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Chapter Ineguaglianze economiche. Le certezze e le incertezze
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Malanima, Paolo
Chapter Ineguaglianze economiche. Le certezze e le incertezze
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Malanima, Paolo
Pre-modern European economy
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Malanima, Paolo
Pre-modern European economy : one thousand years (10th - 19th centuries)
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Malanima, Paolo
Deutsche Nationalbibliothek
Treffer insgesamt: 2
Benötigte Zeit: 0.364 Sekunden
From Malthus' Stagnation to Sustained Growth : Social, Demographic and Economic Factors
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Chiarini, B. Herausgeber]
Europäische Wirtschaftsgeschichte : 10. - 19. Jahrhundert / Paolo Malanima. [Übers. von Georg Hauptfeld]
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Malanima, Paolo [Verfasser]
Die Österreichischen Landesbibliotheken
Treffer insgesamt: 3
Benötigte Zeit: 0.412 Sekunden
Malanima, Paolo, 1950-: Europäische Wirtschaftsgeschichte / 2010 - ( UTB ; 3377) ( NÖLB )
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Malanima, Paolo: Europäische Wirtschaftsgeschichte / 2010 - ( UTB ; 3377 : Geschichte) ( LBE )
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Malanima, Paolo: Europäische Wirtschaftsgeschichte / 2010 - ( UTB - M[edium] ; 3377) ( WStLA )
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Suchmaschine des Österreichischen Bibliothekenverbundes
Treffer insgesamt: 21
Benötigte Zeit: 0.485 Sekunden
A Declining Economy: Central and Northern Italy in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries
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Malanima, Paolo [VerfasserIn]
Energy and Population in Europe – The Medieval Growth
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Malanima, Paolo [VerfasserIn]
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Malanima, Paolo [VerfasserIn]
Energy Consumption in Italy in the 19th and 20th Centuries : a statistical outline
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Malanima, Paolo [VerfasserIn]
Energy, Power and Growth in the High Middle Ages
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Malanima, Paolo [VerfasserIn]
Wages: Ancient, Medieval, Modern
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Malanima, Paolo [VerfasserIn]
Uomini, risorse, tecniche nell'economia europea dal X al XIX secolo
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Malanima, Paolo [VerfasserIn]
Energy systems in agrarian societies : the European deviation
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Malanima, Paolo [VerfasserIn]
Pre-modern European economy : one thousend years (10th - 19th centuries)
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Malanima, Paolo [VerfasserIn]
The economic consequences of the Black Death
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Malanima, Paolo [VerfasserIn]
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Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin
Treffer insgesamt: 13
Benötigte Zeit: 0.574 Sekunden
L'ambiente fra diritto ed economia / Malanima, Paolo. - Soveria Mannelli (Catanzaro) : Rubbettino, 2023
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The economy of renaissance Italy / Malanima, Paolo *1950-*. - London : Routledge, 2022
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Chapter Ineguaglianze economiche. Le certezze e le incertezze / Malanima, Paolo. - Florence : Firenze University Press, 2020
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Power to the people : energy in Europe over the last five centuries / Kander, Astrid *1962-*. - Princeton : Princeton University Press, 2013
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Power to the people : energy in Europe over the last five centuries / Kander, Astrid *1962-*. - Princeton, NJ [u.a.] : Princeton Univ. Press, c 2013
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From Malthus Stagnation to Sustained Growth : Social, Demographic and Economic Factors / Chiarini, Bruno *1956-*. - London : Palgrave Macmillan, 2012
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Europäische Wirtschaftsgeschichte : 10. - 19. Jahrhundert / Malanima, Paolo *1950-*. - Wien : Böhlau, 2010
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Pre-modern European economy : one thousand years (10th - 19th centuries) / Malanima, Paolo *1950-*. - Leiden [u.a.] : Brill, 2009
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Energy consumption in Italy in the 19th and 20th centuries : a statistical outline / Malanima, Paolo *1950-*. - [Neapel] : Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche [u.a.], 2006
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Il lusso dei contadini : consumi e industrie nelle campagne toscane del Sei e Settecento / Malanima, Paolo. - Bologna : Il Mulino, 1990
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HBZ, NRW-Verbundkatalog via GVI
Treffer insgesamt: 18
Benötigte Zeit: 0.739 Sekunden
Europäische Wirtschaftsgeschichte ; 10. - 19. Jahrhundert / Malanima, Paolo / 2010
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<<La>> decadenza di un'economia cittadina ; l'industria di Firenze nei secoli XVI - XVIII / Malanima, Paolo / 1982
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<<I>> Riccardi di Firenze ; una famiglia e un patrimonio nella Toscana dei Medici / Malanima, Paolo / 1977
