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HBZ, NRW-Verbundkatalog via GVI
Treffer insgesamt: 2
Benötigte Zeit: 0.401 Sekunden
Costantino e le sfide del cristianesimo ; tracce per una difficile ricerca / 2013
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Carthage, Constantinople and Rome ; imperial and papal interventions in the life of the church in Byzantine Africa (533-698) / Adamiak, Stanisław / [2016]
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Deutsche Nationalbibliothek
Treffer insgesamt: 5
Benötigte Zeit: 0.435 Sekunden
The Prohibition of Suicide and Its Theological Rationale in Catholic Moral and Canonical Tradition: Origins and Development / by Stanisław Adamiak, Jan Dohnalik
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Adamiak, Stanisław [Verfasser]
Anisotropy of Selected Mechanical Properties of PbTe
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Adamiak, Stanisław [Verfasser]
Die Kunstschätze des Klosters Jasna Góra / Janusz St. Pasierb ... [Fotos: Jan Michlewski; Janusz Rosikoń. Übertr. aus d. Poln.: Josef Adamiak u. Siegfried Schmidt]
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Pasierb, Janusz St. [Mitwirkender]
Die Kunstschätze des Klosters Jasna Góra / Janusz St. Pasierb ... [Fotos: Jan Michlewski ; Janusz Rosikoń. Übertr. aus d. Poln.: Josef Adamiak u. Siegfried Schmidt]
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Pasierb, Janusz St. [Mitwirkender]
Light-Curing Volumetric Shrinkage in Dimethacrylate-Based Dental Composites by Nanoindentation and PAL Study / by Olha Shpotyuk, Stanislaw Adamiak, Elvira Bezvushko, Jozef Cebulski, Maryana Iskiv, Oleh Shpotyuk, Valentina Balitska
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Shpotyuk, Olha [Verfasser]
Suchmaschine des Österreichischen Bibliothekenverbundes
Treffer insgesamt: 1
Benötigte Zeit: 0.419 Sekunden
Carthage, Constantinople and Rome : imperial and papal interventions in the life of the church in Byzantine Africa (533-698)
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Adamiak, Stanisław, 1980- [VerfasserIn]
BVB - BibliotheksVerbund Bayern Solr-Zugang
Treffer insgesamt: 6
Benötigte Zeit: 0.610 Sekunden
The uniquely African controversy ; studies on Donatist Christianity / 2015
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Carthage, Constantinople and Rome ; imperial and papal interventions in the life of the church in Byzantine Africa (533-698) / Adamiak, Stanisław / 2016
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Clergy in Late Antique Italy ; [Rezension von: Der Klerus des spätantiken Italiens im Spiegel epigraphischer Zeugnisse. Eine soziohistorische Studie / I. Mossong.- Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter, 2022] / Adamiak, Stanisław / 2024
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Costantino e le sfide del cristianesimo ; tracce per una difficile ricerca / 2013
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Tło społeczno-polityczne nauczania Św. Józefa Sebastiana Pelczara ; = Social and Political Background of the Teaching of St Josef Sebastian Pelczar / Adamiak, Stanisław / 2016
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La teologia romana dei secoli XIX e XX. Costantino tra la Chiesa trionfante e la Chiesa die poveri ; txt / Adamiak, Stanisław / 2013
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Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin
Treffer insgesamt: 2
Benötigte Zeit: 0.598 Sekunden
Carthage, Constantinople and Rome : imperial and papal interventions in the life of the Church in Byzantine Africa (533-698) / Adamiak, Stanislaw *1980-*. - Roma : G&BPress, Gregorian & Biblical Press, [2016]
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Costantino e le sfide del cristianesimo : tracce per una difficile ricerca / Adamiak, Stanislaw *1980-*. - Trapani : Il Pozzo di Giacobbe, [2013]
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KOBV Berlin-Brandenburg
Treffer insgesamt: 5
Benötigte Zeit: 0.708 Sekunden
Carthage, Constantinople and Rome : imperial and papal interventions in the life of the church in Byzantine Africa (533-698)
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Adamiak, Stanisław, 1980-,
Costantino e le sfide del cristianesimo : tracce per una difficile ricerca
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The uniquely African controversy : studies on Donatist Christianity
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Tło społeczno-polityczne nauczania Św. Józefa Sebastiana Pelczara : = Social and Political Background of the Teaching of St Josef Sebastian Pelczar
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Adamiak, Stanisław
Clergy in Late Antique Italy : [Rezension von: Der Klerus des spätantiken Italiens im Spiegel epigraphischer Zeugnisse. Eine soziohistorische Studie / I. Mossong.- Berlin; Boston: De Gruyter, 2022]
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Adamiak, Stanisław
SWB, Südwestdeutscher Bibliotheksverbund
Treffer insgesamt: 16
Benötigte Zeit: 0.799 Sekunden
