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Life among the Piutes : their wrongs and claims
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Hopkins, Sarah Winnemucca, 1844-1891 [VerfasserIn]
BVB - BibliotheksVerbund Bayern Solr-Zugang
Treffer insgesamt: 163
Benötigte Zeit: 0.601 Sekunden
The lives of the popes in the early Middle Ages ; Kegan / Mann, Horace K. / 1925
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The lives of the popes in the early Middle Ages ; Kegan / Mann, Horace K. / 1925
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The lives of the popes in the early Middle Ages ; Kegan / Mann, Horace K. / 1925
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The lives of the popes in the early Middle Ages ; Kegan / Mann, Horace K. / 1925
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The lives of the popes in the early Middle Ages ; Kegan / Mann, Horace K. / 1925
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The lives of the popes in the early Middle Ages ; Kegan / Mann, Horace K. / 1925
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The lives of the popes in the early Middle Ages ; Kegan / Mann, Horace K. / 1925
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The lives of the popes in the early Middle Ages ; Kegan / Mann, Horace K. / 1925
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The lives of the popes in the early Middle Ages ; Kegan / Mann, Horace K. / 1925
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The lives of the popes in the early Middle Ages ; Kegan / Mann, Horace K. / 1925
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The lives of the popes in the early Middle Ages ; Kegan / Mann, Horace K. / 1925
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The lives of the popes in the early Middle Ages ; Kegan / Mann, Horace K. / 1925
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The lives of the popes in the early Middle Ages ; Kegan / Mann, Horace K. / 1925
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The lives of the popes in the early Middle Ages ; Kegan / Mann, Horace K. / 1929
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The lives of the popes in the early Middle Ages ; Kegan / Mann, Horace K. / 1932
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The lives of the Popes in the Early Middle Ages ; By Horace K. Mann / Mann, Horace K. / 1964
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The lives of the Popes in the Early Middle Ages ; By Horace K. Mann / Mann, Horace K. / 1964
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The lives of the Popes in the Early Middle Ages ; By Horace K. Mann / Mann, Horace K. / 1964
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The lives of the Popes in the Early Middle Ages ; By Horace K. Mann / Mann, Horace K. / 1931
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The lives of the Popes in the Early Middle Ages ; By Horace K. Mann / Mann, Horace K. / 1964
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Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin
Treffer insgesamt: 35
Benötigte Zeit: 0.621 Sekunden
The lives of the popes ... / 15, Alexander IV. to Gregory X., 1254 - 1276 / Mann, Horace K. *1859-1928*. - Reprint, London Paul Kegan, Trench, Trubner. - 1969
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The lives of the popes ... / 16, Innocent V. to Honorius IV., 1276 - 1287 / Mann, Horace K. *1859-1928*. - Reprint, London Paul Kegan, Trench, Trubner. - 1968
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The lives of the popes ... / 18, Boniface VIII. to Bl. Benedict XI., 1294 - 1304 / Mann, Horace K. *1859-1928*. - Reprint, London Paul Kegan, Trench, Trubner. - 1966
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The lives of the popes ... / 17, Nicholas IV. to St. Celestine V., 1288 - 1294 / Mann, Horace K. *1859-1928*. - Reprint, London Paul Kegan, Trench, Trubner. - 1966
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The lives of the popes ... / 12, Vol. 12: The popes at the height ..., [4], A: The popes and the Hohenstaufen, ... / [2], Innocent III., 1198 - 1216 / Mann, Horace K. *1859-1928*. - Reprint, London Paul Kegan, Trench, Trubner. - 1964
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The lives of the popes ... / 5, Vol. 5: The popes in the days ..., 999-1048 / Mann, Horace K. *1859-1928*. - 1964
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The lives of the popes ... / 2, Vol. 2: The popes during the ..., 795-858 / Mann, Horace K. *1859-1928*. - 1964
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The lives of the popes ... / 1,2, Vol. 1: The popes under the Lombard ... / Pt. 2, 657-795 / Mann, Horace K. *1859-1928*. - 1964
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The lives of the popes ... / 14, Innocent IV., The Magnificent, 1243 - 1254 / Mann, Horace K. *1859-1928*. - Reprint, London Paul Kegan, Trench, Trubner. - 1964