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Chapter Ineguaglianze economiche. Le certezze e le incertezze ; Firenze University Press / Malanima, Paolo / 2020
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Europäische Wirtschaftsgeschichte ; 10. - 19. Jahrhundert / Malanima, Paolo / 2010
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Europäische Wirtschaftsgeschichte ; 10. - 19. Jahrhundert / Malanima, Paolo / 2010
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<<I>> piedi di legno ; una macchina alle origini dell'industria medievale / Malanima, Paolo / 1988
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<<La>> fine del primato ; crisi e riconversione nell'Italia del Seicento / Malanima, Paolo / 1998
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The Economy of Renaissance Italy ; Routledge / Malanima, Paolo / 2022-05-11
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Europäische Wirtschaftsgeschichte: 10.-19. Jahrhundert / Paolo Malanima ; Böhlau / Malanima, Paolo / 2010
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<<L'>> economia italiana ; dalla crescita medievale alla crescita contemporanea / Malanima, Paolo / 2002
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Europäische Wirtschaftsgeschichte ; 10. - 19. Jahrhundert / Malanima, Paolo / NRW
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Pre modern European economy ; one thousand years (10th - 19th centuries) / Malanima, Paolo / 2009
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<<Il>> lusso dei contadini ; consumi e industrie nelle campagne toscane dei Sei e Settecento / Malanima, Paolo / 1990
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From Malthus’ Stagnation to Sustained Growth ; Social, Demographic and Economic Factors / 2012
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Power to the people ; energy in Europe over the last five centuries / 2013
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Power to the people ; energy in Europe over the last five centuries / Kander, Astrid / [2013]
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Power to the People ; Energy in Europe over the Last Five Centuries / Kander, Astrid / [2014]
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Österreichische Nationalbibliothek
Treffer insgesamt: 10
Benötigte Zeit: 0.561 Sekunden
Wages: Ancient, Medieval, Modern
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Malanima, Paolo , VerfasserIn:
Energy, Power and Growth in the High Middle Ages
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Malanima, Paolo , VerfasserIn: Malanima, Paolo
Energy and Population in Europe – The Medieval Growth
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Malanima, Paolo , VerfasserIn: Malanima, Paolo
Power to the people : energy in Europe over the last five centuries
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Kander, Astrid , VerfasserIn: Kander, Astrid
The economic consequences of the Black Death
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Malanima, Paolo , VerfasserIn: Malanima, Paolo
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Malanima, Paolo , VerfasserIn: Malanima, Paolo
Decline or Growth? European Towns and Rural Economies, 1300–1600
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Malanima, Paolo , VerfasserIn: Malanima, Paolo
Europäische Wirtschaftsgeschichte : 10. - 19. Jahrhundert
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Malanima, Paolo, 1950- , VerfasserIn: Malanima, PaoloX
Wachstum und Reife Die Arbeitsproduktivität in den traditionellen Agrargesellschaften
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Malanima, Paolo , VerfasserIn: Malanima, Paolo
A Declining Economy: Central and Northern Italy in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries
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Malanima, Paolo , VerfasserIn: Malanima, Paolo
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Verbundkatalog Öffentlicher Bibliotheken
Treffer insgesamt: 1
Benötigte Zeit: 0.734 Sekunden
Europäische Wirtschaftsgeschichte : 10.-19. Jahrhundert / Malanima, Paolo - Paderborn [u.a.] : Ferdinand Schöningh, 2010
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SWB, Südwestdeutscher Bibliotheksverbund
Treffer insgesamt: 29
Benötigte Zeit: 0.824 Sekunden
International Inequality in Energy Use and in GHG Emissions (1820-2020) / / Malanima, Paolo. - [S.l.] : SSRN, [2023]
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The economy of renaissance Italy / / Malanima, Paolo. - London : Routledge, 2022
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The Economy of Renaissance Italy / / Malanima, Paolo. - Milton : Taylor & Francis Group, 2022
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The economy of Renaissance Italy / Malanima, Paolo. - London : Routledge, 2022 /
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Chapter Ineguaglianze economiche. Le certezze e le incertezze / / Malanima, Paolo. - Florence : Firenze University Press, 2020
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Chapter Ineguaglianze economiche. Le certezze e le incertezze / / Malanima, Paolo. - Florence : Firenze University Press, 2020
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Power to the people : energy in Europe over the last five centuries / Kander, Astrid. - paperback. - Princeton : Princeton University Press, 2015 /
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Power to the People : Energy in Europe over the Last Five Centuries / / Kander, Astrid. - Princeton : Princeton University Press, 2014 [Original: 2014]