The Prohibition of Suicide and Its Theological Rationale in Catholic Moral and Canonical Tradition : Origins and Development / / Adamiak, Stanisław. - In: Journal of religion and health. - New York, NY [u.a.] : Springer Science + Business Media B.V., ISSN 1573-6571. - Bd. 62 (2023), 6, S. 3820-3833
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Jesse A. Hoover : The Donatist Church in an Apocalyptic Age, Oxford Early Christian Studies, Oxford (Oxford University Press) 2018, 264 pp., ISBN 978-0-1988-2551-7, £ 70,–. / / Adamiak, Stanisław. - In: Zeitschrift für antikes Christentum. - Berlin [u.a] : de Gruyter, ISSN 1612-961X. - Bd. 24 (2020), 2, S. 422-424
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Priest/Presbyter / / Adamiak, Stanisław. - In: Brill Encyclopedia of Early Christianity Online. - Leiden : Brill, ISSN 2589-7993. - 2019
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I figli dei chierici nella legislazione dei concili occidentali nel IV e V secolo / / Adamiak, Stanisław. - In: Il bambino nelle fonti cristiane. - Roma : Institutum patristicum Augustinianum. - 2019, S. 219-226
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Unfriendly and polemical elements in Augustine's correspondence with other clerics / / Adamiak, Stanisław. - In: Zeitschrift für antikes Christentum. - Berlin : de Gruyter, ISSN 0949-9571. - Bd. 22 (2018), S. 110-124
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Unfriendly and polemical elements in Augustine’s correspondence with other clerics / / Adamiak, Stanisław. - In: Zeitschrift für antikes Christentum. - Berlin [u.a] : de Gruyter, ISSN 1612-961X. - Bd. 22 (2018), 1, S. 110-124
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Asking for Human Mercy : Augustine's Intercession with the Men in Power / / Adamiak, Stanisław. - In: Scrinium Augustini. - Turnhout : Brepols. - 2017, S. 19-40
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Il presule di Cartagine : Vescovo, arcivescovo, primate, patriarca? / / Adamiak, Stanisław. - In: Costellazioni geo-ecclesiali da Costantino a Giustiniano. - Roma : Institutum Patristicum Augustinianum. - 2017, S. 169-180
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Carthage, Constantinople and Rome : imperial and papal interventions in the life of the Church in Byzantine Africa (533-698) / Adamiak, Stanisław. - Roma : G&BPress, Gregorian & Biblical Press, [2016] / (Miscellanea historiae pontificiae;68) /
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When Did Donatist Christianity End? / / Adamiak, Stanisław. - In: The uniquely African controversy. - Leuven : Peeters. - 2015, S. 211-236
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Verbundkatalog GBV
Treffer insgesamt: 7
Benötigte Zeit: 0.858 Sekunden
The Prohibition of Suicide and Its Theological Rationale in Catholic Moral and Canonical Tradition : Origins and Development / Adamiak, Stanisław; Dohnalik, Jan - In: Journal of religion and health, Bd. 62 (2023), 6, S. 3820-3833
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Jesse A. Hoover : The Donatist Church in an Apocalyptic Age, Oxford Early Christian Studies, Oxford (Oxford University Press) 2018, 264 pp., ISBN 978-0-1988-2551-7, £ 70,–. / Adamiak, Stanisław - In: Zeitschrift für antikes Christentum, Bd. 24 (2020), 2, S. 422-424
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Priest/Presbyter / Adamiak, Stanisław - In: Brill Encyclopedia of Early Christianity Online (2019)
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Unfriendly and polemical elements in Augustine’s correspondence with other clerics / Adamiak, Stanisław *1980-* - In: Zeitschrift für antikes Christentum, Bd. 22 (2018), 1, S. 110-124
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Carthage, Constantinople and Rome : imperial and papal interventions in the life of the Church in Byzantine Africa (533-698) / Adamiak, Stanisław - Roma : G&BPress, Gregorian & Biblical Press, [2016]
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Catholic social teaching, sustainable development and social solidarism in the context of social security / Adamiak, Stanisław; Walczak, Damian - In: Copernican Journal of Finance & Accounting, Bd. 3 (2014), 1, S. 9-18
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Costantino e le sfide del cristianesimo : tracce per una difficile ricerca / Adamiak, Stanisław; Tanzarella, Sergio - Trapani : Il Pozzo di Giacobbe, [2013]
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Verbundkatalog hebis, Hessen
Treffer insgesamt: 2
Benötigte Zeit: 1.463 Sekunden
Carthage, Constantinople and Rome : imperial and papal interventions in the life of the church in Byzantine Africa (533-698) / / Adamiak, Stanisław. - Roma : G&BP, Gregorian & Biblical Press, [2016]
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The uniquely African controversy : studies on Donatist Christianity / / Dupont, Anthony. - Leuven u.a. : Peeters, 2015
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Angezeigte Treffer: 40
Benötigte Gesamtzeit: 1.502 Sekunden
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