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The lives of the popes ... / 13, Honorius III. to Celestine IV, 1216 - 1241 / Mann, Horace K. *1859-1928*. - Reprint, London Paul Kegan, Trench, Trubner. - 1964
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hebis-Retro / Digitalisierte Zettelkataloge
Treffer insgesamt: 7
Benötigte Zeit: 0.703 Sekunden
[Mann, Horace Kinder: The Lives of the popes in the (1-5: early) middle ages] / / Mann, Horace Kinder. - 1964
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[Mann, Horace Kinder: The popes and the Hohenstaufen, 1130-1271] / / Mann, Horace Kinder. - 1964
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[Mann, Horace Kinder: Alexander IV to Gregory X, 1254-1276] / / Mann, Horace Kinder. - 1929
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[Mann, Horace Kinder: The popes under the Lombarde rule] / / Mann, Horace Kinder. - 1925
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[Mann, Horace Kinder: The popes in the days of feudal anarchy] / / Mann, Horace Kinder
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[Mann, Horace Kinder: The popes of the Gregorian Renaissance] / / Mann, Horace Kinder
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[Mann, Horace Kinder: The popes at the heigth of their temporal influence] / / Mann, Horace Kinder
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KOBV Berlin-Brandenburg
Treffer insgesamt: 37
Benötigte Zeit: 0.817 Sekunden
The lives of the popes in the early middle ages : Formosus to Damasus II; 891-1048; 4: The popes in the days of feudal anarchy, 1.2, 5: 999-1048
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Mann, Horace K.
The lives of the popes in the early middle ages : St. Gregory I to Leo III; 590-795; 1: The popes under the Lombards rule, 1.2, []: 590-675
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Mann, Horace K.
The lives of the popes in the early middle ages; 18: The popes at the height of their temporal influence
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Mann, Horace K.
The lives of the popes in the early middle ages : Innocent II. to Blessed Benedict XI., 1130 - 1271; [8]: The popes at the height of their temporal influence, Innocent V. to Honorius IV., 1276 - 1287 / by Horace K. Mann and Johannes Hollnsteiner
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Mann, Horace K.
The lives of the popes in the early middle ages : Formosus to Damasus II; 891-1048; 4: The popes in the days of feudal anarchy, 1.2, []: 891-999
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Mann, Horace K.
The lives of the popes in the early middle ages; Vol. 17: The popes at the height of their temporal influence, [9]: Nicholas IV. to St. Celestine V., 1288 - 12943
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Mann, Horace K.
The lives of the popes in the early middle ages : St. Gregory I to Leo III; 590-795; 1: The popes under the Lombards rule, 1.2, []: 657-795
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Mann, Horace K.
The lives of the popes in the early middle ages : Innocent II. to blessed Benedict XI., 1130 - 1305; [4], A: The popes at the height of their temporal influence, [2]: The popes and the Hohenstaufen, 1130 - 1216, Innocent III., 1198 - 1216
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Mann, Horace K.
The lives of the popes in the early middle ages; 7: 1073-1099
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Mann, Horace K.
The lives of the popes in the early middle ages; 9: 1130-1159
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Mann, Horace K.
The lives of the popes in the early middle ages : Leo III to Formosus; 785-891; 2.3: The popes during the Carolingian empire, 1.2, []: 795-858
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Mann, Horace K.
The lives of the popes in the early middle ages; 10: 1159-1198
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Mann, Horace K.
The lives of the popes in the early middle ages; 8: 1099-1130
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Mann, Horace K.
The lives of the popes in the early middle ages : Innocent II. to blessed Benedict XI., 1130 - 1305; [7], A: The popes at the height of their temporal influence, [5]: The popes and the Hohenstaufen, 1130 - 1271, Alexander IV. to Gregory X., 1254 - …
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Mann, Horace K.
The lives of the popes in the early middle ages; 14: 1243 - 1254
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Mann, Horace K.
The lives of the popes in the early middle ages : Innocent II. to blessed Benedict XI., 1130 - 1305; [3], A: The popes at the height of their temporal influence, [1]: The popes and the Hohenstaufen, 1130 - 1271, Innocent III., 1198 - 1216
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Mann, Horace K.
The lives of the popes in the early middle ages : Leo III to Formosus; 785-891; 2.3: The popes during the Carolingian empire, 1.2, []: 858-891
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Mann, Horace K.