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Power to the people : energy in Europe over the last five centuries / / Kander, Astrid. - Princeton : Princeton University Press, [2013]
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From Malthus' stagnation to sustained growth : social, demographic and economic factors / / Chiarini, Bruno ; Malanima, Paolo ; Piga, Gustavo. - 1. publ.. Online-Ausg.. - Basingstoke, Hampshire [u.a.] : Palgrave Macmillan, 2013
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BVB - BibliotheksVerbund Bayern Solr-Zugang
Treffer insgesamt: 31
Benötigte Zeit: 0.940 Sekunden
From Malthus' stagnation to sustained growth ; social, demographic and economic factors / 2012
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Ineguaglianze economiche. Le certezze e le incertezze ; txt / Malanima, Paolo / 2020
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Europäische Wirtschaftsgeschichte ; 10. - 19. Jahrhundert / Malanima, Paolo / 2010
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Power to the people ; energy in europe over the last five centuries / Kander, Astrid / 2013
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Power to the people ; energy in Europe over the last five centuries / Kander, Astrid / 2013
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I Riccardi di Firenze ; una famiglia e un patrimonio nella Toscana dei Medici / Malanima, Paolo / 1977
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Pre-modern European economy ; one thousand years (10th - 19th centuries) / Malanima, Paolo / 2009
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La decadenza di un'economia cittadina ; l'industria di Firenze nei secoli XVI - XVIII / Malanima, Paolo / 1982
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The economy of Renaissance Italy ; Routledge / Malanima, Paolo / 2022
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Pre-modern European economy ; one thousand years (10th - 19th centuries) / Malanima, Paolo / 2009
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The economy of Renaissance Italy ; Routledge / Malanima, Paolo / 2022
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Le energie degli italiani ; due secoli di storia / Malanima, Paolo / 2013
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Il Mezzogiorno prima dell'unità ; fonti, dati, storiografia / 2013
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I Riccardi di Firenze ; txt / Malanima, Paolo / 1977
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I piedi di legno ; una macchina alle origini dell'industria medievale / Malanima, Paolo / 1988
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Energia e crescita nellÉuropa preindustriale ; La vuova Italia scientifica / Malanima, Paolo / 1996
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Economia preindustriale ; mille anni: dal IX al XVIII secolo / Malanima, Paolo / 1997
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Il lusso dei contadini ; consumi e industrie nelle campagne toscane del Sei e Settecento / Malanima, Paolo / 1990
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La fine del primato ; crisi e riconversione nell'Italia del Seicento / Malanima, Paolo / 1998
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L' economia italiana ; dalla crescita medievale alla crescita contemporanea / Malanima, Paolo / 2002
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KOBV Berlin-Brandenburg
Treffer insgesamt: 26
Benötigte Zeit: 0.992 Sekunden
Europäische Wirtschaftsgeschichte : 10. - 19. Jahrhundert
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Malanima, Paolo
Power to the people : energy in europe over the last five centuries
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Kander, Astrid
From Malthus' stagnation to sustained growth : social, demographic and economic factors
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I Riccardi di Firenze : una famiglia e un patrimonio nella Toscana dei Medici
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Malanima, Paolo
Power to the people : energy in Europe over the last five centuries
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Kander, Astrid.
Chapter Ineguaglianze economiche. Le certezze e le incertezze
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Malanima, Paolo
Pre-modern European economy : one thousand years (10th-19th centuries)
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Malanima, Paolo.
Europäische Wirtschaftsgeschichte : 10. - 19. Jahrhundert
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Malanima, Paolo
Europäische Wirtschaftsgeschichte : 10. - 19. Jahrhundert
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Malanima, Paolo
Il lusso dei contadini : consumi e industrie nelle campagne toscane del Sei e Settecento
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Malanima, Paolo
Energy consumption in Italy in the 19th and 20th centuries : a statistical outline
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Malanima, Paolo
L' economia italiana nell'età moderna
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Malanima, Paolo
La decadenza di un' economia cittadina : l'industria di Firenze nei secoli XVI - XVIII
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Malanima, Paolo
Pre-modern European economy : one thousand years (10th-19th centuries)
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Malanima, Paolo.
Pre-modern European economy : one thousand years (10th-19th centuries)
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Malanima, Paolo.
