Neue Suche
Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin
Treffer insgesamt: 17
Benötigte Zeit: 0.125 Sekunden
White Field, black seeds: Nordic literacy practices in the long nineteenth century / Kuismin, Anna *1950-*. - Helsinki, Finland : Finnish Literature Society / SKS, 2013
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Care and conservation of manuscripts 13 : proceedings of the thirteenth international seminar held at the University of Copenhagen, 13th - 15th April 2011 ; [13th International Seminar on the Care and Conservation of Manuscripts] / Driscoll, Matthew James *1954-*. - Copenhagen : Museum Tusculanum Press, 2012
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Care and conservation of manuscripts 12 : proceedings of the twelfth international seminar held at the University of Copenhagen, 14th - 16th October 2009 ; [12th International Seminar on the Care and Conservation of Manuscripts] / Driscoll, Matthew James *1954-*. - Copenhagen : Museum Tusculanum Press, 2011
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Care and conservation of manuscripts 11 : proceedings of the eleventh international seminar held at the University of Copenhagen, 24th - 25th April 2008 ; [11th International Seminar on the Care and Conservation of Manuscripts] / Driscoll, Matthew James *1954-*. - Copenhagen : Museum Tusculanum Press, 2009
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Fjórar sögur frá hendi Jóns Oddssonar Hjaltalín / Jón Hjaltalín *1749-1835*. - Reykjavík : Stofnun Árna Magnússonar á Íslandi, 2006
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The unwashed children of Eve : the production, dissemination and reception of popular literature in post-Reformation Iceland / Driscoll, Matthew James *1954-*. - Enfield Lock, Middlesex, UK : Hisarlik Press, 1997
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Sigurðar saga þogla : the shorter redaction / Driscoll, Matthew James *1954-*. - Reykjavík : Stofnun Árna Magnússonar á Íslandi, 1992
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