Places, Making Lives. Landscape and Settlement in Coastal Wetlands : Proceedings of the 72nd Sachsensymposium, 9-12 October 2021 Castricum-Alkmaar / Nieuwhof, Annet; Knol, Egge - Wendeburg : Verlag Uwe Krebs, [2024]
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Embracing the salt marsh : foraging, farming and food preparation in the Dutch-German coastal area up to AD 1600 : studies in honour of Annet Nieuwhof / Nicolay, Johan; Schepers, Mans - Groningen : Vereniging voor Terpenonderzoek, 2022
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The Frisians and their pottery: Social relations before and after the fourth century AD / Nieuwhof, Annet - In: Frisians of the early middle ages (2021), S. 45-77
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Frisians of the early Middle Ages / Hines, John; IJssennagger, Nelleke - Woodbridge : The Boydell Press, 2021
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Ezinge Revisited - the Ancient Roots of a Terp Settlement : Volume 1: Excavation; Environment and Economy; Catalogue of Plans and Finds / Nieuwhof, Annet - Havertown : Barkhuis Publishing, 2021
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The Excavations at Wijnaldum : Volume 2: Handmade and Wheel-Thrown Pottery of the First Millennium AD / Nieuwhof, Annet - Havertown : Barkhuis Publishing, 2021
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Verbundkatalog hebis, Hessen
Treffer insgesamt: 5
Benötigte Zeit: 1.005 Sekunden
Making Places, Making Lives. Landscape and Settlement in Coastal Wetlands : Proceedings of the 72nd Sachsensymposion, 9-12 October 2021 Castricum-Alkmaar / / Landesmuseum, Braunschweigisches. - Braunschweig : Technische Universität Braunschweig, 2024
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Making places, making lives - landscape and settlement in coastal wetlands : proceedings of the 72nd Sachsensymposium, 9-12 October 2021 Castricum-Alkmaar / / Internationales Sachsensymposium (72. : 2021 : Castricum; Alkmaar). - Wendeburg : Verlag Uwe Krebs, [2024]
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De hoogste terp van Friesland : nieuw en oud onderzoek in Hogebeintum / / Nieuwhof, Annet. - Groningen : Vereniging voor Terpenonderzoek, 2019
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De geschiedenis van terpen- en wierdenland : een verhaal in ontwikkeling / / Vereniging voor Terpenonderzoek. - Groningen : Vereniging voor Terpenonderzoek, 2018
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Eight Human Skulls in a Dung Heap and More : Ritual Practice in the Terp Region of the Northern Netherlands 600 BC - AD 300 / / Nieuwhof, Annet. - Havertown : Barkhuis Publishing, 2015
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Angezeigte Treffer: 63
Benötigte Gesamtzeit: 1.056 Sekunden
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