Europäische Wirtschaftsgeschichte : 10. - 19. Jahrhundert
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Malanima, Paolo
Power to the People : Energy in Europe over the Last Five Centuries
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Kander, Astrid,
L'ambiente fra diritto ed economia
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Ineguaglianze economiche. Le certezze e le incertezze
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Malanima, Paolo
The economy of renaissance Italy
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Malanima, Paolo
Pre-modern European economy : one thousand years (10th - 19th centuries)
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Malanima, Paolo
The economy of Renaissance Italy /
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Malanima, Paolo,
Power to the people : energy in Europe over the last five centuries
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Kander, Astrid
Europäische Wirtschaftsgeschichte : 10. - 19. Jahrhundert
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Malanima, Paolo,
From Malthus’ Stagnation to Sustained Growth : Social, Demographic and Economic Factors
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Energy Consumption in the Roman World
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Malanima, Paolo
Verbundkatalog GBV
Treffer insgesamt: 53
Benötigte Zeit: 1.022 Sekunden
L'ambiente fra diritto ed economia / Malanima, Paolo; Quagliarotti, Desirée A. L. - Soveria Mannelli (Catanzaro) : Rubbettino, 2023
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International Inequality in Energy Use and in GHG Emissions (1820-2020) / Malanima, Paolo - [S.l.] : SSRN, [2023]
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The economy of renaissance Italy / Malanima, Paolo - London : Routledge, 2022
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The Economy of Renaissance Italy / Malanima, Paolo - Milton : Taylor & Francis Group, 2022
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The economy of Renaissance Italy / Malanima, Paolo - London : Routledge, 2022
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Energy, productivity and structural growth : the last two centuries / Malanima, Paolo - In: Structural change and economic dynamics, Bd. 58 (2021), S. 54-65
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Chapter Ineguaglianze economiche. Le certezze e le incertezze / Malanima, Paolo - Florence : Firenze University Press, 2020
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Chapter Ineguaglianze economiche. Le certezze e le incertezze / Malanima, Paolo - Florence : Firenze University Press, 2020
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Modelling the relationship between energy intensity and GDP for European countries : an historical perspective (1800–2000) / Agovino, Massimiliano; Bartoletto, Silvana - In: Energy economics, Bd. 82 (2019), S. 114-134
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Trends in mediterranean inequalities 1950-2015 / Daniele, Vittorio; Malanima, Paolo - In: Panoeconomicus, Bd. 66 (2019), 4, S. 385-410
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Verbundkatalog hebis, Hessen
Treffer insgesamt: 15
Benötigte Zeit: 1.726 Sekunden
The economy of Renaissance Italy / / Malanima, Paolo. - London : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2022
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Chapter Ineguaglianze economiche. Le certezze e le incertezze / / Malanima, Paolo. - Florence : Firenze University Press, 2020
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Ineguaglianze economiche. Le certezze e le incertezze / / Malanima, Paolo. - [Erscheinungsort nicht ermittelbar] : Firenze University Press, 2020
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Power to the People : Energy in Europe over the Last Five Centuries / / Kander, Astrid. - Princeton : Princeton University Press, 2014
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Power to the people : energy in Europe over the last five centuries / / Kander, Astrid. - Princeton, NJ : Princeton University Press, 2013
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Power to the people : energy in Europe over the last five centuries / / Kander, Astrid. - Princeton, New Jersey : Princeton University Press, 2013
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Power to the people : energy in Europe over the last five centuries / / Kander, Astrid. - Princeton [u.a.] : Princeton Univ. Press, 2013
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From Malthus’ Stagnation to Sustained Growth : Social, Demographic and Economic Factors / / Chiarini, Bruno. - London : Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2012
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Europäische Wirtschaftsgeschichte : 10. - 19. Jahrhundert / / Malanima, Paolo. - Wien : Böhlau, 2010
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Pre-modern European economy : one thousand years (10th-19th centuries) / / Malanima, Paolo. - Leiden [u.a.] : Brill, 2009
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Angezeigte Treffer: 134
Benötigte Gesamtzeit: 1.764 Sekunden
Ihre Suchanfrage war:
: Malanima, Paolo
19 Kataloge wurden ausgewählt.
6 davon konnte(n) nicht (oder nicht vollständig) berücksichtigt werden bzw. lieferten keine Treffer:
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Westschweizer Bibliotheksverbund
Problem während der Verbindung.
Die Auswertung der Katalog-Antwort erbrachte kein Ergebnis.
IDS Basel/Bern
Die Auswertung der Katalog-Antwort erbrachte kein Ergebnis.
Schweizerische Nationalbibliothek Bern Helveticat
Keine Datensätze gefunden.
hebis-Retro / Digitalisierte Zettelkataloge
Keine Datensätze gefunden.
Ein Katalog wird unter anderem dann nicht berücksichtigt, wenn er nicht innerhalb des Timeouts antwortet (30 Sekunden).
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