The lives of the popes in the early middle ages; 13: 1198-1216
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Mann, Horace K.
The lives of the popes in the early middle ages; 6: 1049-1073
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Mann, Horace K.
The lives of the popes in the early middle ages
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Mann, Horace K.
The lives of the popes in the early Middle Ages : St Gregory I. 〈The Great〉 to Leo III., 590-795; 1,1: The popes under the Lombard rule, Vol. 1: 590-657, Pt. 1
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Mann, Horace K.
The lives of the popes in the early Middle Ages; 15: Alexander IV. to Gregory X., 1254 - 1276
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Mann, Horace K.
The lives of the popes in the early Middle Ages : Leo III. to Formosus, 795-891; 3: The popes during the Carolingian Empire, Vol. 3
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Mann, Horace K.
The lives of the popes in the early Middle Ages : Formosus to Damasus II; 4: The popes in the days of the feudal anarchy, Vol. 4: 891-999
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Mann, Horace K.
The lives of the popes in the early Middle Ages; 14: Innocent IV., The Magnificent, 1243 - 1254
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Mann, Horace K.
The lives of the popes in the early Middle Ages : Innocent II. to Blessed Benedict XI., 1130-1350; 9: The popes at the height of their temporal influence, Vol. 9: 1130-1159
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Mann, Horace K.
The lives of the popes in the early Middle Ages; 16: Innocent V. to Honorius IV., 1276 - 1287
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Mann, Horace K.
The lives of the popes in the early Middle Ages; 13: Honorius III. to Celestine IV, 1216 - 1241
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Mann, Horace K.
The lives of the popes in the early Middle Ages; 17: Nicholas IV. to St. Celestine V., 1288 - 1294
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Mann, Horace K.
The lives of the popes in the early Middle Ages; 18: Boniface VIII. to Bl. Benedict XI., 1294 - 1304
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Mann, Horace K.
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Verbundkatalog GBV
Treffer insgesamt: 50
Benötigte Zeit: 0.847 Sekunden
The lives of the popes ... ; 15 ; Alexander IV. to Gregory X., 1254 - 1276 / Mann, Horace K. *1859-1928*; Hollnsteiner, Johannes *1895-1971* - Reprint, London Paul Kegan, Trench, Trubner. - Nendeln : Kaus, 1969
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The lives of the popes ... ; 16 ; Innocent V. to Honorius IV., 1276 - 1287 / Mann, Horace K. *1859-1928*; Hollnsteiner, Johannes *1895-1971* - Reprint, London Paul Kegan, Trench, Trubner. - Nendeln : Kaus, 1968
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The lives of the popes ... ; 18 ; Boniface VIII. to Bl. Benedict XI., 1294 - 1304 / Mann, Horace K. *1859-1928*; Hollnsteiner, Johannes *1895-1971* - Reprint, London Paul Kegan, Trench, Trubner. - Nendeln : Kaus, 1966
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The lives of the popes ... ; 17 ; Nicholas IV. to St. Celestine V., 1288 - 1294 / Mann, Horace K. *1859-1928*; Hollnsteiner, Johannes *1895-1971* - Reprint, London Paul Kegan, Trench, Trubner. - Nendeln : Kaus, 1966
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The lives of the popes ... ; Vol. 18 ; Boniface VIII. to Bl. Benedict XI., 1294 - 1304 / Mann, Horace K. *1859-1928* - Repr. [der Ausg.] London, Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, 1932. - Nendeln, Liechtenstein : Kraus, 1966
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The lives of the popes ... ; 12 ; Innocent III., 1198 - 1216 / Mann, Horace K. - Reprint, London Paul Kegan, Trench, Trubner. - Nendeln : Kaus, 1964
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The lives of the popes ... ; 5 ; 999-1048 / Mann, Horace K.; Damasus, II.
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The lives of the popes ... ; 2 ; 795-858 / Mann, Horace K. - Nendeln : Kraus, 1964
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The lives of the popes ... ; 1,2 ; 657-795 / Mann, Horace K.; Gregor, I.
