Neue Suche
Total Number of Matches: 1
Time needed: 0.203 seconds
Total Number of Matches: 1
Time needed: 0.194 seconds
Total Number of Matches: 1
Time needed: 0.209 seconds
Total Number of Matches: 2
Time needed: 0.331 seconds
Total Number of Matches: 6
Time needed: 0.368 seconds
Total Number of Matches: 6
Time needed: 0.447 seconds
Total Number of Matches: 5
Time needed: 0.553 seconds
Total Number of Matches displayed (Single Matches excluded): 22
Total Time needed: 0.590 seconds
Your query was:
  • ISBN: 3-642-36348-2

12 Catalogs have been selected.
5 of them could not be successfully processed (or not completely) or no records could be found:
  • UNBEKANNT Catalog Configuration File not found or corrupted.
    Error during URL Adaption.
Besides other reasons, a Catalog cannot be successfully processed if it does not respond within the Timeout (30 seconds).