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Treffer insgesamt: 1
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Education and society in the Middle Ages and Renaissance ( StKrms )
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Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin
Treffer insgesamt: 3
Benötigte Zeit: 0.554 Sekunden
Books and bookmen in early modern Britain : essays presented to James P. Carley / Willoughby, James *1972-*. - Toronto, Ontario : Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies, [2018]
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Oriel College : a history / Catto, Jeremy *1939-2018*. - 1. ed. - Oxford : Oxford Univ. Press, 2013
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Wyclif & his followers : an exhibition to mark the 600th anniversary of the death of John Wyclif ; December 1984 to April 1985 Bodleian Library / Catto, Jeremy *1939-2018*. - Oxford : Bodleian Library, 1984
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KOBV Berlin-Brandenburg
Treffer insgesamt: 3
Benötigte Zeit: 0.616 Sekunden
Wyclif & his followers : an exhibition to mark the 600th anniversary of the death of John Wyclif ; December 1984 to April 1985 Bodleian Library
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Oriel College : a history
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From the vulgate to the vernacular : four debates on an English question c. 1400
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Verbundkatalog GBV
Treffer insgesamt: 9
Benötigte Zeit: 0.773 Sekunden
From the vulgate to the vernacular : four debates on an English question c. 1400 / Solopova, Elizabeth; Catto, Jeremy - Toronto, Ontario, Canada : Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, [2020]
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John Stevens and the Gesta Henrici Quinti / Catto, Jeremy - In: Books and bookmen in early modern Britain (2018), S. 1-16
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Books and bookmen in early modern Britain : essays presented to James P. Carley / Willoughby, James; Catto, Jeremy - Toronto, Ontario : Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies, [2018]
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Oriel College : a history / Catto, Jeremy *1939-2018* - 1. ed. - Oxford : Oxford Univ. Press, 2013
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Statesmen and Contemplatives in the Early Fifteenth Century / Catto, Jeremy - In: Studies in Carthusian monasticism in the late middle ages (2008), 1, S. 107-114
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Fellows and helpers : the religious identity of the followers of Wyclif / Catto, Jeremy *1939-2018* - In: The medieval church (1999), S. 141-161
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Unarmed soldiery : studies in the early history of All Souls College ; the Chichele lectures, 1993-1994 / Catto, Jeremy I. - Oxford : All Souls College, 1996
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Wyclif & his followers : an exhibition to mark the 600th anniversary of the death of John Wyclif ; December 1984 to April 1985 Bodleian Library / Catto, Jeremy *1939-2018*; Wyclif, Johannes - Oxford : Bodleian Library, 1984
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Ideas and experience in the political thought of Aquinas / Catto, Jeremy *1939-2018* - In: Past & present (1976), 71, S. 3-21
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BVB - BibliotheksVerbund Bayern Solr-Zugang
Treffer insgesamt: 11
Benötigte Zeit: 1.268 Sekunden
From the vulgate to the vernacular ; four debates on an English question c. 1400 / 2020
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Andrew Horn ; law and history in fourteenth-century England / Catto, Jeremy I. / 1981
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The king's servants ; txt / Catto, Jeremy I. / 1985
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New Light on Thomas Docking O. F. M. ; txt / Catto, Jeremy I. / 1968
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An alleged Great Council of 1374 ; txt / Catto, Jeremy I. / 1967
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Sir William Beauchamp between chivalry and Lollardy ; txt / Catto, Jeremy I. / 1990
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Masters, Patrons and the Careers of Graduates in Fifteenth-Century England ; txt / Catto, Jeremy I. / 2000
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Religious change under Henry V. ; txt / Catto, Jeremy I. / 1985
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John Wyclif and the cult of the Eucharist ; txt / Catto, Jeremy I. / 1985
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The History of the University of Oxford ; Clarendon Press / 1986
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The History of the University of Oxford ; Clarendon Press / 1992
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SWB, Südwestdeutscher Bibliotheksverbund
Treffer insgesamt: 13
Benötigte Zeit: 1.623 Sekunden
From the vulgate to the vernacular : four debates on an English question c. 1400 / Solopova, Elizabeth [HerausgeberIn] ; Catto, Jeremy [HerausgeberIn] ; Hudson, Anne [HerausgeberIn]. - Toronto, Ontario, Canada : Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, [2020] / (Studies and texts;220) / (British writers of the Middle Ages and the early modern period;7) /
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Books and bookmen in early modern Britain : essays presented to James P. Carley / Willoughby, James [HerausgeberIn] ; Catto, Jeremy [HerausgeberIn] ; Carley, James P. [GefeierteR]. - Toronto, Ontario : Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies, [2018] / (Papers in mediaeval studies;30) /
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The Wycliffite Bible : The Historical Context / / Catto, Jeremy. - In: The Wycliffite Bible. - Leiden : Brill. - 2017, S. 11-26
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Oriel College : a history / Catto, Jeremy [editor of compilation.]. - 1. ed.. - Oxford : Oxford Univ. Press, 2013 /
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After Arundel : The Closing or the Opening of the English Mind? / / Catto, Jeremy. - In: After Arundel. - Turnhout : Brepols. - 2011, S. 43-54
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1349-1412: culture and history / / Catto, Jeremy. - In: The Cambridge companion to Medieval English mysticism. - Cambridge [u.a.] : Cambridge University Press. - 2011, S. 113-132
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The philosophical context of the Renaissance interpretation of the Bible / / Catto, Jeremy. - In: Hebrew Bible/Old Testament. - Göttingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. - 2008, S. 106-122
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Statesmen and Contemplatives in the Early Fifteenth Century / / Catto, Jeremy. - In: Studies in Carthusian monasticism in the late middle ages. - Turnhout : Brepols. - 2008, 1, S. 107-114
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Thomas Moston and the teaching of Wyclif's logic in Oxford, c. 1410 / / Catto, Jeremy. - In: Text and controversy from Wyclif to Bale. - Turnhout : Brepols. - 2005, S. 119-130
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Franciscan learning in England, 1450-1540 / / Catto, Jeremy. - In: The religious orders in pre-Reformation England. - Woodbridge [u.a.] : Boydell & Brewer. - 2002, S. 97-104
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