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The lives of the popes ... ; 14 ; Innocent IV., The Magnificent, 1243 - 1254 / Mann, Horace K. *1859-1928*; Hollnsteiner, Johannes *1895-1971* - Reprint, London Paul Kegan, Trench, Trubner. - Nendeln : Kaus, 1964
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SWB, Südwestdeutscher Bibliotheksverbund
Treffer insgesamt: 44
Benötigte Zeit: 0.943 Sekunden
Tombs and portraits of the popes of the middle ages / Mann, Horace K.. - [Nachdruck der Ausgabe] London, 1928. - Whitefish, Mont. : Kessinger Publishing, [2003] /
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The lives of the popes in the early middle ages / Vol. 1, Pt. 1 : The popes under the Lombard rule. St. Gregory I. (The Great) to Leo III. : 590 - 795 ; Pt. 1: 590 - 657 / / Mann, Horace Kinder. - 2. ed., repr.. - London : Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, 1976
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The lives of the popes in the early middle ages / Vol. 15 : The popes at the height of their temporal influence. Innocent II to Blessed Benedict XI. : 1130 - 1305 ; The popes and the Hohenstaufen, 1130 - 1271: Alexandre IV. to Gregory X., 1254 - 1276 / / Mann, Horace Kinder. - Nendeln : Kraus, 1969
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The lives of the popes in the early middle ages / Vol. 16 : The popes at the height of their temporal influence. Innocent II to Blessed Benedict XI. : 1130 - 1305: Innocent V. to Honorius IV., 1276 - 1287 / / Mann, Horace Kinder. - Reprint of the ed. 1932.. - London : Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, 1968
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The lives of the popes in the early middle ages / Vol. 18 : The popes at the height of their temporal influence. Innocent II to Blessed Benedict XI. : 1130 - 1305: Boniface VIII to Bl. Benedict XI, 1294 - 1304 / / Mann, Horace Kinder. - Reprint of the ed. 1932.. - London : Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, 1966
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The lives of the popes in the early middle ages / Vol. 17 : The popes at the height of their temporal influence. Innocent II to Blessed Benedict XI. : 1130 - 1305: Nicholas IV. to S. Celestine V., 1288 - 1294 / / Mann, Horace Kinder. - Reprint of the ed. 1931.. - London : Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, 1966
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The lives of the popes in the early middle ages / Vol. 14 : The popes at the height of their temporal influence. Innocent II to Blessed Benedict XI. : 1130 - 1305 ; The popes and the Hohenstaufen, 1130 - 1271: Innocent IV., the Magnificent, 1243 - 1254 / / Mann, Horace Kinder. - Reprint of the ed. 1925.. - London : Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, 1964
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The lives of the popes in the early middle ages / Vol. 13 : The popes at the height of their temporal influence. Innocent II to Blessed Benedict XI. : 1130 - 1305 ; The popes and the Hohenstaufen, 1130 - 1271: Honorious III. to Celestine IV., 1216 - 1241 / / Mann, Horace Kinder. - Reprint of the ed. 1925.. - London : Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, 1964
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The lives of the popes in the early middle ages / Vol. 18 : The popes at the height of their temporal influence. Innocent II to Blessed Benedict XI. : 1130 - 1305: Boniface VIII to Bl. Benedict XI, 1294 - 1304 / / Mann, Horace Kinder. - London : Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, 1932
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The lives of the popes in the early middle ages / Vol. 16 : The popes at the height of their temporal influence. Innocent II to Blessed Benedict XI. : 1130 - 1305: Innocent V. to Honorius IV., 1276 - 1287 / / Mann, Horace Kinder. - London : Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner, 1932
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Verbundkatalog hebis, Hessen
Treffer insgesamt: 4
Benötigte Zeit: 2.617 Sekunden
The lives of the popes in the early middle ages ; Vol. 2, The popes during the Carolingian empire : Leo III to Formosus, 795-891 / / Mann, Horace K.. - Second edition - London : Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., ltd., 1925
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The lives of the popes in the early middle ages. Vol. 1, The popes under the Lombard rule ; Part 2, 657-795 / / Mann, Horace K.. - Second edition - London : Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., ltd., 1925
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The lives of the popes in the early middle ages. Vol. 1, The popes under the Lombard rule ; Part 1, 590-657 / / Mann, Horace K.. - Second edition - London : Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., ltd., 1925
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The lives of the popes in the early middle ages / / Mann, Horace K.. - London : Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner & Co., ltd., 1925
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